
Aurora is our weekly newsletter aimed at faculty, staff, and students of the department.



Positions Available

PC-03 Climate Extremes Analyst - Environment and Climate Change Canada, Toronto, Ontario

Environment and Climate Change Canada invites applications for a climate extremes analyst at their Science and Technology branch in Toronto, Ontario. The application closing date is November 15, 2016. For more information, see here.

Faculty Positions - Harquail School of Earth Sciences, Laurentian University

Laurentian University, one of the recognized world leaders in mineral exploration research, is seeking individuals with demonstrated excellence in research and teaching to fill four faculty positions. Successful candidates are expected to actively participate in Metal Earth's research in addition to developing their independent vigorous and externally-funded research programs. For more information about the positions, please see here.

Research Chair in Exploration Targeting (tenured position)
Beginning July 1, 2017. Applicants for this position will have achieved international prominence in mineral exploration or ore systems research.

Professor of Exploration Geophysics (tenure track)
Beginning July 1, 2017. This professor will conduct research and teach on seismology as applied to exploration and Precambrian crustal evolution.

Professor of Precambrian Geology (tenure track)
Beginning January 1, 2018. This professor will conduct research and teach on Precambrian Geology and Precambrian Tectonics as they relate to Earth's evolution and metallogeny.

Professor of Earthy Systems Modelling (tenure track)
Beginning January 1, 2018. This professor will conduct research and teach on Earth Systems, their application to ore systems, and the interrogation and integration of large multi-parameter geoscience datasets to develop new mineral exploration models.

Faculty Position in Hydrospheric Geophysics - Department of Physics, University of Helsinki

The University of Helsinki is seeking a professor/assistant professor in Hydrospheric Geophysics. The application deadline is December 5, 2016. For more information, see here.

Student Positions Available

PhD Positions in Microbial Ecology, Inorganic Geochemistry and Organic Geochemistry - Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag)

Eawag, the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology, is an internationally networked aquatic research institute within the ETH Domain. It conducts research, education, and expert consulting to achieve the dual goals of meeting direct human needs for water and maintaining the function and integrity of aquatic ecosystems. The Department of Surface Waters Research and Management (Surf) has vacancies for three PhD positions, each one in the field of microbial ecology, inorganic geochemistry, and organic geochemistry.

The start date for the positions is anticipated to be March 2017, or as soon as possible. For further information see here, or contact Dr. Beat Mueller

Graduate Research Opportunities in Atmosphere/Ocean Physics - Department of Physics, University of Toronto

This is to announce the availability of several graduate research opportunities in Atmosphere/Ocean Physics. The Department of Physics is home to one of the world's foremost groups in the study of physical processes in oceans and atmospheres. We welcome you to join us as a prospective graduate student with a B.Sc in Physics or a cognate discipline, including Mathematics, Computer Science, Engineering Science, Environmental Physics, and of course Atmospheric/Ocean Science.

If you are interested, you should apply directly to the Department of Physics via its website here, and you should indicate clearly your interest in studying Atmosphere/Ocean Physics. The deadline for applications for the 2017-2018 academic year is December 1, 2016. Potential advisors include Nicolas Grisouard, Dylan Jones, Paul Kushner, Christopher Lee, Richard Peltier, Kimberly Strong, Kaley Walker, and Debra Wunch. For more information, see here.


David Suzuki Fellowships - $50,000 

Are you a scholars who can help lead Canada to a low-carbon future? Do you know someone who is? if so, the David Suzuki Fellowships are an exciting opportunity. The fellowships are a new program that will invest in leaders with the potential to follow in David Suzuki's footsteps - bringing important new thinking to the public and inspiring action on complex environmental problems. 

In 2017, the David Suzuki Foundation will offer three $50,000 fellowship to scholars with expertise in clean energy solutions or the economics of sustainable development (based in Vancouver), climate solutions and traditional indigenous knowledge (based in Toronto), and transportation, energy and climate solutions (based in Montreal). 

For information on eligibility, please see here. Applications will be accepted until February 1, 2017. 


Call for Abstracts and Posters - 2017 PDAC-SEG Student Minerals Colloquium

The PDAC, SEG Canada Foundation, the Goodman School of Mines, and the NSERC-CMIC Exploration Footprints Network, in cooperation with Laurentian University and Ottawa-Carleton Geoscience Centre SEG Student Chapters, will host the annual "Student Minerals Colloquium". All students (BSc, MSc, PhD) working on projects with a link to mineral deposits (e.g., mapping, mineralogy, geochemistry, geophysics, environmental, hydrogeology) are encouraged to participate. This event attracts hundreds of industry participants who are attending PDAC and therefore provides the widest possible exposure for your work.

The deadline to submit abstracts online is January 6, 2017 at midnight. For more information about the event and abstract submission instructions, see here.

Learning Opportunities

UBC Writing Across the Curriculum Workshop - Teaching Oral Communication in Science

The UBC Writing Across the Curriculum Program is offering a workshop on oral communication in science.

Date: Thursday, November 17
Time: 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM

This two and a half-hour workshop focuses on best practices for educators teaching oral presentation skills in science classes. Participants will explore evidence from literature, characteristics of the learning environment, best practices for assignment and assessment design and how to effectively measure student success. This workshop is suitable for any educators (TAs, Post-docs, Faculty, and Staff) who are already using presentations in the classroom, or who are interested in starting to incorporate presentations in their courses. 

To register for the workshop or to express interest in future offerings, please visit the Writing Across the Curriculum website here.

External Seminars and Events

UBC IRES Job Talks

UBC IRES is interviewing three candidates for an Assistant/Associate Professor in Law, Policy and Sustainability position. Each candidate will be presenting an oral presentation, and you are invited to attend. Each talk will take place from 12:30 PM -2:00 PM in ESB 5104.

Wednesday, November 9
Danny Cullenward, Research Associate, Carnegie Institution for Science
Bottom-up climate policy in practice: Linking, scaling, and deepening climate solutions

Tuesday, November 15
David Boyd, Environmental lawyer, Adjunct Professor, Resource and Environmental Management, Simon Fraser University, Associate Faculty, Royal Roads University
Protecting human health from environmental hazards: what laws and policies work

If you have any questions, feel free to contact the Search Committee Chair, Gunilla Oberg or the Student Representatives, John Driscoll or Leela Steiner.

Valhalla Wilderness Society and UBC Faculty of Forestry Film and Panel - Primeval, Enter the Incomappleux

The Valhalla Wilderness Society presents a showing of the film "Primeval, Enter the Incomappleux", which is about the majesty, magic, and endurance of one of the world's last truly intact temperate rainforests. The event will also feature a panel with Professor Suzanne Simard, Damien Gillis, VWS Director Craig Pettitt, and lichen expert Dr. Toby Spribille. 

Date: Thursday, November 24, 2016
Time: 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Location: UBC Forest Sciences Centre - Room 1005, 2424 Main Mall

UBC Green College Seminar Series - Adapting to Global Changes in Oceans and Fisheries

The Nereus Program is holding a seminar series with UBC's Green College that will consist of seven lectures that look at how ocean changes are affecting environments and people. For more information, see here.

Title: Lecture 3- Impacts of Climate Change on Contaminants in Fisheries
Speaker: Elsie Sunderland (Harvard University)
Date: Thursday, November 17, 2016
Time: 4:30 PM - 5:00 PM (meet and greet coffee break), 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM (session)
Location: Green College, 6201 Cecil Green Park Road, Vancouver BC