

Programs and Events

New Geoscience Mineral BC RFPs Announced

Geoscience BC has released six Requests for Proposals (RFPs) for new projects relating to our minerals focus area. You are encouraged to review these opportunities and share them with your network to generate new high quality and unbiased earth science research and data to be shared publicly for the benefit of all British Columbians.

Projects resulting from the RFPs will deliver new earth science and baseline data for prospectors, explorers, mine developers, governments, community leaders and Indigenous groups to make informed, evidence-based decisions about mineral resources. They will also help to identify and mitigate risks, answer specific environmental and social questions and stimulate investment, jobs and socio-economic development in British Columbia.

Anyone can submit a proposal up to the deadline on Monday October 1, 2018 at 12:00 pm Pacific Standard Time for the following topics:

  • RFP 2018-01: Exploring the Big Gap in Copper-Gold Deposits of BC’s Central Interior
  • RFP 2018-02: New Tools for Discovery
  • RFP 2018-03: Unlocking Value – A Smarter Look at Big Data
  • RFP 2018-04: Understanding Water
  • RFP 2018-05: Competitive, Responsible Mines for the Future
  • RFP 2018-06: Capturing, Preserving, and Capitalizing our Heritage of Geoscience

Each RFP topic has been selected using feedback received during the development of Geoscience BC’s Strategic Plan 2018-2022, as well as expert input from Geoscience BC’s volunteer Minerals Technical Advisory Committee (TAC).

You can find full details about the application process and each RFP on the Geoscience BC website here.