Aurora is our weekly newsletter aimed at faculty, staff, and students of the department.
Aurora is our weekly newsletter aimed at faculty, staff, and students of the department.
We are looking to appoint an ambitious and creative individual in the broad field of ocean biogeochemistry and phytoplankton physiology. Our research group is interested in understanding how bio-essential resources are cycled in the oceans and how their availability affects phytoplankton physiology and vital rates. This particular post is linked to an exciting European Research Council project led by Dr Alessandro Tagliabue concerned with expanding our understanding of what shapes the magnitude and variability in biological activity in the ocean ( The exact nature of the position is open to be developed in line with your interests, skills and future ideas, but will have strong links to the impact of micronutrients on phytoplankton activity using quantitative tools. You will come with your own research ideas, but also operate as part of a wider team of researchers concerned with similar questions within the research group. In particular, the project has a strong set of national and international collaborators with whom you will be able to interact with. There is funding to support your travel to collaborators laboratories and to present our results at key international conferences. The post is nominally available for 24 months initially until 30 September 2019, but this is flexible. Salary will range from £32,958 - £38,183.
For for information please contact Alessandro Tagliabue at a.tagliabue@liverpool or at the following link:
There are a number of Southern Ocean-related postdoc positions opening up in Australia.
These positions are associated with the recently funded ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes,
and cover a broad range of climate related topics. The positions of most interest to this list are:
- A position based at ANU, focussed on Southern Ocean eddies, working with Andy Hogg.
- A position based at UNSW, focussed on coupled ocean-atmosphere-sea ice interactions, working with me;
There are ~14 other positions in related areas; you can see a full list of them here: