
Aurora is our weekly newsletter aimed at faculty, staff, and students of the department.



Employment Opportunities

Climate Research Division, Atmospheric Science and Technology Directorate, Toronto

The Climate Research Division is running an anticipatory climate research scientist staffing process, with a closing date of July 14, 2017 at 23:59 Pacific Time.


Duties:   Carry out original research at the Climate Research Division (CRD) of Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) in Toronto to enhance understanding of variability and change of the climate system on all temporal and spatial scales, with particular emphasis on observed and projected changes in climate/weather extremes supporting Canada’s adaptation to climate change. The successful candidate will be part of a team of Research Scientists and other researchers who monitor and analyze Canadian and global climate to document and understand climate trends and variations. The specific objective is to provide science support for climate service to different sectors including health, transportation, utility, agriculture, forestry, infrastructure, marine engineering and transportation, by using both observed and climate model data to characterize, analyze, and understand changes and variability of extremes in the past and in the future. The work will involve analyses of large volumes of observed and climate model data, as well as development and use of advanced statistical and mathematical methods to analyze data, to detect past changes and to understand and attribute the causes of the changes, to project possible future changes. Each of the three positions will focus on one of the three sub-areas including 1) compound extreme events, 2) processes and drivers affecting climate extremes, and 3) marine winds and waves, storm surge and coastal inundation and coastal erosion.

Intent of the process: To staff up to three indeterminate positions in Toronto, Ontario. A pool of qualified candidates may be created and may be used to staff similar term or indeterminate positions within Environment and Climate Change Canada.

Executive Secretary, Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP),  Tromsø, Norway

The Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP) Working Group is looking for an Executive Secretary to lead the AMAP Secretariat. The AMAP Working Group is one of six permanent working groups of the Arctic Council. The AMAP secretariat is located in Tromsø, Norway, and the deadline for applications is August 25 2017.

For more information and how to apply, please see here.

Earth Science Laboratory Coordinator, UTM: Chemical and Physical Sciences, University of Toronto

Reporting to the Manager, Finance and Operations in the Department of Chemical and Physical Sciences, and under general direction from the Chair, works independently in the Earth Science labs.  Responsibilities include: set-up and take down of lab experiments; ordering of supplies, instruments and equipment needed for teaching labs; demonstrating equipment, procedures and techniques to students and teaching assistants (TAs); ensuring proper inventory and storage of fossil and mineral collections, equipment and supplies; ensuring the safety of students in the labs and field at all times; and other related duties as communicated by Faculty or Manager.

The deadline for applications is July 16, 2017.  For more information and how to apply, please see here.