My research aims to improve our understanding of marine sedimentary environments through the combined use of isotope geochemistry and numerical modelling. Within this broad field my research focusses on early-stage diagenesis, and the chemical, mineralogical and petrological changes that sediments undergo before they become rocks. Much of my research centres on early diagenetic processes, such as oxidation of organic matter in marine sediments, and the effect these have on changes in carbon mineralisation. To track these early diagenetic processes in marine sediments I utilise a range of stable isotope measurements including Calcium, Strontium, Magnesium, Carbon and Oxygen.
Research Areas
- Geochemistry
- Oceanography
From January 2023 | Assistant Professor | Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, University of British Columbia, Canada |
2017–2022 | NERC Independent Research Fellow | Department of Earth Science, University of Cambridge, UK |
2013–2017 | PhD in Biogeochemistry | Department of Earth Science, University of Cambridge, UK |
2009–2013 | MSci in Geology | Department of Earth Science and Engineering, Imperial College London, UK |
Mehta, N; Coutaud, M; Bouchez, J; Bradbury, HJ; Van Zuilen, K; Moynier, F; Gorge, C; Skouri-Panet, F; Benzerara, K. (2023). Barium and strontium isotope fractionation by cyanobacteria forming intracellular carbonates. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.
Kleber, GE; Hodson, AJ; Magerl, L; Mannerfelt, ES; Bradbury, HJ; Zhu, Y; Trimmer, M; Turchyn, AV. (2023). Glacial retreat driving enhanced methane emissions in the high Arctic. Nature Geoscience.
Giesche, A; Hodell, D; Petrie, C; Haug, G; Adkins, J; Plessen, B; Marwan, N; Bradbury, HJ; Hartland, A; French, A; Breitenbach, S. (2023). Speleothem evidence for recurring summer and winter droughts post-4.2 ka in the Indus River Basin. Nature Communications Earth & Environment.
Lin, CY*; Bradbury, HJ*; Antler, G; Burdige, DJ; Bennett, TD; Li, S; Turchyn, AV. (2022). Sediment mineralogy influences the rate of microbial sulfate reduction in marine sediments. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 598(117481)
Thomas, NC; Bradbury, HJ; Hodell, DA. (2022). Changes in North Atlantic deep-water oxygenation across the Middle Pleistocene Transition. Science. 377: 654–659.
Dutta, S; Saar, R; Lavie, Z; Vered, G; Bradbury, HJ; Antler, G. (2022). A method for a fast and economical in situ collection of pore water in sandy sediments. Frontiers in Marine Science. 9: 968063.
Li, Q; McArthur, JM; Thirlwall, MF; Turchyn, AV; Page, K; Bradbury, HJ; Weis, R; Lowry, D. (2021). Testing for ocean acidification during the Early Toarcian using δ44/40Ca and δ88/86Sr. Chemical Geology. 574: 120228.
Fotherby, A; Bradbury, HJ; Antler, G; Sun, X; Druhan, JL; Turchyn, AV. (2021). Modelling the effects of non-steady state transport dynamics on the sulfur and oxygen isotope composition of sulfate in sedimentary pore fluids. Frontiers in Earth Science. 8: 587085.
Bradbury, HJ; Turchyn, AV; Bateson, A; Antler, G; Fotherby, A; Druhan, JL; Greaves, M; Sevilgen, DS; Hodell, DA. (2021). The Carbon-Sulfur Link in the Remineralization of Organic Carbon in Surface Sediments. Frontiers in Earth Science. 9: 652960.
Turchyn, AV; Bradbury, HJ; Walker, K; Sun, X. (2021). Controls on the precipitation of carbonate minerals within marine sediments. Frontiers in Earth Science. 9: 618311.
de Wet, CB; Erhardt, AM; Sharp, WD; Marks, NE; Bradbury, HJ; Turchyn, AV; Xu, Y; Oster, JL. (2021). Semiquantitative estimates of rainfall variability during the 8.2 kyr event in California using speleothem calcium isotope ratios. Geophysical Research Letters. 48(3): e2020GL089154.
James, DH; Bradbury, HJ; Antler, G; Steiner, Z; Hutchings, AM; Sun, X; Saar, R; Greaves, M; Turchyn, AV. (2021). Assessing Sedimentary Boundary Layer Calcium Carbonate Precipitation and Dissolution Using the Calcium Isotopic Composition of Pore Fluids. Frontiers in Earth Science. 9(601194)
Erhardt, AM; Turchyn, AV; Bradbury, HJ; Dickson, JAD. (2020). The calcium isotopic composition of carbonate hardground cements: A new record of changes in ocean chemistry?. Chemical Geology. 540: 119490.
Gussone, N; Ahm, A-S; Lau, KV; Bradbury, HJ. (2020). Calcium isotopes in deep time: potential and limitations. Chemical Geology. 544: 119601.
Bradbury, HJ*; Halloran, KH*; Lin, CY; Turchyn, AV. (2020). Calcium isotope fractionation during microbially induced carbonate mineral precipitation. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 277: 37-51.
Bradbury, HJ; Turchyn, AV. (2019). Reevaluating the carbon sink due to sedimentary carbonate formation in modern marine sediments. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 519: 40-49.
Tostevin, R; Bradbury, HJ; Shields, GA; Wood, RA; Bowyer, F; Penny, AM; Turchyn, AV. (2019). Calcium isotopes as a record of the marine calcium cycle versus carbonate diagenesis during the late Ediacaran. Chemical Geology. 529: 119319.
Magiera, M; Lechleitner, FA; Erhardt, AM; Hartland, A; Kwiecien, O; Cheng, H; Bradbury, HJ; Turchyn, AV; Riechelmann, S; Edwards, L; Breitenbach, SFM. (2019). Local and regional Indian summer monsoon precipitation dynamics during Termination II and the Last Interglacial. Geophysical Research Letters. 46(21): 12454-12463.
Hutchings, AM; Antler, G; Wilkening, JV; Basu, A; Bradbury, HJ; Clegg, JA; Gorka, M; Lin, CY; Mills, JV; Pellerin, A; Redeker, KR; Sun, X; Turchyn, AV. (2019). Creek dynamics determine pond subsurface geochemical heterogeneity in East Anglian (UK) salt marshes. Frontiers in Earth Science. 7: 41.
Bradbury, HJ; Turchyn, AV. (2018). Calcium isotope fractionation in sedimentary pore fluids from ODP Leg 175: Resolving carbonate recrystallization. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 236: 121-139.
Bradbury, HJ; Torfstein, A; Wong, K; Turchyn, AV. (2018). The calcium isotope systematics of the late Quaternary Dead Sea basin lakes. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 19(11): 4260-4273.
Higgins, JA; Blättler, CL; Lundstrom, EA; Santiago-Ramos, DP; Akhtar, AA; Ahm, A-SC; Bialik, O; Holmden, C; Bradbury, HJ; Murray, ST; Swart, PK. (2018). Mineralogy, early marine diagenesis, and the chemistry of shallow-water carbonate sediments. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 220: 512-534.
Roberts, J; Kaczmarek, K; Langer, G; Skinner, LC; Bijma, J; Bradbury, H; Turchyn, AV; Lamy, F; Misra, S. (2018). Lithium isotopic composition of benthic foraminifera: A new proxy for paleo-pH reconstruction. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 236: 336-350.
Vandeginste, V; Stehle, MC; Jourdan, A-L; Bradbury, HJ; Manning, C; Cosgrove, JW. (2017). Diagenesis in salt dome roof strata: Barite-calcite assemblage in Jebel Madar, Oman. Marine and Petroleum Geology. 86: 408-425.
Bradbury, HJ; Vandeginste, V; John, CM. (2015). Diagenesis of phosphatic hardgrounds in the Monterey Formation: A perspective from bulk and clumped isotope geochemistry. Geological Society of America Bulletin.127, 1453–1463.