A research group-based facility where scientists and their students can exploit the synergy of a unique grouping of personnel, expertise, and analytical instruments.
An integration of three laboratories comprising a JEOL JXA-iHP200F field emission electron microprobe analyzer (EPMA), Hitachi SU3900 scanning electron microscope (SEM), Bruker D8 Endeavor and D8 Advance X-ray powder diffractometers (XRD).
A research unit that has made major contributions towards the development of forward modeling & inversion algorithms for potential field and electromagnetic data. More recently, we have begun exploring the application of data science and machine learning methodologies to geophysical problems.
A research unit that houses a collection of instruments that measure the physical properties of rocks in both static and dynamic states to provide rate laws, empirical relationships and define new mechanistic descriptions of the behaviour and evolution of Earth materials.
The EIL focuses on reactions and mass transfer processes at the interfaces between the saturated groundwater zone, overlying soils, and the atmosphere. These processes have implications for biodegradation and longevity of organic contaminants, the weathering of mine waste, and groundwater-surface water interactions