

Programs and Events

Update on UBC Strategic Plan Implementation

We are pleased to inform you of the progress that has been made to support the implementation of UBC’s strategic plan. The plan — Shaping UBC’s Next Century — was formally launched in the spring following a thorough consultation process involving thousands of members of the UBC community.

As part of the implementation phase, we want to ensure that those voices continue to be heard. We have therefore developed a robust implementation structure and process that draws on the passion, ideas and expertise that were so evident during the consultation.

Progress over the summer includes:

  • Establishment of a Strategic Plan Implementation Advisory Committee, broadly representative of our UBC community. This was convened to provide advice on processes and priorities for implementation. We will share further details about the group and its membership on the strategic plan website later this month.
  • Calls for proposals for special Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund projects and Research Clusters were sent out in support of advancing the plan. More opportunities will be announced shortly.
  • As an initial step, we have worked with Faculties and Administrative Units on both campuses, to identify projects in support of the plan, to be funded using a portion of the Excellence funds for 2018/19. Additional opportunities for funding projects will be included in the 2019/2020 campus budgeting processes. Further details will be shared in the near future. We would like to thank all those who have come forward so far with ideas.
  • Both the Vancouver and Okanagan campuses will host forums, to help generate ideas and enable campus leaders to seek advice and counsel related to the core areas of the plan: People and Places, Research Excellence, Transformative Learning and Local & Global Engagement.
  • The UBC Executive has established a Strategic Plan Coordinating Committee, co-chaired by Andrew Szeri and Gail Murphy. Other members of this group include Philip Steenkamp, Vice-President, External Relations; Barbara Meens Thistle, Vice-President, Human Resources; Ben Pollard, Director, Strategic Plan Implementation Office; David Shorthouse, Executive Director, Academic Initiatives; Julie Wagemakers, Executive Director, President’s Office; and Nicole Udzenija, Director, Campus Initiatives, UBC Okanagan.

In addition to the progress detailed above, we are enhancing the strategic plan website. Updates will be made later this month, to include information about the implementation process; proposal submission and review process; priority setting and review of proposals; upcoming budget planning for 2019/20; progress updates; and open calls for funding applications.

Thank you once again to all those who have submitted proposals in support of the plan. These proposals will be reviewed by the Executive Team, who will in turn make recommendations to the President. If you have questions, please email strategic.plan@ubc.ca.

Finally, we would like to thank everyone who has contributed to the plan’s development. We appreciate your patience during this start-up implementation phase, as we continue to work towards more open and inclusive communication regarding the overall process, roles and timelines. We hope you will continue with us on this journey, as we bring the plan to life and see the impact we can collectively make as an inclusive, collaborative and innovative university.


Employment Opportunities

Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Structural Geology, School of Geography & Earth Sciences, McMaster University

The School of Geography & Earth Sciences (SGES) at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor level beginning July 1st, 2019 in the field of Structural Geology.

The successful candidate must have a Ph.D. at the time of appointment in earth sciences, geology, or a related geoscience discipline. We are particularly interested in an individual who is field-based with a strong academic background and an excellent research record in their field. Research areas could include, for example, plate tectonics, tectono-geomorphology, geomechanics, and/or geohazards, especially using an
earth systems approach, to enhance our School focus in water, resources and the environment.  Experience with methods that enhance the School's strengths in spatial analysis (while not essential) would be an asset. The candidate is expected to develop an externally-funded, vigorous research program and must have a strong commitment to excellence in both undergraduate and graduate teaching and supervision, with an emphasis on experiential learning, especially including field experiences.

Applicants should submit a cover letter outlining their research interests, curriculum vitae, a brief teaching dossier including a statement of teaching philosophy (maximum of two pages), as well as a one-page statement on equity and diversity. Academic reference letters are required at the time of application; applicants should ask three (3) referees to send their letters of reference electronically to Ms Marge Geroux, School Administrators at geroux@mcmaster.ca.

Complete applications must be made online at www.workingatmcmaster.ca/careers (Faculty Positions, Job ID 22196) to the attention of:

Dr. Antonio Paez
Chair, Search Committee
School of Geography and Earth Sciences
McMaster University
1280 Main Street West
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, L8S 4K1

Review of complete applications will begin November 1st 2018, and continue until the position is filled. The effective date of appointment is expected to be July 1st, 2019, but negotiable. All applicants will receive an on-line confirmation of receipt of their application; however, only short-listed applicants will be contacted for interviews.

Sessional Instructors, Department of Geography, SFU

The Department of Geography is seeking Sessional Instructors to teach the following courses in the upcoming Spring 2019 semester (January 2 - April 29, 2019).  All courses are at Burnaby campus.

GEOG 213 - Introduction to Geomorphology*
GEOG 215 - Biogeography
GEOG 253 - Introduction to Remote Sensing
GEOG 255 - Geographical Information Science
GEOG 315 - World Ecosystems
GEOG 353 - Advanced Remote Sensing
GEOG 420 - Cultural Geography

All positions have a closing date of 9 am, Monday, October 15, 2018.

Applicants should submit an online application and supporting documents. Further information is available on the Department of Geography Website. 

If you cannot submit an online application, we will accept your application in person at the Department of Geography office (RCB 7123) to the attention of Tiina Klasen.

For questions and inquiries, please email the Chair’s Assistant at geogsec@sfu.ca or contact the Manager, Academic and Administrative services at 778.782.2558 or geogmgr@sfu.ca.

Environmental Engineering Lab Technician, Civil Engineering Department, Univeristy of Victoria

The Civil Engineering Department is continuing to grow and this time have an opening for an environmental engineering lab tech (https://uvic.mua.hrdepartment.com/hr/ats/Posting/view/4202). We’re looking for someone with a relevant background and experience in one or more of the following areas (in no particular order): environmental/biological engineering/science, biochemistry, (micro)biology, chemistry, etc.  Deadline is September 30th.

Assistant Professorship in Palaeoceanography, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore

The Asian School of the Environment (ASE) at NTU Singapore (NTU; www.ntu.edu.sg) seeks a tenure-track Assistant Professor in Palaeoceanography as part of a targeted initiative to expand marine environmental science in Southeast Asia. The Asian School of the Environment was founded in 2015 and focuses on Asian environmental challenges. The School integrates Earth systems, environmental life sciences, ecology, engineering, humanities, and the social sciences to address key issues of sustainability and the environment.

We seek a world class, internationally competitive scientist who works in palaeoceanography and has a particular interest in conducting research in Southeast Asia. The successful candidate in Palaeoceanography will have access to the Marine Geochemistry Laboratory (MARGE) which is equipped with a MAT253 with Kiel Device, a Delta V with GasBench, Thermo ICP-OES, a Picarro water analyzer L2130-i, and a Picarro water analyzer L2140-I (https://earthobservatory.sg/facilities/marine-geochemistry-laboratory-marge).

There is also the potential to develop programs with the Earth Observatory of Singapore’s core strengths in Earth systems science, the Singapore Centre on Environmental Life Sciences Engineering’s expertise in microbial communities, and the Complexity Institute’s research in coupled human and natural systems.

For this position, NTU seeks an early career scientist with an outstanding track record in the field of Palaeoceanography. The successful candidate is expected to teach broadly in the ocean and environmental sciences and drive the School’s leadership in studies of Palaeoceanography in the region.

The candidates are expected to:

• Establish a world-class research program,

• Enhance the School’s visibility as an international leader in education and research in Marine Science,

• Teach undergraduate and graduate courses in Oceanography, Climate and/or Environmental Sciences,

• Actively collaborate with NTU faculty and researchers with existing strengths in Ecology, Earth Systems Science and Environmental Life Sciences

NTU offers highly competitive salaries as well as comprehensive benefits, including subsidized on-campus housing and childcare. A start-up package and state-of-the-art research infrastructure will also be offered to the successful candidate.

Please send requests for further information to Search Chair – Associate Professor Adam Switzer using ASE-Ocean@ntu.edu.sg

Applications, including a research statement (up to 5 pages), teaching and outreach statement (up to 3 pages), a résumé (< 10 pages), and contact information for three professional references, should be sent to the ASE-Ocean@ntu.edu.sg