

Programs and Events

Nominations for CFES Board

CFES is looking for nominations or expressions of interest for the following positions on the CFES Board of Directors:

These positions will become available at the next AGM in April 2019, when the current directors complete their respective terms. A description of each of these positions is attached.

If you know anyone in your organization who would be suitable for one or more of these roles, kindly have a nomination submitted as soon as possible to Sandra Barr, Chair of the CFES Nominating Committee, as indicated in the position descriptions. We also encourage you to share these position descriptions with members of your organization so that interested members can also submit nominations or expressions of interest.  We hope to find candidates for these  positions as soon as possible, and hence hope to have your responses by the end of October.

Thank in you advance for your assistance with this important matter.

2019 Killam Postdoctoral Program

The Department of Earth Science at Dalhousie University announces a call for applications for the Izaak Walton Killam Postdoctoral Fellowships. Fellowships are awarded annually at Dalhousie University to recently graduated Canadian or International scholars of superior academic research ability in any discipline, who have not obtained their PhD degree from Dalhousie, and have obtained their degrees no earlier than Jan 1, 2017.

Approximately 5 new fellowships are awarded annually at the university level. The fellowships are tenable for two years and currently valued at $45,000 annually including full benefits and a travel allowance for transportation to and from Halifax, a one‐time research allowance ($3,000) and a conference travel grant ($1,000).

Applications for the Fellowship involve the development of a research proposal in collaboration with Department faculty, who should be first contacted to determine their interest. For information on the application process, see:


A complete application will consist of the following:

Submitted to Department by Applicant as a single pdf document:
1. completed Dalhousie Killam Postdoctoral Fellowship Application form
2. work experience, scholarships, awards, conference presentations (max six (6) pages)
3. optional statement explaining interruptions in study or extenuating circumstances that impacted on your academic records
4. list of publications
5. research proposal (4 pages maximum) – including references
6. lay summary of research proposal (1‐page maximum)

Arranged by Applicant (submitted directly to Department on behalf of Applicant):
1. official confirmation letters of completion or enrollment
2. three confidential letters of reference (originals; max two (2) pages each)
3. letter of support from the Dalhousie faculty member with whom you wish to work

All documents arranged by the applicant must be forwarded as both an electronic copy and as a hard copy. Please email electronic copies to:

Mr. Sean Hartwell (Administrator)
Email: erthadm@dal.ca
Subject line: Killam Postdoc Application

Hard copies to:
Killam Postdoctoral Fellowship Committee
c/o James Brenan, Chair
Department of Earth Science
Dalhousie University
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada, B3H 4H6

Please note that hard copies with original signatures are required for your application to be considered by Dalhousie’s granting body and all document submission deadlines are strictly
enforced. The deadline is December 17th for receipt of completed applications and all supporting documents in the Department. (Please allow enough time for delivery.)

Employment Opportunities

Metal Earth Graduate Opportunities, University of Ottawa

With funding from the Canada First Research Excellence Fund (CFREF) and through a strategic partnership between universities, government surveys, and international research centres, the Metal Earth Project is conducting groundbreaking research on processes responsible for Earth’s metal endowment. Metal Earth is led by the Mineral Exploration Research Centre (MERC) of the Harquail School of Earth Sciences at Laurentian University. One of its work packages will focus on the comparison of modern and ancient oceanic crust as a framework for understanding metal endowment in greenstone belts. Together with the University of Ottawa and the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, researchers in this work package will carry out the large-scale ocean-going geological and geophysical surveys needed to understand the metallogenic evolution of the modern ocean crust.

Metal Earth is seeking two strong candidates (MSc or PhD) to conduct regional studies on: (i) the structural architecture of arc-backarc systems; or (ii) the development of large submarine calderas, as part of the Modern/Ancient Ocean Crust Project. The research projects are fully funded (two years for MSc; four years for PhD) and based at the University of Ottawa. The candidates will have opportunities to participate in research cruises and work with international partners overseas. 

To apply, please forward your application and cover letter to icsr@uottawa.ca. The application should include a CV, contact details, and names of two referees in a single PDF document file. Review of applications will commence October 15, 2018 and continue until the positions have been filled. All qualified candidates are invited to apply; however, preference will be given to Canadian citizens and permanent residents. The University of Ottawa is an equal opportunity employer. We strongly encourage applications.

Assistant Professor, Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences (EOAS), UBC

The Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences (EOAS) at the University of British Columbia invites applicants for a full-time, tenure-track faculty position at the level of Assistant Professor. Applicants will have a PhD or equivalent experience in a related field and should be investigating processes relating to the field of atmospheric science, with research in the Earth's atmosphere or planetary atmospheres. All aspects of atmospheric science are of interest, including but not limited to, weather patterns and extreme events under
climate change, fundamental processes in coupled climate systems, or boundary layer dynamics. The candidate will be expected to develop a strong, externally funded and internationally recognized research program, successfully supervise graduate students, participate in departmental activities and demonstrate the potential to participate and collaborate in the atmospheric sciences programme. EOAS is dedicated to practicing excellence in teaching and evidence demonstrating interest in innovative teaching methods is desirable, along with demonstrated potential for teaching excellence.

Research and teaching interests in EOAS, the top-ranked and largest Earth Sciences department in Canada, span the history of the Earth and the evolution of its structure from core to stratosphere (http://www.eoas.ubc.ca/). We seek candidates who complement existing departmental strengths and have capacity and interest in interacting with other research groups both within and outside the department. Candidates should possess a strong record of research productivity commensurate with
their experience.

Applications should include: i) a cover letter, ii) a detailed curriculum vita, iii) a one-page summary of research interests and accomplishments, iv) a one-page outline of a potential five-year research program, v) a one-page statement of teaching philosophy, vi) three recent publications and vii) three (3) letters of reference. Directions for how to submit your application can be found at https://www.hr.ubc.ca/careers-postings/faculty.php posting #31310.

In addition, the names and contact details of three referees should be entered here: https://www.eoas.ubc.ca/content/atscirefsub. We will contact your referees and ask them to submit
reference letters. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure their referees submit their letters before November 1, 2018.

Review of applications will start November 1, 2018 and applications will be accepted until the position is filled. The successful applicant is expected to start in July 2019 or at a date of mutual agreement. This position is subject to final budgetary approval.

Tenure-Track Position in Mineral Deposit Geology, Université Laval

Description of position
-Tenure-track Faculty position ;
-Teach undergraduate and graduate courses in geology, mineral deposits, and metallogeny;
-Develop and secure external funding for a high quality research program in the fields of mineral exploration, mineral deposit geology, and metallogeny;
-Supervise and coordinate graduate student research in the fields of mineral exploration, mineral deposit geology, and metallogeny;
-Assume an active role within the department by contributing to administrative and academic activities of the department;

Selection criteria
The selected candidate will have a solid expertise in Earth Sciences, in the field of mineral exploration, mineral deposit geology and metallogeny.
Furthermore, the selected candidate will have to meet the following criteria:

-have been awarded an undergraduate degree (or equivalent) in geology, geological engineering or in a related field, and a doctoral degree in a field that is appropriate to the position;
-demonstrate the ability to develop, fund and manage a high-quality and high-impact research program;
-provide evidence of ability to collaborate within multi-disciplinary research teams and networks and demonstrate a positive contribution to these research entities;
-demonstrate strong communication skills by communicating clearly the results and impact of relevant research achievements;
-provide evidence of being able to provide excellent teaching in the domain;
-be a member in good standing with the Ordre des géologues du Québec or the Ordre des Ingénieurs du Québec. Otherwise, the selected candidate will be required to provide a plan that will demonstrate that this requirement can be met within a period of three (3) years.
Considering that teaching is delivered in French, the selected candidate should be proficient in written and spoken French, or should become proficient in written and spoken French within a period of three (3) years.

Salary and benefits
Academic rank will be assessed commensurate with experience and salary will be determined according to the collective agreement in place at the time of hire.
All potential candidates who wish to submit their candidacy should prepare a complete candidacy package which includes : (1) a long-form CV that includes publications and research achievements, (2) an overview of the proposed research program (maximum 5 pages), (3) an overview of the teaching strategies and the candidate’s pedagogical approach to teaching Earth Science (maximum of 2 pages) and (4) the name and full contact details of three referees. The full application package, containing all four aforementioned parts should be sent electronically as a PDF document, on November 15 2018 at the latest to direction-ggl@listes.ulaval.ca:

Marc Constantin
Directeur, Département de géologie et de génie géologique
Université Laval

Applications received beyond this date will be considered until the position is filled. The expected start date for the successful applicant is the 1st of May 2019.