Professor |
Physical oceanography, Coupled biological-chemical-physical ocean forecasting, Coastal Oceanography, rotating fluid dynamics |
Assistant Professor |
Groundwater-Surfacewater & Land Interaction, Watershed Management, Wetland, Forest Management, Hydrogeology |
Professor |
Groundwater contamination and remediation, Groundwater geochemistry, Groundwater hydrology |
Professor |
Biogeochemical cycles, Bacterial ecophysiology, Paleoproxy development |
Professor Emeritus |
Mineral-fluid interactions, Hydrothermal systems, Carbon sequestration, Petrology |
Professor Emeritus |
Marine geochemistry, Chemical oceanography, Isotope geochemistry, Paleoceanography, Earth systems Science |
Professor |
Mineralogy, Crystallography, Geochemistry, Economic geology, Environmental mineralogy |
Professor Emeritus |
Fisheries ecology, Resource management systems, Fish behaviour, Science in public policy |
Professor Emeritus |
Machine learning, Atmospheric Science, Hydrology, Climate, Physical oceanography |
Professor |
Physical volcanology, Geodynamics, Planetary science, Earth systems Science, Geological Fluid Mechanics |
Professor |
Ecohydrology, Water resources, Watershed biogeochemistry, Carbon cycle, Sustainability science |
Professor |
Phytoplankton ecophysiology, Biological oceanography, Trace metal stoichiometry, Iron and copper homeostasis |
Professor |
Groundwater geochemistry, Groundwater hydrology, Groundwater contamination and remediation, Environmental aspects of mine waste |
Professor |
Coastal systems, Physical oceanography, Geophysical fluid dynamics, Properties of seawater, Observational oceanography |
Assistant Professor of Teaching |
Indigenous research methodologies, geoscientific ethnography, Indigenous astronomy, culturally congruent instructional strategies, indigenous science philosophy |
Professor |
Professor Emeritus |
Groundwater contamination and remediation, Groundwater geochemistry, Hydrothermal systems |
Professor Emeritus |
Air pollution, Boundary layers, Mesoscale meterology |
Professor |
Numerical weather prediction, Weather-related disasters, Clean-energy meteorology, Air quality, Boundary layers |
Professor |
Biological oceanography, Microbial diversity, Marine virology, Virus diversity |
Professor |
Biological oceanography, Biogeochemical cycles, Primary productivity, Polar marine ecosystems, Climate-active trace gases |
Professor |
Elemental and isotopic geochemistry, Mantle plumes, Mantle dynamics, Environmental tracers, Geochronology |