
Aurora is our weekly newsletter aimed at faculty, staff, and students of the department.



Employment Opportunities

Assistant Professor, Late-Quaternary Climate Science, Syracuse University

Syracuse University Department of Earth Sciences seeks applicants for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in climate change science, who will hold the Thonis Family Endowed Professorship. Scientists with expertise in observational approaches to late-Quaternary paleoclimatology and with established links to the climate modeling community are strongly encouraged to apply. The department welcomes applicants with expertise collecting, characterizing and calibrating quantitative records of past temperature, sea level change, glacial dynamics, hydroclimate, and terrestrial responses to natural and anthropogenic forcing. The ideal candidate will collaborate across traditional disciplinary boundaries within the Department of Earth Sciences and the greater SU community, which includes expertise in energy, sustainability, and water resources. The successful applicant will arrive with or establish a strong, externally funded research program and develop a portfolio of excellence in teaching at the graduate and undergraduate levels. Active public engagement on issues of a changing climate is an essential part of the appointment. Applicants will teach a large, introductory-level class in Earth Science, contribute to existing courses in paleoclimatology and develop new undergraduate and graduate courses in the science of climate change.

The Department of Earth Sciences at Syracuse University  currently has 15 full-time faculty with broad research strengths in the solid earth, geochronology, hydrology and paleoclimatology. The Department has an outstanding array of analytical facilities and recently renovated laboratories, and the University has an established track record of supporting research infrastructure.

Applicants should submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, statements of research and teaching interests, copies of three relevant publications, and the contact information for three referees to (#073445), preferably by November 15, 2017.

Junior Staff Scientists, Ocean Networks Canada

ONC is searching for candidates to fill up to four new positions at the M.Sc. (or higher) level for term limited (three years) Junior Staff Scientists. We are seeking individuals across our core science themes, including Geophysics, Biogeochemistry and Biology, Physical Oceanography, and Marine Acoustics. These individuals will work with our Staff Scientists to deliver enhanced science support services to our end users. Closing date for applicants is Oct 22, 2017.

Visit this web page to review the job description.

Sedimentologist or Applied Sedimentologist, Department of Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering - Faculty of Arts and Science, Queen's University

The Department of Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering at Queen’s University invites applications for a Tenure-track faculty position at the rank of Assistant Professor with specialization in Sedimentology or Applied Sedimentology, with a preferred starting date of July 1, 2018.

The successful candidate will develop a research program in the broad field of sedimentary geology, integrating sedimentary processes and systems with the preserved sedimentary record.  The candidate may address topics such as: deducing and forecasting global and environmental changes over geological time scales, paleoceanography, the evaluation and management of sedimentary resources, or engineering applications, where deep knowledge of sedimentary processes, systems, and rock characteristics is essential.   The successful candidate will be expected to integrate fieldwork with analytical and/or numerical methods within the Department’s world-class analytical laboratories, especially the Queen’s Facility for Isotope Research (QFIR), the Queen’s Geomechanics Lab and to the paleontological collections of the Miller Museum. In keeping with the departmental strength in field learning, a willingness to undertake field research and teaching would be considered an asset.

The deadline for applications is November 15, 2017.  For more information and how to apply, please see here.

Sessional Lecturers, University of Toronto

Sessional Lecturers are sought for the following 2018 winter term courses.  Please find the list below and the link to the job descriptions.

Course Number and Title:  ESS105H1S – Our Home Planet
Course Number and Title:  ESS222H1S –Petrology
Course Number and Title:  ESS345H1 – Computational Geology
Course Number and Title:  ESS381H1S – Special Topics in Earth Science
Course Number and Title:  ESS423H1S – Mineral Deposits
Course Number and Title:  ESS425H1S – Analytical Methods for the Geosciences
Course Number and Title:  ESS464H1S – Biological Perspectives on Earth System Evolution
Course Number and Title:  ESS481H1 Advanced Topics

Assistant Professor Position in Geographical Sciences (Micrometeorology), Department of Geography, UBC

The Department of Geography at the University of British Columbia (UBC) Vancouver Campus invites application for a tenure-track position in Geographical Sciences (Micrometeorology) at the level of Assistant Professor.

Applicants should have research and teaching interests in micrometeorology and land-atmosphere interactions that complement existing departmental strengths in the measurement and analysis of boundary layer and urban climates, land surface processes, hydrology, biogeography, and human impacts on the environment. Candidates should have demonstrated excellence and high promise in research and have a strong commitment to teaching. The successful candidate will be expected to develop an externally funded research program, use innovative measurement techniques, and contribute to teaching in the undergraduate and graduate programs in Geographical Science and Atmospheric Science. The appointment will be effective July 1, 2018.

The closing date for applications is November 15, 2017. Applicants should have a Ph.D. (or provide solid indication of imminent completion) in atmospheric science or a strongly related natural science field. Post-doctoral experience would be an asset.

For more information and how to apply, please see here.

Assistant Professors, Economic Geology and Mineral Deposits, University of Toronto - St. George Campus

The Department of Earth Sciences, University of Toronto is seeking two outstanding individuals for appointment at its St. George (downtown) campus at the rank of Assistant Professor in the fields of economic geology and mineral deposits. The appointments will commence on July 1, 2018.

The successful candidates should address ore genesis and exploration using cross-disciplinary research with innovative field-based, experimental or computational methods. We welcome applications from candidates in the research areas of petrology, structural geology, sedimentology and geochemistry or any combination of these. The wealth of mineral resources in Canada and the exceptionally strong presence of the mining and financial industries in Toronto will provide an outstanding opportunity for the new hires to establish strong industry collaborations. The new faculty members will conduct complementary research in the field of economic geology and join the Earth Sciences group to contribute to the research and teaching excellence at the University of Toronto. In addition to establishing an internationally recognized independent research program, the successful candidates must have a strong demonstrated commitment to excellence in teaching. She/he will be expected to teach introductory geoscience courses and graduate and upper level undergraduate courses in fields related to their specialization, and conduct field-based teaching of undergraduate and graduate students.

The deadline for applications is November 20, 2017.  For more infomation and how to apply, please see the University of Toronto Careers Site.

Post-doctoral position, Vancouver Aquarium

The official appointment would be at UBC, but the research work would be conducted at the West Vancouver facility of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, under the direction of Dr. Peter Ross of the Vancouver Aquarium. The subject of the research is microplastics in wastewater and receiving waters.  This project was started by Esther Gies, but another researcher is needed to complete the final 12 months or so of the project.  If you are interested, contact Dr. Peter Ross at the Vancouver Aquarium ( for more information.

Programs and Events

BC Geological Survey Open House - November 10, 2017

We invite you to attend the annual British Columbia Geological Survey Open House, being held on Friday, November 10th in Victoria.  The open house features a day of presentations highlighting the geology and mineral deposits of the province.

Marriott Hotel Inner Harbour
728 Humboldt Street
Victoria, BC V8W 3Z5

To download the flyer and register, please see here.