None in this topic yet!

Aurora Volume 23 Number 10

Employment Opportunities

Teaching Assistants, Master of Data Science, UBC

We have opened TA applications for the Master of Data Science (MDS) program for Term 2. This is a great opportunity to teach and learn more about data science and and machine learning. If you are interested in being a TA in the spring, please fill out this application form: You'll find a list of courses, and more info about them, embedded in this application form.

Aurora Volume 23 Number 8

Programs and Events

STS Colloquium - Nancy Tuana

Nancy Tuana is on campus next week - a visit sponsored by the Maurice Young Centre for Applied Ethics and co-hosted by the Philosophy Department and STS Program. She’ll be giving an STS colloquium on Thursday (27th) and a Philosophy colloquium on Friday (28th).

Graduate students are cordially invited to an informal coffee meeting with Nancy Tuana on Friday morning, 10:00-11:30 - to be hosted in the Philosophy Department. No RSVP necessary.


Aurora Volume 23 Number 7

Programs and Events

Update on UBC Strategic Plan Implementation

We are pleased to inform you of the progress that has been made to support the implementation of UBC’s strategic plan. The plan — Shaping UBC’s Next Century — was formally launched in the spring following a thorough consultation process involving thousands of members of the UBC community.

Aurora Volume 23 Number 6

Programs and Events

CERC Research Seminar - Ben Shneiderman

We would like to invite you to attend our upcoming CERC research seminar in September!

Date: September 11, 2018
Time: 11:00 AM

Title: Rethinking Research to Achieve Breakthrough Collaborations
Speaker: Dr. Ben Shneiderman, University of Maryland & Visiting Research Scholar of Peter Wall Institute
Location: CHBE 202 (room 202, 2360 East Mall, Vancouver)

*light lunch & coffee will be provided.

We look forward to see you there!

Aurora Volume 23 Number 5

Employment Opportunities

PhD Position, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK

The US Pacific Northwest (Washington and Oregon states) is one of the most biologically productive coastlines in the North Pacific, home to fish, seabirds, marine mammals, and human communities that all depend ultimately on the region’s intense phytoplankton blooms. At the same time, certain species of these phytoplankton (Pseudo-nitzschia spp.,) produce a potent neurotoxin (domoic acid) that builds up in shellfish and can kill humans and wildlife. The disruption to coastal economies can be intense.

Aurora Volume 23 Number 4

Employment Opportunities

Open Position for MSc Student in Limnogeology/Paleoclimate, University of Haifa

Applications are invited for an MSc position to participate in a research project at the Department of Marine Geosciences, University of Haifa, for the aim of studying: "High latitude climate and environmental reconstruction: an Alaskan perspective". In this research project, we aim to reconstruct Holocene environmental and climatic changes utilizing continuous lacustrine records from the Bering Land Bridge (west Alaska).

Aurora Volume 23 Number 3

Programs and Events

New Geoscience Mineral BC RFPs Announced

Geoscience BC has released six Requests for Proposals (RFPs) for new projects relating to our minerals focus area. You are encouraged to review these opportunities and share them with your network to generate new high quality and unbiased earth science research and data to be shared publicly for the benefit of all British Columbians.

Aurora Volume 23 Number 2

Employment Opportunities

Junior Geophysicist/Geophysicist, DMT Geosciences, Vancouver BC

DMT Geosciences is seeking a Junior Geophysicist/Geophysicist in Training to join our Vancouver team.

Your primary role will be data acquisition in the field of a variety of geophysical methods.  You will also be processing data and writing reports in the office under the supervision of Senior Geophysicists who will support you on your path towards becoming a Professional Geoscientist.


Aurora Volume 23 Number 1

Employment Opportunities

Full-Time Lecturer for SCIE 113 and Two Courses in One of: Botany, Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences; Physics & Astronomy, UBC

The Lecturer posting is now available in the UBC Faculty Careers website; Job ID# 30710.

Deadline: August 31, 2018