
    Origin and evolution of silicate magmas and mineralization potential;
    Applications of geochemistry, isotopic geochemistry, and geochronology to problems in petrology and mineral deposit geology;
    Physical volcanology and geochemical evolution of Large Igneous Provinces;
    Origin of igneous layering and the development of layered intrusions;
    Petrologic, geochemical, isotopic, and geochronological aspects of Proterozoic anorthosite plutonic suites;
    Origin of magmatic Fe-Ti oxide, Cr, Ni, and PGE deposits


    Research Areas

    • Geochemistry
    • Geology
    • Geoscience Education
    • Mineral Deposits

    Teaching Awards
    Faculty Teaching Award, 2021 (EOAS-UBC)
    Killam Teaching Award, 2018 (UBC)
    Faculty Teaching Award, 2012 (EOAS-UBC)
    Faculty Teaching Award, 2006 (EOAS-UBC)

    Courses Taught/Co-taught at UBC since 2002:
    EOSC 220: Introductory Mineralogy
    EOSC 223: Introduction to Geological Maps & Field Techniques
    EOSC 223: Saltspring Island field school
    EOSC 311: The Earth and Its Resources
    EOSC 321: Principles of Igneous Processes
    EOSC 333: Elemental and Isotopic Geochemistry
    EOSC 328: Field Geology (Okanagan field school)
    EOSC 331: Introduction to Mineral Deposits
    EOSC 424: Advanced Mineral Deposits
    EOSC 427: Water-Rock Interactions
    EOSC 449: B.Sc. Thesis
    EOSC 523: Isotope Geology
    EOSC 525: Magmatic Ore Deposits
    EOSC 530: Advanced Igneous Petrology
    EOSC 539: Geochemistry of Hydrothermal Ore Deposits
    EOSC 545: Advanced Models in Mineral Deposits

    Courses Taught at ULB 1995-2001:
    GEOL 019: Introduction aux Sciences de la Terre
    GEOL 022: Pétrologie Générale
    GEOL 031: Processus Magmatiques
    GEOL 055: Excursions Géologiques (Bretagne et Massif Central)

    B.Sc. (Honours), 1987, Queen's University at Kingston, Canada
    Ph.D., 1994, University of Wyoming, USA
    Associate Professor, 1995-2001, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
    Young Scientist Award, 2001, Mineralogical Association of Canada
    Faculty Member at UBC Since 2002
    MAGNET: Multidisciplinary Applied Geochemistry Network (NSERC CREATE)
    Steering Committee Member, Pacific Centre for Isotopic and Geochemical Research (PCIGR)
    Research Website: The Triassic Wrangellia Flood Basalts in BC, Yukon and Alaska