

Employment Opportunities

Open Position for MSc Student in Limnogeology/Paleoclimate, University of Haifa

Applications are invited for an MSc position to participate in a research project at the Department of Marine Geosciences, University of Haifa, for the aim of studying: "High latitude climate and environmental reconstruction: an Alaskan perspective". In this research project, we aim to reconstruct Holocene environmental and climatic changes utilizing continuous lacustrine records from the Bering Land Bridge (west Alaska). For this purpose, a set of cutting-edge advanced technologies and sedimentological analytical methods will be used on continuous and well-dated lake cores records. Emphasis will be given to sea level reconstruction since deglaciation in light of post-glacial isostatic rebound. Standard sedimentological and geochemical methodologies will be used, including: carbon content, granulometry and mineralogy, coupled by modeling techniques.

A BSc degree in Geosciences (or equivalent) is required at the start of the project (October 1st 2018, or soon thereafter). Successful candidates are expected to show broad Earth Science interests, ability to conduct a multi-approach project and should have excellent English communication and writing skills. A scholarship is available and at the disposal of the applicant. 

For further information, please contact Dr. Nicolas Waldmann (nwaldmann@univ.haifa.ac.il). 

Please send your application files (complete CV and letter of interest) by e-mail to Nicolas Waldmann (nwaldmann@univ.haifa.ac.il). Applications will be considered until the position is filled.

Open Position for PhD Student in Paleoclimate, Universities of Malta, Texas A&M and Haifa

Applications are invited for a PhD position to participate in the joint research program of the universities of Malta, Texas A&M and Haifa, for the aim of studying: "North African Miocene climate reconstruction". In this research program, we aim to understand how high latitude ice expansion may have impacted the evolution of the African drainage network in the Miocene and how these changes affected the supply of nutrients to the central Mediterranean region. For these purposes, a set of cutting-edge advanced technologies and sedimentological analytical methods will be used, coupled with fieldwork in Malta. Those include geochemistry, biostratigraphy, inorganic and organic carbon content, mineralogy, and quantitative micropaleontology. The PhD student will be based in Haifa, with an expected year of stay at Texas A&M and fieldwork in Malta. The project is a trilateral cooperation between Texas A&M, University of Haifa and University of Malta. 

A Master or Diploma degree in Geosciences at the start of the project (October 1st 2018 or soon thereafter) is required. The start of the project can be delayed by a semester to April 2019. Successful candidates are expected to show broad earth-science interests, ability to conduct this multi-approach PhD project with an international team and should have excellent English communication and writing skills.

For further information, please contact Dr. Nicolas Waldmann (nwaldmann@univ.haifa.ac.il; Tel: +972-4-8280736). 

Please send your application files (complete CV, letter of interest and two support letters) by e-mail to Nicolas Waldmann (nwaldmann@univ.haifa.ac.il). Applications are being considered until the position is filled.

Information Meeting on NKU Global Recruitment UBC

Professor Jeanne Huang, who is the Executive Director, Sino-Canada Joint R&D Centre on Water and Environmental Safety (SCWE) at Nankai University and Fellow/Deputy Chair, International Affairs Committee, Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE) will be visiting UBC on Friday August 24th.  She will be holding an information session in CEME 2003 from 2 - 5 pm on opportunities at Nankai University in Water and Environmental Safety.  Opportunities exist at the Assistant, Associate and Full Professor level.  All are welcome.

Nankai University invites applications from outstanding candidates for full-time faculty positions (at associate/full professor level) as well as Post Doc Position (equivalent to assistant professor) in the broad area of Remote sensing and GIS, Watershed management, Climate change, Environmental modeling, Ecosystem restoration, Wastewater treatment technology, Applied biotechnology,  green construction materials science and technology, advanced modelling of transport phenomena in porous media, including concrete, modelling of heat and mass transfer using CFD, with particular emphasis on building energy utilization, experimental modelling and numerical simulation of concrete, wood and other construction materials deterioration processes and long-term performance, applications of nanotechnology in construction materials and environmental remediation,  smart sensor technologies and structural health monitoring with focus on buildings energy utilization and response to environmental elements and seismic, wind and other extreme loads. etc. Excellent English communication skills and a commitment to teaching are necessary. Individuals with relevant working experience are especially encouraged to apply. This information meeting will give more details on qualification, the salary and benefit package etc.