
Aurora is our weekly newsletter aimed at faculty, staff, and students of the department.



Positions Available

Tenure-Track Faculty Position in Hydrogeology - Eastern Michigan University

The Department of Geography and Geology at Eastern Michigan University invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position at the assistant professor level with specialization in hydrogeology effective September 2017.  The candidate will be expected to be committed to excellence in teaching and to conduct an active research program in hydrogeology. Instruction responsibilities include teaching upper-level undergraduate courses in hydrology and hydrogeology, as well as introductory-level courses in geology, earth science, and environmental science, and directing undergraduate research projects. The review of applications will begin December 16, 2016 and continue until the position is filled. For more information, see here.

Tenure-Track Faculty Position in Surficial Geologic Processes - Eastern Michigan University

The Department of Geography and Geology at Eastern Michigan University invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position at the assistant professor level with specialization in surficial geologic processes effective September 2017. The candidate will be expected to be committed to excellence in teaching and to conduct an active research program in surficial geologic processes. Instruction responsibilities include teaching upper-level undergraduate courses in geomorphology and glacial/Quaternary geology, as well as introductory-level courses in geology, earth science, and environmental science, and directing undergraduate research projects. The review of applications will begin December 16, 2016 and continue until the position is filled. For more information, see here.

PDF/Research Associate in Applied Exploration Geophysics - Harquail School of Earth Sciences, Laurentian University

The Harquail School of Earth Sciences is seeking a geophysicist to undertake research on the large-scale variation in the physical properties of the Archean Craton. This position will be for three years and will evolve from data compilation and import into the software to collaborating with the other researchers. For more information, see here

PDF/Research Associate in Tectonics and Isotope Geochemistry - Harquail School of Earth Sciences, Laurentian University

The Harquail School of Earth Sciences is seeking a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow/Research Associate to undertake research on the application of the Lu-Hf, Nd-Sm and O isotopic systems to Archean metallogeny. For more information, see here

Post-Doc position - University of Geneva

The Department of Earth Sciences is inviting applications for a 24-month post-doc position in Economic Geology at the University of Geneva on multi-isotope and trace element tracing of magmatic-hydrothermal transition processes at the world-class San Rafael Sn deposit in Peru. Candidates are expected to have a solid publication record and experience working with in-situ analytical techniques (SIMS and/or LA-ICP-MS). Experience on magmatic-hydrothermal ore systems is considered as an advantage. Evaluation of applications will start on December 12th, 2016 until the position is filled. For more information see here

Research Scientist, Terrestrial Climate Processes - Environment and Climate Change Canada

ECCC's Climate Research Division (CRD) is seeking to fill a Research Scientist position in the Climate Processes Section. The incumbent will engage in research and model development on physical and biogeochemical terrestrial processes in the climate system. They will work with a team of scientists in CRD focused on development and implementation of the CLASS-CTEM (Canadian Land Surface Scheme and Canadian Terrestrial Ecosystem Model) component of ECCC’s climate models (e.g., Canadian Earth System Model).   Application closing date is 22 December 2016. For more information see here.

Instructor for Geographic Information Systems (GIS) - Dalhousie University

The Department of Earth Sciences at Dalhousie University seeks to fill a full-time instructor position in the field of Geographic Information Systems.  The successful candidate will be responsible for teaching the concepts and applications of GIS and remote sensing, and with the general development of the GIS programme. In addition, he or she will teach the use of other computer applications, assist in the delivery of the department’s field schools, manage the GIS laboratory and equipment, and support other teaching and research in the Department. The application deadline is 16 January, 2017 for an anticipated start date of 1 July, 2017. For more information see here.

Student Positions Available

Research Assistantship - Iowa State University of Science and Technology

Seeking a graduate student to validate satellite observations of soil moistures, and to help create new satellite products relevant to crop yield in the US Corn Belt. For more information see here

PhD Position - Camborne School of Mines, Exeter University

The Exeter International Excellence Scholarship for Postgraduate Research is 20 full-fee scholarships available for entry during the 2017/18 academic year. Successful applicants will have their tuition and bench fees paid by the University for up to 3.5 years (42 months). The application deadline is 15 January 2017. For more information on the award, see here. For more information on the Camborne School of Mines, see here.

Student Ocean Ambassador - SEVENSEAS Marine Conservation and Travel Magazine

SEVENSEAS Magazine is seeking a student ambassador to host ocean-themed events on campus to promote ocean conservation and eco-tourism. SEVENSEAS is a free publication that aims to prevent the destruction of ocean ecosystems by spreading the word about marine conservation, through articles and photography. Ambassadors are to encourage students to subscribe to SEVENSEAS for free. Applications are due December 21st, 2016. For more information see here. For the application form, see here

Bulletin Board

Leadership announcement in the Faculty of Applied Science

I am writing, with regret, to let you know that Dean Marc Parlange has accepted a position as Provost and Senior Vice-President at Monash University, and is resigning as Dean of the Faculty of Applied Science effective June 4, 2017. Dean Parlange has been an inspired leader who has strengthened the Faculty of Applied Science, while bringing the multiple units in the Faculty together with the shared mission to create positive change in the world through the generation, professional embodiment, and innovative application of new knowledge. He has developed a series of initiatives that will position UBC as a leader in innovation and education across the areas of applied science, and has been a thoughtful and respected member of the university’s senior academic leadership. I congratulate Dean Parlange on his appointment but UBC will truly miss his passion and drive. I will work with the Faculty of Applied Science to appoint an interim Dean who will work with the Dean over the next six months to ensure a smooth transition.

Angela Redish, Provost and Vice-President Academic pro tem

Educational Opportunities

Marks-Kucher 2017 Student Bursary - Alberta Parks

This is a Guided Excavation program in Dinosaur Provincial Park. Alberta Parks has developed a research partnership with the Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology to excavate one of the ceratopsian bonebeds in the park, and has also partnered with funders to offset the costs associated with participation in the program. The Marks-Kucher Student Bursary is intended to provide experience in vertebrate field-work for students in graduate or undergraduate palaeontology programs (students pursuing acceptance into a graduate or undergraduate palaeontology program may also apply). This bursary consists of financial support to cover the program costs (training, food, and accommodation if required) of either a one or two-day guided excavation experience in Dinosaur Provincial Park (DPP). There are a limited number of bursaries available and applications must be in by April 28, 2017. For more information, see here

EOSC515 Graduate Seminar

EOSC515 (Graduate Seminar) is open for registration for T2. This is a one-credit, one hour per week graduate seminar course that is designed for students to hone their presentation skills and share their research with each other. It is also a complementary course to the two-credit teaching and learning course, EOSC516 (Teaching and Learning in EOAS). Please see here for the curriculum and contact Mollie with any questions.