
Aurora is our weekly newsletter aimed at faculty, staff, and students of the department.



Employment Opportunities

2-Year Postdoc Position in Microplastics Research, Earth & Environmental Science, University of Windsor

The University of Windsor seeks a postdoctoral researcher to investigate the spatial and temporal variability in sources and transport pathways of microplastics through agricultural systems and downstream freshwater environments; with a focus on development of standards in sampling and analyses procedures.  The initial 6 months of research will involve conducting field sampling at pre-specified locations within the Lake Simcoe watershed, with subsequent work in laboratories within the Earth and Environmental Sciences department, at the University of Windsor.

Closing date:  Once position is filled.  For more information and how to apply, please see here.

Research Scientist - Biostratigrapher, Geological Survey of Canada, Calgary AB

The position supports multiple Programs of the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) that may include, but are not limited to, GSC Energy Programs, Climate Change Programs, and Environmental Geoscience Programs.

Work Objectives include:
• Conducting original micropaleontology research and apply this to support GSC Programs;
• Collaborating with colleagues in multi-disciplinary research;
• Conducting and leading, as required, field work in support of GSC Programs;
• Conducting and providing leadership of laboratory work in support of GSC Programs;
• Assisting with mentoring of assistants, budget management, and leadership, as required;
• Reporting results through publication of peer-reviewed scientific papers, internal reports, professional presentations at conferences, workshops, and meetings; and
• Maintaining Canada’s international reputation in micropaleontology and become a leader by means of quality and productivity of research in the area of biostratigraphy, micropaleontology and paleoecology

Closing date: September 19, 2017 - 23:59, PST.  For more information and how to apply, please see here.

Assistant Professor, Applied Geophysics, University of Toronto ON

The Department of Chemical and Physical Sciences (CPS) at the University of Toronto Mississauga (UTM) invites applications for a tenure-stream appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor in the broad area of Applied Geophysics, including paleomagnetism, seismology, geodesy, exploration geophysics, basin analysis, and geodynamic modeling. This appointment will begin on July 1, 2018.

The successful candidate, who will have membership in the Graduate Department of Earth Sciences at University of Toronto, will be expected to engage with researchers in Earth Science and Physical Geography at UTM and on the other two U of T campuses. There will be opportunities to collaborate with UTM physicists, chemists, and biologists, and be part of a growing cluster of climate, environment and earth resource researchers at UTM.

Closing date: November 6, 2017.  For more information and how to apply, please see here.

Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream - Applied Geoscience Education, University of Toronto ON

The Department of Chemical and Physical Sciences (CPS) at the University of Toronto Mississauga (UTM) invites applications for an appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream in the area of Geoscience Education, with an emphasis on Economic Geology and Geochemistry. This appointment will begin on July 1, 2018.   The successful applicant will be active in designing the new Earth Science teaching laboratories that are scheduled to open in 2019. Evidence of excellence in teaching is demonstrated through peer-reviewed publications in pedagogical journals, teaching awards and accomplishments, strong letters of reference (at least two of which must speak directly to teaching ability) and teaching materials including a teaching statement submitted with the application.   Closing date: November 6, 2017.  For more information and how to apply, please see here.

Programs and Events

Statistics Department Student Practicums

Every year, the Statistics Department offers two types of free statistical consultation. One is through courses with students mentored by faculty (STAT 551 Term 1, STAT 450 Term 2) - with assistance open to faculty, students and staff. The other (SOS-Statistical Opportunity for Students), is via a team of a senior consultant and a Statistics graduate student (year-round) - open to graduate students only.  For more information, please see

We can help you - and you can help us by providing our students with valuable experience in statistical consulting.

Geological Meets Archeology Along the B.C. Coast

Date: September 12, 2017
Time: 9:00am-5:00pm
Location: Peter Wall Institute
6331 Crescent Rd.

Date: September 13, 2017
Time: 10:30am-5:00pm
Location: Peter Wall Institute
6331 Crescent Rd.

Workshop seating is limited.  Please RSVP to Andrew Martindale to request admission.  For more information, please see here.

Targeted Geoscience Initiative: Increasing Deep Exploration Effectiveness

The Targeted Geoscience Initiative (TGI) is a collaborative federal geoscience program that provides industry with the next generation of geoscience knowledge and innovative techniques, which will result in more effective targeting of buried mineral deposits.

Focus of the TGI program

  • Developing more robust methods of determining if geological systems contain deeply buried ore and providing innovative exploration vectors to ore deposits, thus reducing the inherent risk and cost of mineral exploration.
  • Resolving geological processes that liberate ore metals from their source rocks, transport them and control their eventual deposition.
  • Developing new and improved geoscience knowledge and techniques to enhance modelling and detection of Canada’s major mineral systems.
  • Training and mentoring students to increase the number of highly qualified personnel available to the mineral industry.

For more information, please see here.

SFU Earth Sciences, Earth Science Seminar Series: Physical Volcanology Group

Date: Friday, September 15, 2017
Time: 11:30am
Location: South Science Building (SSB) 7172
8888 University Dr, Burnaby, BC

For more information, please see here.

The Reimagining the PhD – 2017 Symposium

You are cordially invited to the upcoming conference on the future of doctoral education at UBC and beyond. The ‘Reimagining the PhD – 2017’ symposium, to be held on 29 September 2017, will continue the conversation we started three years ago here at UBC. Join us to discuss how we can continue to transform the doctorate in ways that meet the needs of the 21st century world.

Among our speakers are:

  • Suzanne Ortega, President of the (US) Council of Graduate Schools
  • Dean Oliver, Director, Research, Canadian Museum of History
  • Lauren Hunter, Former Head, IN.spire Innovation Hub, Natural Resources Canada
  • Ursula Gobel, Associate Vice-President, Future Challenges, SSHRC
  • Phipps, Executive Director, Research & Innovation Services, York University

The opening remarks of the symposium will be provided by President Ono.

For the program, more information, and registration please go to:

Call for Research Proposals

MEOPAR, in partnership with exactEarth Ltd., Clear Seas Centre for Responsible Marine Shipping (Clear Seas), Emergency Management British Columbia (EMBC), and Ocean Networks Canada (ONC), is accepting proposals for research activities that align with MEOPAR’s Cycle II strategic plan.

There are four (4) modules under this Call for Proposals:

  1. Use of AIS transceivers on small vessels (Partner: exactEarth Ltd., funding available up to $125,000, Timeline: 2 years)
  2. Commercial shipping issues in Canada’s North (Partner: Clear Seas, funding available up to $500,000, Time: 2 years)
  3. Scientific modelling and decision-making frameworks for port infrastructure and marine transportation on the British Columbia, Washington and Alaska coastlines (Partner: EMBC, funding available up to $1.0 million, Timeline: 2.5 years)
  4. Open call for proposals that addresses one or more of the areas of MEOPAR’s strategic plan(funding available up to $2.2 million, Timeline: 2-3 years)

The contribution of ONC may be applied to any of the four modules.

Details about the call, including eligibility, review criteria, and application requirements, are described in the full Call for Proposals document, available at

Questions about the Call should be directed to

Science and Policy Exchange: #Students4theReport Campaign

Dear members of the research community,

Please help us to support fundamental research and students by signing our open letter!

Science & Policy Exchange has worked since 2010 to bring the student voice into important science policy discussions, and we aim to do our part to #SupportTheReport (the Fundamental Science Review, see below for more info on "The Report”).

About the Naylor report, and why this is important to students and post-docs: The recently released Fundamental Science Review (commonly known as the Naylor Report) has set out 35 clear recommendations as part of a bold plan to restore and strengthen the fundamental research funding ecosystem in Canada. These include actions to increase federal funding for research, improve coordination among funding agencies, and promote diversity. There is a lot of momentum in the scientific community right now urging the government to implement these recommendations in short order. We, as students training to be the next generation of scientists, innovators, and professionals, are especially impacted by changes in research funding because it:

• Supports our training in research and critical transferable skills
• Enables us to be competitive on the international stage
• Supports our career-building process through employment
• Promotes expansion of diversity from the student population to leadership levels
• Fosters a curiosity-driven society in which we can build our futures

For more information, please see here.

In Memoriam

Dr. Richard (Dick) Revis Culbert 1940 - 2017

Please find his obituary here.