

Programs and Events

STS Colloquium - Nancy Tuana

Nancy Tuana is on campus next week - a visit sponsored by the Maurice Young Centre for Applied Ethics and co-hosted by the Philosophy Department and STS Program. She’ll be giving an STS colloquium on Thursday (27th) and a Philosophy colloquium on Friday (28th).

Graduate students are cordially invited to an informal coffee meeting with Nancy Tuana on Friday morning, 10:00-11:30 - to be hosted in the Philosophy Department. No RSVP necessary.



Dupont/Class of 1949 Professor of Philosophy
Pennsylvania State University

Thursday, September 27
5:00-6:30: STS Colloquium (1197 Buchanan Tower): "Bringing Values to Science: Climate Change Decision Support Science” - STS colloquium schedule
7:00: hosted dinner (Wylie residence) - RSVP to Mimi Yu (Philosophy & STS Graduate Program Assistant)

Friday, September 28
10:00-11:30: Informal coffee/tea with STS & Philosophy graduate students (Philosophy Department BUCH D324)
3:00 -5:00: Department of Philosophy colloquium (BUCH A-202): “Climate Apartheid: Race and Climate Change” (Philosophy colloquium abstract)

Employment Opportunities

Lorax Lab Technician

This position primarily entails the management of column-based experiments designed to evaluate the chemical stability of mining wastes and passive water treatment systems. This task includes the construction and regular maintenance of the column experiments; meticulous record keeping; regular sampling of column effluents for in-house and analytical testing; and data collection and management. Other project work may include assisting with data management, field work, and report writing.


  • • Bachelor of Science or Technical Degree in a chemistry, geoscience or environmental science program
  • • Experience working in a laboratory setting, with emphasis on the application of analytical chemistry techniques; familiarity with basic laboratory instrumentation and calibration procedures
  • • Data compilation, analysis and reporting experience; must be proficient in Excel
  • • Detail oriented with meticulous work ethic
  • • Strong verbal and written communication skills

Additional Skills:

  • • Experience with database management and general computer programming
  • • Experience working in the field, specifically sampling water, rocks or mine waste materials

Please send a cover letter and resume to info@lorax.ca by no later than October 5th, 2018. Please reference the position in the subject line.

Sessional Lecturer, UBC Vantage College

UBC Vantage College invites applications for (a) Sessional Lecturer(s) for the second term of the academic year 2018-2019, effective January 1, 2019. The successful candidate(s) will teach one or more sections of SCIE 113: First-Year Seminar in Science (https://science.ubc.ca/students/new/first/113). The successful candidate(s) will be expected to collaborate with faculty in the Vantage One Science program as well as the SCIE 113 Coordinator on curriculum and scheduling matters.

UBC Vantage College (http://vantagecollege.ubc.ca) offers first-year curriculum in a cohort program to academically strong international students whose English language proficiency does not yet meet the English language requirements for direct admission into UBC degrees. Students take courses in one of Vantage College’s four streams (Arts, Science, Engineering, or Management) before transferring into second year in their degree program. The primary goals of the Vantage College curriculum are: (1) to encourage students’ cultural, linguistic, and academic engagement in disciplinary communities and (2) to maximize students’ successful transition to Year Two in the Faculties of Arts, Science, Applied Science, or Management.

In the Vantage One Science program, students take a coordinated curriculum that provides instruction in Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, and electives in computational and/or physical science, in addition to SCIE 113. Students’ learning is also supported by embedded language instruction and English for academic purposes courses. For more information about the Vantage One Science program, please see https://vantagecollege.ubc.ca/science

Applicants must hold a MSc. Or Ph.D. in a Science discipline and must have demonstrated evidence of teaching excellence. Experience with interactive teaching methods, university-level writing courses, or the History and Philosophy of Science is an asset.

Salary is commensurate with qualifications and experience. The position is subject to final budgetary approval.

Applications should include:
a cover letter addressing how the applicant meets the criteria for the position; a Curriculum Vitae that includes the names and contact information of three referees; a statement of teaching philosophy related to the teaching of scientific writing; evidence of teaching excellence and experience (please include teaching evaluations and course syllabi for university-level writing courses developed and/or taught).

Completed application packages are to be sent electronically as a PDF document to VC SCIE Sessional Committee at employment@vantagecollege.ubc.ca. Please indicate in the subject line: UBC Vantage One SCIE Sessional Position.  The application deadline is October 1, 2018.

Lyell Research Fellow (Tenure Track) in Applied Geoscience

In order to extend the Geoenergy Research Group within the Lyell Centre of Earth and Marine Science and Technology, Heriot-Watt University invites applications for two Lyell Research Fellow (tenure-track) positions to support our growing research activities in the topical areas of:

  1. Geothermal Energy - enhanced geothermal systems, aquifer thermal energy
  2. Carbon/Energy Storage - permanent storage of CO2; intermittent storage of e.g. hydrogen, compressed air, thermal energy
  3. Subsurface Monitoring and Risk Assessment - with application to unconventional reservoirs, carbon/energy storage, geothermal energy, etc.

We are particularly welcoming applications from candidates who either have (i) a strong background in reservoir monitoring using passive geophysical methods or are (ii) experienced in using and developing an advanced understanding of coupled thermal-hydro-mechanical-chemical (THMC) processes in subsurface reservoirs across multiple scales by integrating laboratory and field data.

The new appointments will help to further develop Heriot-Watt University's international leadership in laboratory, field, and simulation studies related to applied geoscience for low-carbon energy generation. The successful candidates will be expected to develop an independent research agenda as part of the vibrant Geoenergy research group, focussed on understanding, quantifying, and modelling the relevant geoscientific processes of deep reservoirs in the Earth's crust; they will also contribute to post-graduate as well as a practice-oriented teaching in their respective field.

The successful candidates will have a strong academic track record, especially with respect to publications and securing independent funding. Geoscientists with a current private-sector or academic background are equally encouraged to apply. The new Lyell fellows will foster links between fundamental geoscience research and its practical application by government and industrial stakeholders, and is expected to take an active role in pilot/demonstration projects under development in the UK and worldwide.

The appointments will complement existing, and create new synergies with, existing staff at the Lyell Centre, the Institute of Petroleum Engineering and the British Geological Survey. A close cooperation with these institutes is expected, building on their world-class expertise in the fields of applied geoscience, reservoir modelling and characterisation, reservoir simulation, and reservoir monitoring.

It is also expected that you will contribute to teaching and supervision of students.

This position is available for 12 months.

The successful candidate will have a PhD in geosciences, reservoir engineering or related field.

For application details and further information please go to: www.hw.ac.uk/apply-jobs

Ref: IRC16216 Closing Date: 17th October 2018