

Employment Opportunities

Junior Geophysicist/Geophysicist, DMT Geosciences, Vancouver BC

DMT Geosciences is seeking a Junior Geophysicist/Geophysicist in Training to join our Vancouver team.

Your primary role will be data acquisition in the field of a variety of geophysical methods.  You will also be processing data and writing reports in the office under the supervision of Senior Geophysicists who will support you on your path towards becoming a Professional Geoscientist.


  • A degree or diploma in Geophysics or Geoscience
  • Eligibility for registration as a Professional Geophysicist/Geoscientist in the province of employment or responsibility
  • English communication skills; both written and verbal
  • Ability to travel within Canada and internationally
  • Physical and mental fortitude to work in challenging environments.

Apply on our website: www. dmtgeosciences.ca

Full-Time Lecturer for SCIE 113 and Two Courses in One of: Botany, Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences; Physics & Astronomy, UBC

The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, invites applications for a full-time Lecturer position, which will be a joint appointment between the Faculty of Science and a home department in the Faculty of Science aligned with the successful candidate’s disciplinary expertise. The position will start 1 December 2018 and the initial appointment will be for 1 year.  The appointment may be renewed. 

The successful candidate will:

(1) teach two courses in their disciplinary home department, to be determined by that department. The disciplinary home department will be one of: Botany; Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences; Physics & Astronomy; Zoology.

(2) teach two sections of SCIE 113: First-Year Seminar in Science (https://science.ubc.ca/students/new/first/113) for UBC Vantage College, and

(3) coordinate the multiple sections of SCIE 113.

The First Year Seminar in Science (SCIE 113) is an established course in the Faculty of Science. SCIE 113 has an academic Director, who is responsible for the course curriculum. There are (currently) 8 sections of SCIE 113 in Winter Term 1 and another 12-14 sections in Winter Term 2.  Sections are taught by instructors from all departments across the Faculty of Science. Coordinating these teaching teams thus requires the Lecturer to provide service to faculty members from all departments in the Faculty of Science. Under the supervision of the SCIE 113 Director, the Lecturer will administer the course, hire TAs, conduct TA and instructor training, create, maintain and update course materials and teaching resources. The responsibilities also include annual reviews of the course design in the light of Course Goals and Learning Objectives, and collection of data to support evaluation of teaching and learning practices.

In Winter Term 2, 4-6 of the SCIE 113 sections are for students in UBC’s Vantage One Science program (http://vantagecollege.ubc.ca). The Lecturer will teach two of these sections, and will coordinate the Vantage sections in collaboration with the Chair of the Vantage One Science Program. The program offers first-year curriculum in a cohort program to academically strong international students whose English language proficiency does not yet meet the English language requirements for direct admission into UBC degrees. Students take courses in one of Vantage College’s four streams (Arts, Science, Engineering, or Management) before transferring into second year in their degree program. The primary goals of the Vantage College curriculum are: (1) to encourage students’ cultural, linguistic, and academic engagement in disciplinary communities and (2) to maximize students’ successful transition to Year Two in the Faculties of Arts, Science, Applied Science, or Management. In the Vantage One Science program, students take a coordinated curriculum that provides instruction in Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, and electives in computational and/or physical science, in addition to SCIE 113. Students’ learning is also supported by embedded language instruction and English for academic purposes courses. The successful candidate will be expected to collaborate with faculty in the Vantage One Science program on curriculum matters. For more information about the Vantage One Science program, please see https://vantagecollege.ubc.ca/science

The Lecturer posting is now available in the UBC Faculty Careers website; Job ID# 30710.

Deadline: August 31, 2018



Ray Rodway

We only recently learned the very sad news that our former colleague Ray Rodway died on April 28, 2017. His obituary is here:


A cornerstone of the Geology machine shop, Ray created many instruments in support research and teaching during his 40-year career at UBC.