

Employment Opportunities

Teaching Assistants, Master of Data Science, UBC

We have opened TA applications for the Master of Data Science (MDS) program for Term 2. This is a great opportunity to teach and learn more about data science and and machine learning. If you are interested in being a TA in the spring, please fill out this application form: https://ubc.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cAZwboSVSIVN3h3. You'll find a list of courses, and more info about them, embedded in this application form.

The deadline to apply is **Friday, Oct 26**. We might still keep the application form open after that, but you should apply by then to receive full consideration.


Postdoctoral Researcher, Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen, Germany

At MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen, Germany, we are looking for a motivated postdoctoral researcher interested in (terrestrial and marine) carbon cycling and, in particular, changes in the rates/timescales of carbon cycling upon (continental and marine) hydrological changes.

A PhD in Organic Geochemistry, Biogeochemistry, Paleo-Climatology or Marine Geochemistry is required. Prior knowledge of organic-geochemical laboratory methods, hands-on experience of compound-specific isotope analysis and radiocarbon analyses are an advantage.

The position is for 3 years with an earliest starting date of January 1st, 2019. Salary is according to German 13 TV-L (full position).

Please find the official job advertisement (A254-18) here: https://www.marum.de/en/Service/Jobs-Open-Positions.html

Questions can be directed to Dr. Enno Schefuß (eschefuss@marum.de) and/or Prof. Dr. Gesine Mollenhauer (Gesine.Mollenhauer@awi.de).

Please send applications (motivation letter, statement of research interests, copies of relevant documents, names and contacts of 2 references) preferentially as a single pdf to eschefuss@marum.de.

Review will begin 31st of Oct. Position will remain open until filled.

Research Associate Scientist Position, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University

The Associate Research Scientist will join the team of Dr. Jason Smerdon and the PaleoDynamics Laboratory at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University and be responsible for the day-to-day oversight of a scientific project to analyze paleoclimate data assimilation products with the purpose of understanding hydroclimate variability and change in North and South America. The Associate Research Scientist will design and conduct experiments to improve our characterization of decadal to centennial hydroclimate variability and change, the dynamics associated with such characteristics, and the implications for future climate projections. The Associate Research Scientist will work independently and will coordinate research activities, including data analyses and scientific paper writing with Smerdon and other collaborators.

Candidates should have a PhD in atmospheric science, applied mathematics, paleoclimate, or a closely related field, at least two years of science experience, and demonstrated expertise in Common Era paleoclimate, climate dynamics, and quantitative methods of spatiotemporal analyses.  Experience with proxy-model comparisons and ensemble analyses of PMIP and CMIP simulations is also preferred. A strong record of publications in the scientific literature is required. Success in mentoring and supervising students and technical staff is also preferred, as are organizational, managerial, editorial or public outreach skills.

Appointments are made on a fiscal year basis and are eligible for renewal each July 1, contingent upon performance and funding.

Search will remain open for at least 30 days after the ad appears and will continue until the position is filled.

Please visit our online application site at http://pa334.peopleadmin.com/postings/1645

for further information about this position and to submit your application, curriculum vitae, cover letter and references.

Applied Isotope Geochemist, Department of Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering, Faculty of Arts and Science, Queen's University

The Department of Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering at Queen’s University invites applications for a tenured faculty position at the rank of Professor with specialization in Applied Isotope Geochemistry with a preferred starting date of July 1,


The successful candidate will develop a research program in the field of stable isotope geochemistry, with a focus on the isotopes of hydrogen and oxygen. The research program may include interactions between biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere or lithosphere. Geochemical applications to resource exploration and exploitation will be considered an asset.

We seek an individual who has international expertise in isotope ratio mass spectrometry, and demonstrated stature and vision to transform the Queen’s Facility for Isotope Research (QFIR) , working as co-director in the collegial governance structure. The successful candidate will work with the cluster of faculty and technical staff, and maintain and grow QFIR. The candidate will be expected to have eclectic curiosity to collaborate with an array of university, government and industry partners and strong connections to agencies and industries worldwide.

A complete application consists of:

• a cover letter (including one of the two statements regarding Canadian citizenship / permanent resident status specified in the previous paragraph);

• a current Curriculum Vitae (including a list of publications);

• a statement of research interests;

• a statement of teaching interests and experience (including teaching outlines and evaluations if available); and,

• Three letters of reference to be sent directly to Dr. Vicki Remenda at GSGEpositions@queensu.ca.

The deadline for applications is December 1, 2018. Applicants are encouraged to send all documents in their application package electronically as PDFs to Dr. Vicki Remenda at GSGEpositions@queensu.ca, although hard copy applications may be submitted to: Dr. Vicki

Tenure-Track Faculty, Hydrogeology, Department of Geosciences, Pennsylvania State University

The Department of Geosciences at The Pennsylvania State University, on the University Park Campus, invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position in the field of Hydrogeology. We seek a creative colleague who will develop a vigorous externally funded research program, teach undergraduate and graduate courses, and demonstrate commitment to advancing equity and inclusion. The Department of Geosciences is part of the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, and houses top-ranked research programs in environmental and climate sciences, geology, geophysics, and geochemistry. Water is an important component of the University Strategic Plan, and Penn State hosts several campus-wide initiatives in water resources through, for example, the Penn State Institutes of Energy and the Environment (http://www.iee.psu.edu) and the Earth and Environmental Systems Institute (http://www.eesi.psu.edu).

Applicants must have a Ph.D. in geosciences or related field at the time of appointment. We anticipate filling the position at the Assistant Professor level; but applications at higher rank may be considered in exceptional circumstances. Appointment could begin as early as July 1, 2019. Review of applications will begin on December 1, 2018 and continue until the position is filled. Applications should be submitted online and include: cover letter, curriculum vitae, statement of research vision, statement of teaching interests, evidence, either woven through their application materials, or as a separate diversity statement, of a commitment to fostering diversity, equity, and an inclusive environment in their department/workplace, and names and contact information for four references. For additional information,

please contact Don Fisher, Chair of the Search Committee, at dmf6@psu.edu

Apply online at https://psu.jobs/job/83585

Lecturer Position, Department of Geological Sciences, University of Florida

The Department of Geological Sciences at the University of Florida (geology.ufl.edu) invites applications for a full-time, nine-month, non-tenure-accruing faculty position of Lecturer in Geosciences with an anticipated start date of August 16, 2019. Opportunities exist for summer employment at the University. The successful candidate will have completed the Ph.D. by August 15, 2019. We seek candidates with a desire to deliver high-caliber instruction in the classroom and on-line for departmental classes, as well as in support of college-wide instructional initiatives designed to increase the quality of the educational experience by creating innovative general education science classes with relevant geoscience content. Extensive teaching resources and aids are available within the University. For complete information about this position, including required qualifications and applications materials, please visit: https://apply.interfolio.com/56484 of search website. The Search Committee will begin reviewing applications on November 15, 2018 and the position will remain open until filled. Inquiries can be directed to the Search Committee Chair, Dr. Jonathan B. Martin (jbmartin@ufl.edu).

Geology and Geophysics Tenure Track Scientist Positions, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)

The Geology & Geophysics Department at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) has tenure track position openings for exceptional candidates in two disciplinary areas: Paleoclimatology and Marine Geophysics. 

In Paleoclimatology, we seek an innovative, highly collaborative individual with interest and expertise in the generation of proxy records to enhance understanding of Earth’s climate on time scales relevant to present day and future climate change. Interest in development and/or application of new proxies, proxy system models, and the use of paleoceanographic and climate data to explore impacts of past climate changes on human societies and ecosystems would be welcome. The successful candidate will complement and enhance existing departmental strengths including past and present ocean and climate dynamics, paleoceanography, climate modelling, proxy development, climate impacts, ice-sheet dynamics, coastal processes and hazards, and toutilize WHOI’s exceptional analytical and sea-going facilities.

In Marine Geophysics, we are seeking candidates in one of two broad disciplinary areas of seismology or geodynamics as applied to the marine environment.  Strong candidates in related geophysical fields may also be considered.  Candidates whose field or laboratory-based research complements and/or bridges existing strengths, including WHOI’s considerable facilities andexpertise for the design and implementation of sea-going experiments, are especially encouraged to apply.  Existing departmental strengths and interests include geophysics (active and passiveseismology, electromagnetic methods, magnetics, potential fields, and geodynamics), tectonics, ice-sheet dynamics, volcanology, geochemistry, coastal processes, past and present climatedynamics and biogeochemistry.

We seek to hire an Assistant Scientist (pre-tenure, tenure track); however, extraordinary candidates may be considered for Associate Scientist without Tenure, Associate Scientist with Tenure, or Senior Scientist.  Applicants should have a doctoral degree, postdoctoral experience, and a strong record of scientific research publications. WHOI’s scientific staff develop independent, externally-funded, and internationally-recognized research programs, and have the option of advising and teaching graduate students through the MIT/WHOI Joint Program.  WHOI scientists also have abundant opportunities to mentor undergraduate research by taking part in WHOI’s Summer Student Fellowship, Semester at WHOI, and Guest Student programs and to engage in public outreach and education.  Opportunities for interdisciplinary research exist through collaborations with colleagues in WHOI’s other science departments, centers, and labs as well as withresearchers in the broader Woods Hole scientific community.

Candidates hired at the Assistant Scientist or Associate Scientist level will receive an initial appointment for four years. WHOI’s Scientific Staff are expected to raise their salaries from grants andcontracts. The Institution provides significant internal funding opportunities for developing innovative research projects, and provides salary support when no other funding is available.

Three tenure-track faculty positions in Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences at the University of British Columbia

The Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences (EOAS) at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, invites outstanding applicants for one full-time, tenure-track faculty position in each of the three following fields:

1) Sedimentary geology: We seek a sedimentary geologist who integrates field- and laboratory-based research to investigate sedimentological processes and the evolution of sedimentary basins. Demonstrated ability to apply such research—as is, or integrated with other earth science fields—to gain novel insights into the tectonic evolution of Earth’s crust is an asset. The ideal candidate will excel at teaching clastic sedimentology and field school in the undergraduate Geology program.

2) Earth surface processes: We seek a geoscientist who uses the field laboratory to formulate and test hypotheses to elucidate the processes that shape the Earth’s (near-) surface. The position targets fields at the interface between the solid Earth and its surface environment, such as, geomorphology, neotectonics, soil system science and fluid-rock interaction. The ideal candidate will significantly contribute to field-based undergraduate teaching in the Geology program.

3) Earth system science: We seek a cross-disciplinary geoscientist who uses an innovative combination of field, analytical and numerical methods to investigate the mechanisms operating in the Earth system, past or present. Candidates whose research profile would demonstrably bridge between our existing strengths in earth, ocean and atmospheric science are specifically encouraged to apply. The ideal candidate will teach across our undergraduate geoscience programs.

The positions are at the rank of Assistant Professor, although it is possible that a position could be offered at a higher rank for an applicant with exceptional qualifications. A PhD degree is required and postdoctoral experience is considered important. Candidates are expected to develop a strong, externally funded and internationally recognized research program, successfully supervise graduate students, effectively teach undergraduate and graduate courses, and participate in departmental activities.

How to Apply

Application packages should include:

i) a cover letter; you should indicate the search area that most closely aligns with your research
ii) a detailed curriculum vita
iii) a one-page summary of research interests and accomplishments
iv) a one-page outline of a potential five-year research program
v) a one-page statement of teaching philosophy
vi) three recent publications
vii) a statement describing your experience working with a diverse student body and your contributions to creating/advancing a culture of equity and inclusion on campus or within your discipline.

These should be combined into a single PDF document.

Submit your application package at:
https://www.hr.ubc.ca/careers-postings/faculty.php posting #31614

Sessional Instructors, Department of Geography, SFU

All positions have a closing date of 9 am, Monday, November 5, 2018.

Applicants should submit an online application and supporting documents. Further information is available on the Department of Geography Website

If you cannot submit an online application, we will accept your application in person at the Department of Geography office (RCB 7123) to the attention of Tiina Klasen. 

For questions and inquiries, please email the Chair’s Assistant at geogsec@sfu.ca or contact the Manager, Academic and Administrative services at 778.782.2558 or geogmgr@sfu.ca.

In addition to the listed qualifications for each position, the Department of Geography will define qualification in accordance with the Collective Agreement with the Teaching Support Staff Union (TSSU). Evaluation of the adequacy of qualifications is at the Chair’s/Director’s discretion.

Compensation is based on contact hours and is detailed in the TSSU Collective Agreement salary scales.

Appointment priority is in accordance with the Collective Agreement and the Sessional Instructor Seniority List provided by the University.   

Positions marked Reserve Sessional Instructor will be prioritized to Graduate and Post-Doctoral applicants in the Department of Geography. However, all qualified applicants are invited to apply.


News Items

Dominique Weis was elected president-elect of the Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology of the American Geophysical Union (AGU)

President-elect: Dominique Weis https://elections.agu.org/

Congratulations Dominique!