My primary research activities center on seismic reflection and refraction studies of Earth's lithosphere (sediments, crust and upper mantle) both on land and at sea; and data interpretation and relation to geology and tectonics. Analysis and interpretation of potential field data are carried out as needed. With my students, I established a well-recognized program of study of the oceanic crust, but this activity has wound down as I put most of my emphasis on land-based activities. Through LITHOPROBE and equivalent projects and in collaboration with other colleagues, I am active in the acquisition, processing and interpretation of near-vertical incidence multichannel reflection data to delineate deep structural characteristics and in the application of refraction/wide-angle reflection studies to determine lithospheric velocity structures and their tectonic implications. Current projects are sited in the Paleoproterozoic Trans-Hudson Orogen of Saskatchewan and Manitoba, the Archean-to-Proterozoic domains of southwestern Northwest Territories and the Phanerozoic Cordillera of northern British Columbia and the Yukon. The extensive archive of LITHOPROBE data provides many opportunities for innovative studies. Exceptional opportunities for processing applications and interpretation are available through these projects and datasets. In both reflection and refraction studies, I encourage the development of new, or enhancement of existing, procedures for processing, analysis and interpretation of the seismic data. In addition to research in these specific regions, I am involved in the integration, synthesis and comparison of Lithoprobe results to develop new insights on processes of tectonic evolution. These are stimulating times for solid earth science research in Canada and I look forward to maintaining a major role in their development. Director, LITHOPROBE As Director of LITHOPROBE, I have managed this national geoscience research project, which has redefined the way in which Earth Science research is conducted in Canada, since its inception in 1984. During this time, the project has involved more than 900 scientists (including more than 500 students, post-doctoral fellows and research associates), generated about 1500 publications, transferred newly developed technology to Canadian industry, demonstrated a new approach for exploration in mining camps, developed an important educational and public outreach program, and involved a budget totaling more than 100 million dollars from the federal government and other sources.
Research Areas
- Geophysics
B.Sc. (1964), M.Sc. (1966), Ph.D. (1969), all from University of Alberta, Edmonton; NRC (now NSERC) Postdoctoral Fellowship, Australian National University, Canberra (1969-70); Faculty Member, UBC, Assistant Professor to Full Professor (1970 - 2007); Emeritus Professor from 2007; Director of LITHOPROBE (1987 - 2005). Awards: Queen's Diamond Jubilee Medal (2012); Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists Distinguished Lecturer (2008-09); Logan Medal, Geological Association of Canada (2005); Canada Council Killam Research Fellowship (2004-2006); Visiting Fellowship, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (2003); Queen's Golden Jubilee Medal (2002); Member, Order of Canada (1998); J. Tuzo Wilson Medal, Canadian Geophysical Union (1998); Distinguished Lecturer Award, The Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (1997); Honorary Member, Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists (1995); Distinguished Fellow, Geological Association of Canada (1995); Fellow, Royal Society of Canada (1994); George P. Woollard Award, Geological Society of America (1993); Past President`s Medal, Geological Association of Canada (1988); Canada Council Killam Research Fellowship (1987-88, declined); Best Paper Award, Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists (1966, 1981); Best Paper Award, Geophysics (1968)