Lucy's primary research focus is the volcanology of low viscosity magmas. This has included the volcanology of kimberlite pipes, which are the roots of old volcanoes and are the primary deposits for diamonds, as well as projects on basaltic eruptions in Hawaii. Her main field area is in the Northwest Territories where she studies several of the kimberlite pipes of the Lac de Gras field. As a volcanologist, as well as an economic geologist, Lucy is also interested in many aspects of physical volcanology and has visited several active volcanoes around the world, both for research and just for fun!
Lucy is currently involved in several teaching initiatives and is interested in research into the scholarship of teaching and learning in the Earth Sciences, in particular in field based courses.
Research Areas
- Geology
- Geoscience Education
- Mineral Deposits
Lucy teaches a variety of undergraduate courses, focusing on large first year geoscience classes and field based courses. Lucy is part of the teaching team for the EOAS contribution to the Vancouver Summer Program, a one month long intensive program for international undergraduate students from universities around the world. In her role as part of the UBC team collaborating with the University of Central Asia (UCA), she is helping to build the curriculum and courses for the UCA Earth and Environmental Sciences undergraduate degree. She completed the UBC International Program for the Scholarship of Educational Leadership: UBC Certificate on Curriculum and Pedagogy in Higher Education in 2017, and is committed to using and developing research informed teaching practices.
Lucy has a background in applied geology and has been involved in both regional and mine site exploration for gold and diamonds. She completed her PhD at Monash University, Melbourne, Australia in 2008, where she studied the volcanology of several kimberlites from the Ekati Diamond Mine in the Lac de Gras field (NWT, Canada). She came to UBC in September 2009 with a Commonwealth Postdoctoral Research Fellowship to continue her research on kimberlite volcanology focussing on the A418 kimberlite of the Diavik Diamond Mine, also in the Lac de Gras field. She then held a European Union Marie Curie Research Fellowship, and worked at UBC in conjunction with researchers at Bristol University, UK, to study the fragmentation behaviour of low viscosity magmas, including Hawaiian basalts, carbonatites and kimberlites. Lucy is currnetly a Research Associate in the Volcanology and Petrology Laboratory at UBC and an instructor for a variety of EOSC courses including EOSC 110, 111, 114, 223, 328.
Campbell ME, Porritt L, Russell JK. 2016. Forensic recovery of transient eruption parameters for the 2360 BP fall deposit, Mount Meager, British Columbia. JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH. 312:11-25.
Ryan AG, Russell JK, Nichols ARL, Hess K-U, Porritt L. 2015. Experiments and models on H2O retrograde solubility in volcanic systems. AMERICAN MINERALOGIST. 100:774-786.
Russell JK, Edwards B.R, Porritt L, Ryane C.. 2014. Tuyas: a descriptive genetic classification. QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS. 87:70-81.
Afanasyev A.A, Melnik O., Porritt L, Schumacher J.C, Sparks R.SJ. 2014. Hydrothermal alteration of kimberlite by convective flows of external water. CONTRIBUTIONS TO MINERALOGY AND PETROLOGY. 168
Jones T.J, Russell JK, Porritt L, Brown R.J. 2014. Morphology and surface features of olivine in kimberlite: implications for ascent processes. SOLID EARTH. 5:313-326.
Campbell ME, Russell JK, Porritt L. 2013. Thermomechanical milling of accessory lithics in volcanic conduits. EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS. 377:276-286.
Russell JK, Edwards BR, Porritt L. 2013. Pyroclastic passage zones in glaciovolcanic sequences. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS. 4
Trofimovs J., Foster C., Sparks R.SJ, Loughlin S., Le Friant A., Deplus C., Porritt L, Christopher T., Luckett R., Talling P.J et al.. 2012. Submarine pyroclastic deposits formed during the 20th May 2006 dome collapse of the SoufriSre Hills Volcano, Montserrat. BULLETIN OF VOLCANOLOGY. 74:391-405.
Porritt L, Russell JK, Quane S.L. 2012. Pele's tears and spheres: Examples from Kilauea Iki. EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS. 333:171-180.
Russell JK, Porritt L, Lavallee Y, Dingwell DB. 2012. Kimberlite ascent by assimilation-fuelled buoyancy. NATURE. 481:352-U133.
Porritt L, Russell J.K. 2012. Kimberlite ash: Fact or fiction. PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF THE EARTH. 45-46:24-32.
Porritt L, Cas R.AF, Ailleres L., Oshust P.. 2011. The influence of volcanological and sedimentological processes on diamond grade distribution in kimberlites: examples from the EKATI Diamond Mine, NWT, Canada. BULLETIN OF VOLCANOLOGY. 73:1085-1105.
Porritt L, Cas RAF. 2011. The influence of complex intra- and extra-vent processes on facies characteristics of the Koala Kimberlite, NWT, Canada: volcanology, sedimentology and intrusive processes. BULLETIN OF VOLCANOLOGY. 73:717-735.
Cas R.AF, Porritt L, Pittari A., Hayman P.C. 2009. A practical guide to terminology for kimberlite facies: A systematic progression from descriptive to genetic, including a pocket guide. LITHOS. 112:183-190.
Porritt L, Cas R.AF. 2009. Reconstruction of a kimberlite eruption, using an integrated volcanological, geochemical and numerical approach: A case study of the Fox Kimberlite, NWT Canada. JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH. 179:241-264.
Cas R, Porritt L, Pittari A, Hayman P. 2008. A new approach to kimberlite facies ten-ninology using a revised general approach to the nomenclature of all volcanic rocks and deposits: Descriptive to genetic. JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH. 174:226-240.
Cas R.AF, Hayman P., Pittari A., Porritt L. 2008. Some major problems with existing models and terminology associated with kimberlite pipes from a volcanological perspective, and some suggestions. JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH. 174:209-225.
Nowicki T, Porritt L, Crawford B, Kjarsgaard B. 2008. Geochemical trends in kimberlites of the Ekati property, Northwest `Territories, Canada: Insights on volcanic and resedimentation processes. JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH. 174:117-127.
Porritt L, Cas R.AF, Crawford B.B. 2008. In-vent column collapse as an alternative model for massive volcaniclastic kimberlite emplacement: An example from the Fox kimberlite, Ekati Diamond Mine, NWT, Canada. JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH. 174:90-102.
Porritt L, Cas R.AF, Crawford B.B. 2008. Reply to: Discussion by Brown et al. on ``In-vent column collapse as an alternative model for massive volcaniclastic kimberlite emplacement: An example from the Fox kimberlite, Ekati Diamond Mine, NWT, Canada''. JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH. 178:851-854.