CERC Research Seminar - Ben Shneiderman
We would like to invite you to attend our upcoming CERC research seminar in September!
Date: September 11, 2018
Time: 11:00 AM
Title: Rethinking Research to Achieve Breakthrough Collaborations
Speaker: Dr. Ben Shneiderman, University of Maryland & Visiting Research Scholar of Peter Wall Institute
Location: CHBE 202 (room 202, 2360 East Mall, Vancouver)
*light lunch & coffee will be provided.
We look forward to see you there!
Building Climate Solutions: Partnerships for New Ideas, New Approaches, New Entrants
The Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions (PICS) recently announced a call for proposals under its new Opportunity Projects Program (https://pics.uvic.ca/opportunity-projects-program). The Opportunity program is a catalyst for developing climate solutions and will support an approach to research that defines meaningful activities focused on partnerships and engagement, helping climate solution seekers become effective solution makers, from question to collaboration, and idea to action. Proposals are invited for high-quality, innovative research projects in areas of high potential for impact in climate change mitigation and adaptation including emerging and novel issues.
In this session, PICS Executive Director Sybil Seitzinger will present a brief overview of the call for proposals under the Opportunity program followed by a question and answer period.
Following the presentation, faculty and potential partners can also arrange a time to meet with her to discuss additional queries.
Please mark your calendars:
WHAT: PICS Opportunity Projects Program – UBC Information Meeting
WHEN: September 21, 2018 at 1:30pm – 2:30pm
WHERE: Policy Labs, CIRS Building, 2260 West Mall, UBC
To join the meeting remotely please connect via Bluejeans:
• Participants, to join the meeting with video on a computer or mobile phone, click the link: https://bluejeans.com/600138515
• You may also join via audio only using the telephone number: +1.888.240.2560 (US Toll Free)
• Additional numbers: http://bluejeans.com/numbers then enter Meeting ID: 600138515
The Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions is a research and engagement network oriented toward delivering high-impact climate solutions that can be applied by users. Our four collaborating research universities in BC are University of Victoria, University of British Columbia, Simon Fraser University, University of Northern British Columbia. PICS’ mandate is to produce leading evidence-based, climate solutions research that can be actively used by decision-makers to develop effective mitigation and adaptation policies and actions. PICS has a global remit, but a focus on BC.
Invitation to Join the UBC Student Sustainability Council
The UBC Sustainability Initiative (USI) is seeking committed and passionate students to join the 2018-2019 Student Sustainability Council.
The Student Sustainability Council provides feedback to USI and affiliated groups on sustainability-related issues and concerns, and presents an opportunity for student leaders to have a voice on university and campus projects. In previous years, the council has attracted a diverse range of student leaders to create a space for inclusive discussions that extends beyond the environmental impact to include the social and economic aspects of sustainability. The council also provides a space for student groups to connect and collaborate with others to enrich their own initiatives.
We would like to extend an invitation to your group to select a representative to join the council for the upcoming 2018-2019 academic year. If you or one of your group members are interested in being part of the council, please complete the SSC application by September 14th, 2018.
Employment Opportunities
Two Doctoral Fellowships at Baylor University: Institute of Ecological Earth and Environmental Sciences
Baylor University’s Institute for Ecological, Earth, and Environmental sciences is seeking two outstanding students for three-year doctoral research assistantships. Both positions begin in August 2019.
Applicants are encouraged to contact faculty fellow(s) to discuss areas of mutual research interest. Stipend for the academic year, summer stipend, tuition, and health insurance are provided. TIE3s is a PhD-granting research institute established in 2007 to study behaviors, stresses, and sustainability of Earth's natural system at multiple scales. For more information about the doctoral program, and how to apply, visit http://www.baylor.edu/tieees. Inquiries should be directed to the graduate program director, William Hockaday, at (254)710-2639 or William_Hockaday@baylor.edu