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Aurora Volume 23 Number 20

Programs and Events

GAC-MAC-IAH 2019 Joint Meeting Call for Abstracts

Deadline: January 28, 2019

Beautiful historic Québec City hosts GAC®-MAC-IAH/CNC 2019, and there’s no better event to showcase your research!

Time is running out so submit your Abstract without delay to take part in this outstanding conference, May 12-15.

Aurora Volume 23 Number 19

Employment Opportunities

Marketing Assistants, Quantec Geoscience

Quantec Geoscience requires some part time marketing help at an upcoming Exploration Trade show.

The Vancouver Resource Investment Conference happens in Vancouver, BC held on January 20th, 2019. It is a source of information for investment trends and ideas, covering all aspects of the natural resource industry. 

Each year, the VRIC hosts over 60 keynote speakers and 350 exhibiting companies.

Aurora Volume 23 Number 17

Programs and Events

Canada-China Scholars' Exchange Program 2019-2020 / Programme d'échanges académiques Canada-Chine 2019-2020

Scholarships for Canadian academics, students and professionals: Canada-China Scholars’ Exchange Program, 2019-2020

Global Affairs Canada and the Chinese Ministry of Education are offering short-term scholarships to Canadians wishing to study abroad in China. Scholarships are awarded for studies, research, language studies or a combination of studies and language studies at participating Chinese institutions.

Aurora Volume 23 Number 15

Employment Opportunities

Five Marine Science Faculty Positions, School of Marine Science of William & Mary, Virginia Institute of Marine Science

Estuarine/Coastal Physical Oceanography Assistant/Associate Professor

The Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS)/School of Marine Science of the College of William & Mary invites applications for a full-time tenure-eligible Assistant/Associate Professor. The position will begin in Fall 2019.

Aurora Volume 23 Number 13

Programs and Events

John Durham Peters - Episodes in the Media History of the Weather

John Durham Peters
Maria Rosa Menocal Professor of English and of Film and Media Studies, Yale University

"Episodes in the Media History of the Weather"
Friday, 16 November, 14:00 in MacMillan 166