
Aurora is our weekly newsletter aimed at faculty, staff, and students of the department.



Employment Opportunities

Environmental Engineering Faculty Positions, Washington University, St. Louis

Tenure / Tenure Track Faculty  - The School of Engineering & Applied Science ( at Washington University in St. Louis invites applications and nominations for tenured or tenure-track faculty positions in the Department of Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering (  Joint appointments with other departments are also possible for suitably qualified candidates.  Positions are available at the Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor Level.  The faculty search is focused on modeling, simulation, and data-enabled science and engineering applications in environmental science and technology.  The department has existing strengths in the chemistry of engineered aquatic systems and aerosol science and technology and that can benefit new faculty with computationally-focused research programs regarding natural and engineered atmospheric, aerosol, and aquatic systems.  Of interest are multiscale modeling approaches and novel computational tools such as machine learning and big data analysis to study the behavior of complex environmental systems. The positions are aligned with the School's strategic plan ( as part of a research focus on Smart Environmental Systems, one of seven research areas in the plan, and they are allied with strategic research efforts in Data Sciences for Humanity and Clean Energy Systems.

Candidates must hold a Ph.D. in environmental engineering, chemical engineering, or a related discipline.  New faculty are expected to build and maintain strong externally-supported research programs and teach effectively at the undergraduate and graduate levels.  There are opportunities for collaborations with other researchers in the School of Engineering and throughout the university. We anticipate that the career development of new hires will benefit from participation in school-wide and university-wide initiatives on energy and the environment that include the Center for Aerosol Science and Engineering (, Consortium for Clean Coal Utilization (, the International Center for Energy, Environment and Sustainability (, the McDonnell Academy Global Energy and Environment Partnership (, and the Institute of Materials Science and Engineering (   Applicants should submit a cover letter articulating their interest in this opportunity, their curriculum vitae, a statement of research plans and teaching interests and philosophy (not to exceed 5 pages total) to Applicants should also arrange for three letters of reference to be submitted through the online system.  Questions regarding the process should be directed to the search committee chair Dr. Daniel Giammar ( Applications will be considered on a rolling basis until the position is filled, but priority will be given to those received by December 1, 2017.

Environmental Engineering Lecturer - The Department of Energy, Environmental and Chemical Engineering ( ) at Washington University in St. Louis invites applications for a full-time, non-tenure eligible faculty position at the Lecturer rank to begin August 2018. The Lecturer will teach classes in the undergraduate and masters program in the department in the areas of environmental engineering science.  In addition, this person would be in charge of the shared laboratory facilities in the department, and a background and expertise in the experimental (laboratory) areas of environmental engineering are desirable.  The position is a full time appointment.   With several initiatives in the Department, the Lecturer can also participate and help in other activities (e.g., ABET, Student Chapters, and International Programs) to support the educational mission.  

Candidates should hold a BS degree in an engineering or science discipline from an accredited engineering program.  Preferred candidates will have an earned Ph.D. in environmental engineering, chemical engineering, or a related engineering discipline.  Candidates with other degrees would be considered if they have experience in managing shared instrumentation laboratories or have prior teaching experience.  Experience in laboratory teaching and course development is desired.  Related industrial experience will also be considered.  Salary will be commensurate with experience and qualifications, and the position is benefits eligible as per university guidelines.    Applicants should send a cover letter outlining their experience and interest, a curriculum vitae, a statement of teaching philosophy, and names of two references by email as a single file in PDF format to: .   If you have any questions, please contact Dr.John Fortner (Chair of the Search) at or the Chair of the Department, Dr. Pratim Biswas at pbiswas@wustl.eduApplications will be considered until the position is filled, but priority will be given to those received by January 30, 2018.

Tenure-Track Faculty Position in Marine Ecology, University of Southern California

The Marine & Environmental Biology (MEB) section of the Department of Biological Sciences in the Dana and David Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences at the University of Southern California invites applications for a tenure-track faculty member (Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor) with research interests in marine ecology. Preference will be given to those who help build on our existing strengths in microbial ecology, biogeochemistry, geobiology, plankton physiology and genomics, and to junior candidates, but applicants at any level will be considered. The anticipated start date would be in the 2018-2019 academic year. Candidates must hold a Ph.D. in a field related to Biology, Oceanography, or Microbiology. The appointee would be expected to establish a vigorous, extramurally funded research program and to contribute to MEB’s overall research and teaching efforts at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Applications should include a cover letter, curriculum vitae including a publication list, statement of teaching and research interests, and three or more names and email addresses of individuals familiar with the applicant's work who could be contacted by USC for letters of reference. In order to be considered for this position, all candidates must apply via the "Apply" link at the top or bottom of this page.  Review of complete applications will begin November 15, 2017. Inquiries can be directed to: Chair, Search Committee, c/o Helga Schwarz ( Further information about the MEB program and faculty can be found at

For more information and how to apply, please see here.

Multiple Positions in South American Research, Univesrsity at Albany

Multiple positions are available in the research group of Prof. Mathias Vuille in the Department of Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences (DAES) at the University at Albany,State University of New York (SUNY). The positions are funded by the National Science Foundation and successful applicants are expected to collaborate in an international project focused on climate reconstruction over tropical South America, combining proxies (natural archives such as tree rings and speleothems), observations, and climate model results for the past millennium. The project, which spans five years, is in collaboration with the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory at Columbia University and with partner institutions in Brazil (University of Sao Paulo and University Federal Fluminense in Rio de Janeiro) and Argentina (IANIGLA, Mendoza).  More information on the project is available here:

The Department of Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences, University at Albany, is an internationally recognized leader in atmospheric and climate science, with 20 faculty members focusing on past, present and future climate change. For more information about the Department, please visit our website:

Currently there are openings for three positions (see below). Interested applicants in any of these positions can obtain more information by contacting Mathias Vuille, Department of Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences, University at Albany, SUNY, 1400 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12222, USA (phone: +1 518 442-4472; e-mail:

Open positions:

1) Project Manager. The project manager will be in charge of running day-to-day operations, web and data management, maintain project presence through social media, coordinate efforts among research partners in the US, Brazil and Argentina, organize annual project meetings, summer schools, project-related events on SUNY campuses and liaise with an external advisory board. This is a 50% position, initially for one year, but renewable for up to 5 years. Preferred start date is Jan.1 2018. Preferred qualifications: (1) B.S. or M.S. in climate or environmental science or similar field; (2) experience with web development, programming and data management; (3) outstanding organizational skills; (4) Fluency in either Spanish or Portuguese, while not required, is an additional plus. To apply, please send a letter of application, a current CV, and the names and contact information of three references to Prof. Mathias Vuille (

2) Postdoctoral Fellow. A fully funded Postdoctoral Position is available, with anticipated start date of 1. Jan. 2018. The applicant will contribute to the development of a spatiotemporal climate reconstruction over tropical South American for the last millennium, combing proxy data (primarily tree rings and speleothem records) with simulations from last millennium model runs. The successful candidate will have (1) a Ph.D. in a relevant discipline (climate dynamics, paleoclimate); (2) experience working with numerical models and proxy archives (3); strong computational, statistical and programming skills (Matlab, R or Python); (4) good communication and collaboration skills; (5) willingness to contribute to outreach, capacity building, student mentoring and educational activities that form an integral part of the project and (6) ability to work in a team environment andcollaborate closely with project partners at LDEO, Univ. Sao Paulo, Univ. Federal Fluminense, and IANIGLA. Occasional travel to South America is required. The position is initially for one year, but renewable for up to 5 years. Preferred start date is Jan.1 2018. To apply, please send a letter of application, a current CV with list of publications, and the names and contact information of three references to Prof. Mathias Vuille (

3) Ph.D. Student. A fully funded PhD position (for up to 5 years) is available in Dr. Vuille’s research group. The student is expected to work on a topic related to climate reconstruction in tropical South America, such as analyzing the sensitivity of the South American monsoon to external forcing (solar, volcanic); exploring past climatic extremes and their impacts on ancient societies in South America; or better constraining future projections over South America with proxy reconstructions and Last Millennium simulations. The ideal candidate should have some experience with programming and working with large data sets, a solid background in multivariate statistics and a good understanding of the use of proxies in paleoclimate studies. The student is expected to collaborate and interact with colleagues at other institutions in the US, Brazil and/or Argentina. Willingness to travel, good quantitative and computing skills are essential. Interested students should contact Prof. Mathias Vuille ( To apply students must go through the University Graduate Admissions Office at <>. Deadline for applications that will receive priority review is January 15, 2018 although later applications will still be considered. More information about the DAES graduate program is available here:

Faculty Position in Geophysics, Stanford University

We invite applications for a tenure-track faculty position at the Assistant Professor level in the Department of Geophysics at Stanford ( in any field of observational, experimental, computational or theoretical geophysics.  Priority will be given to the overall originality and promise of the candidate’s work over any specific area of specialization. We are particularly interested in candidates who can contribute to the inclusive excellence of our academic community.
We seek exceptional individuals who can develop a world-class program of research, and have a strong commitment to teaching at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. A doctorate is required at the time of appointment.
How to Apply Applications should include a cover letter, curriculum vitae, a statement of research and teaching interests, three recent publications, and the names and email addresses of three individuals from whom the search committee can request letters of reference. Please apply online at:   
Review of applications will begin on December 10, 2017, and applicants are strongly encouraged to submit complete applications by that date for full consideration; however, the position will remain open until filled.  Questions related to your submission may be directed to

Assistant Professor, Earth and Planetary Sciences, MacEwan University

The Department of Physical Sciences in the Faculty of Arts and Science at MacEwan University invites applications for a Tenure-Track appointment in Earth and Planetary Sciences, at the rank of Assistant Professor with a specialization in sedimentology, commencing July 1, 2018, subject to final budgetary approval.

The successful candidate will have a focus in sedimentary processes and systems, with a preference given to candidates with a background in Environmental Sedimentology. The candidate must demonstrate excellence, or clear promise of excellence, in teaching in both lecture and laboratory settings. The successful candidate will be expected to deliver several courses per term at both the first-year and senior levels as part of the regular teaching load, contributing to our existing offerings in Sedimentology and Stratigraphy and developing new courses commensurate with their expertise. The successful candidate will be expected to develop a strong, student-focused research program within their field, and build a broad external research network. The ability to attract external funding, or clear promise thereof, is desirable. Comfort in a multidisciplinary department and a desire to undertake field teaching and research are also considered assets.

Preferred candidates will hold a Ph.D. in the geosciences or related relevant area of expertise and will demonstrate a primary commitment to undergraduate teaching and an ongoing research program. Applicants should submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, teaching dossier (including recent teaching evaluations), statement of research interests, sample of scholarly work, and academic transcripts. All application materials, including three letters of reference sent directly by referees, quoting the competition number, should be sent to  

Questions about this opportunity may be addressed to Dr. Evan Hackett, Chair, Department of Physical Sciences.  Contact information available at: Disciplines/EarthandPlanetarySciences/index.htm  
How to Apply:  Only applications received electronically will be considered.  To apply, go to and select the job posting.   

Programs and Events

Dalhousie University Killam Post Fellowships

The Department of Earth Science at Dalhousie University announces a call for applications for the Izaak Walton Killam Postdoctoral Fellowships.  Fellowships are awarded annually at Dalhousie University to recently graduated Canadian or International scholars of superior academic research ability in any discipline.

Approximately 5 new fellowships are awarded annually. The fellowships are tenable for two years, and valued at up to $55,000 annually including full benefits and a travel allowance for transportation to and from Halifax, a one-time research allowance ($3,000) and a conference travel grant ($1,000).

Please see the attached announcement for details of the application process.

The deadline is December 15th for receipt of completed applications and all supporting documents in the Department. (Please allow sufficient time for delivery.)

The FuturAgua project: Fostering regional drought resilience in Northwestern Costa Rica through international collaborative action research

Thursday, November 23, 2017
Aquatic Ecosystems Research Laboratory Building 2202 Main Mall
UBC Point Grey Campus

Research Seminar: 12:30-1:30pm, AERL Theatre (room 120)
Poster Session + Lunch: 1:30-2:30pm, AERL Foyer

RSVP required for lunch:

The FuturAgua project is an international, multidisciplinary, action-oriented research program involving three teams of researchers, funded by granting agencies in three countries, all focused on applied research to help build resilience to drought in the dry tropical northwest part of Costa Rica. The project was conceptualized, developed, and carried out in close collaboration with civil society groups and regional agencies that work to address important water questions in the region. 

This presentation will address the context, design, process, and key findings of the research conducted by UBC researchers, with input from the team members at Carnegie Mellon University. Dr. Andrea Suarez, Director of the Centre for Mesoamerica for Sustainable Development of the Dry Tropics (CEMEDE) at the National University of Costa Rica, will provide regional perspectives on the project. The researchers will highlight some of the factors that led to the main successes of the project, and also reflect on some of the challenges of conducting a research project of this kind. 

After the seminar, there will be a poster session to showcase the project’s main research findings. Lunch will be served (RSVP required)


Tim McDaniels
Professor, School of Community and Regional Planning

Douw Steyn
Professor Emeritus, Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences (EOAS)

Mark Johnson
Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair, Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability (IRES) and EOAS

Kai Chan
Professor, IRES


Andrea Suarez
Director of the Centre for Mesoamerica for Sustainable Development of the Dry Tropics (CEMEDE), National University of Costa Rica


Silja Hund
PhD Student EOAS

Laura Morillas
Postdoctoral Research Fellow IRES and EOAS

Paige Olmsted
Postdoctoral Fellow IRES, Visiting Fellow Copenhagen Business School

Alejandra Echeverri
PhD Student IRES

Daniel Karp
Former Killam Postdoctoral Fellow IRES, Assistant Professor, Department of Wildlife, Fish and Conservation Biology UC Davis


Arthur Earl Soregaroli

Art Soregaroli's obituary.