
    My research focuses on understanding the processes operating in subduction zones — places on Earth where tectonic plates dive into the Earth's mantle triggering great earthquakes and explosive volcanism. Insight into key processes operating at depth in the Earth is achieved by integrating heat-transfer and petrologic models with field and seismological observations. My current research focusses on the Cascadia subduction zone which extends along the west coast of North America from southern British Columbia to northern California. In Cascadia, as is the case for other subduction zones, H2O-rich fluids and hydrous minerals play a critical role in seismicity and arc magmatism. Determining the spatial and temporal distribution of H2O and hydrated rocks in the Cascadia subduction zone not only advances our understanding of plate tectonics, but can also help quantify the societal risk posed by earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in the Pacific Northwest.    

    Research Areas

    • Geochemistry
    • Geology
    • Geophysics

    Ph.D. Geology University of California at Los Angeles 1985
    M.S. Geology Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1981
    B.S. Geology Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1981

    2006 - 2018 Dean, Faculty of Science, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC
    2004 - 2006 Divisional Dean of Natural Sciences and Mathematics,
    College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
    2003 - 2004 Associate Dean, Academic Personnel (interim)
    College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
    1999 - 2003 Chair, Dept. of Geological Sciences, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
    1997 - 1998 Chair (interim), Dept. of Geology, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
    1996 - 1997 Associate Chair, Dept. of Geology, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ

    2006 - present Professor, Earth Ocean, and Atmos Sciences, Univ. British Columbia
    1996 - 2006 Professor of Geology, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
    1990 - 1996 Associate Professor of Geology, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
    1985 - 1990 Assistant Professor of Geology, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
    1998 - 1999 Visiting Scientist, Pacific Geoscience Centre, Sidney, B.C., Canada
    1991 - 1992 Guest Professor, Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule, Zurich, Switz.

    National Science Foundation Antarctica Service Medal: 2001
    Fellow, Geological Society of America: 1997
    A.S.U. Dept. of Geology Excellence in Teaching and Guidance: 1991
    A.S.U. Golden Key National Honor Society - Outstanding Professor: 1988
    U.C.L.A. and Dept. of Earth and Space Science Fellowships: 1981-1985
    Christopher Goetze Memorial and MMRRI Awards (research awards, M.I.T.): 1980, 1981
    Thomas J. Watson National Merit Corporate Scholarship: 1977-1981

    Fellow, Geological Society of America 1997 – present (member since 1983)
    Member, American Geophysical Union 1985 – present
    Member, American Association for the Advancement of Science

    Merrill, R.J., M.G. Bostock, S.M. Peacock, and D.S. Chapman (2023) Optimal multichannel stretch factors for estimating changes in seismic velocity: Application to the 2012 Mw 7.8 Haida Gwaii earthquake.  Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, v. 103, p. 1077-1090,  

    Steinthorsdottir, K., G.M. Dipple, J.A. Cutts, C.C. Turvey, D. Milidragovic, and S.M. Peacock (2022) Formation and preservation of brucite and awaruite in serpentinized and tectonized mantle in central British Columbia: Implications for carbon mineralization and nickel mining. Journal of Petrology, v. 63, 1-25,

    Merrill, R.J., M.G. Bostock, S.M. Peacock, A.J. Schaeffer, and S.W. Reocker (2022) Complex structure in the Nootka fault zone revealed by double-difference tomography and a new earthquake catalog.  Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, v. 23, e2021GC010205,

    Cutts, J.A., K. Steinthorsdottir, C. Turvey, G.M. Dipple, R.J. Enkin, and S.M. Peacock (2021) Deducing mineralogy of serpentinized and carbonated ultramafic rocks using physical properties with implications for carbon sequestration and subduction zone dynamics.  Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, v. 22, e2021GC009989, https://doi. org/10.1029/2021GC009989

    Peacock, S.M., and K. Wang (2021) On the stability of talc in subduction zones: A possible control on the maximum depth of decoupling between the subducting plate and mantle wedge.  Geophysical Research Letters, v. 48, e2021GL094889,    

    Wang, K., T. Huang, F. Tilmann, S.M. Peacock, and D. Lange (2020) Role of serpentinized mantle wedge in affecting megathrust seismogenic behavior in the area of the 2010 M=8.8 Maule earthquake.  Geophysical Research Letters,

    Merrill, R., M.G. Bostock, S.M. Peacock, A. Calvert, and N. Christensen (2020) A double difference tomography study of the Washington forearc: Does Siletzia control crustal seismicity?  Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 125,

    Savard, G., M.G. Bostock, J. Hutchinson, H. Kao, N.I. Christensen, and S.M. Peacock (2020) The northern terminus of Cascadia subduction.  Journal of Geophysical Research,

    Peacock, S.M. (2020) Advances in the thermal and petrologic modeling of subduction zones.  Geosphere, v. 16.

    Bostock, M.G., N.I. Christensen, and S.M. Peacock (2019) Seismicity in Cascadia.  Lithos, v. 332-333, p. 55-66.

    Peacock, S.M. (2015) The Carl Wieman Science Education Initiative at the University of British Columbia: A Dean’s Perspective.  in Improving Undergraduate STEM Education at Research Universities: A Collection of Case Studies, American Association of Universities, Washington D.C., p. 9-16.

    Bostock, M.G., A, Royer, E. Hearn, and S.M. Peacock (2012) Low frequency earthquakes below southern Vancouver Island.  Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, v. 13, doi: 10.1029/2012GC004391.

    Peacock, S.M., N.I. Christensen, M.G. Bostock, and P. Audet (2011) High pore pressures and porosity at 35 km depth in the Cascadia subduction zone.  Geology, v. 39, 471-474; doi: 10.1130/G31649.1.

    Gomberg, J., P. Bedrosian, P.Bodin, M. Bostock, M. Brudzinski, K. Creager, H. Draggert, G. Egbert, A. Ghosh, J. Horton, H. Houston, H. Kao, P. McCrory, T. Melbourne, S.M. Peacock, E. Roeloffs, J. Rubenstein, D. Schmidt, A. Trehu, J. Vidale, K. Wang, and A. Wech (2010) Slow slip phenomena in Cascadia from 2007 and beyond: A review.  Geological Society of America, Bulletin, v. 122, 963-978; doi: 10.1130/B30287.1.

    Peacock, S.M. (2009) Thermal and metamorphic environment of subduction zone episodic tremor and slip.  Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 114, B00A07, doi:10.1029/2008JB005978.

    Audet, P., M.G. Bostock, N.I. Christensen, and S.M. Peacock (2009) Seismic evidence for overpressured subducted oceanic crust and megathrust fault sealing, Nature, v. 457, 76-78, doi:10.1038/nature07650.