None in this topic yet!

Aurora Volume 23 Number 50

Employment and Opportunities

Physical Science Officer, Environment and Climate Change Canada - Meteorological Service of Canada
Dartmouth (Nova Scotia), Ottawa (Ontario), Toronto (Ontario), Montréal Island (Québec)

This process is intended to establish a qualified pool of candidates that may be used to staff PC-2 positions in Toronto (Ontario), Montréal Island (Québec), Ottawa (Ontario) or Dartmouth (Nova Scotia) on an indeterminate or determinate basis with various language requirements according to the position being staffed.

Aurora Volume 23 Number 49

Employment Opportunities

Assistant, Associate or Full Professor in Arctic Climate Modelling Department of Environment and Geography, CHR Faculty of Environment, Earth and Resources, University of Manitoba

The University of Manitoba invites applications for a tenured or tenure track position at the Assistant, Associate or Full professor level.

Aurora Volume 23 Number 48

Programs and Events

GVMWA 3rd Annual Pub Night in Support of Minerals Ed in BC

Burger, beer, and fries!

Moose’s Down Under, 830 W Pender St

November 5th, 2019, 4:30pm - 8:30pm

Prize draw + trivia quiz!

The Greater Vancouver Mining Women’s Association (GVMWA) is delighted to host this fun and friendly event and invites all to attend. 100% of funds collected from the event will support the minerals and mining education of BC students though subsidies and awards.

Ticket price : $22

Aurora Volume 23 Number 47

Programs and Events

2020 Killam Postdoctoral Program

The Department of Earth and Environmental Science at Dalhousie University invites applications for the Izaak Walton Killam Postdoctoral Fellowships.  Dalhousie University awards annually approximately 5 new fellowships in all disciplines to Canadian or International scholars of superior academic research ability, who have not obtained their PhD degree from Dalhousie, and have obtained their degrees no earlier than Jan 1, 2018.

Aurora Volume 23 Number 45

Programs and Events

Tom Lane Student Field Trip Award - MDD Funding Application

The Mineral Deposits Division of the Geological Association of Canada supports students interested in the study of mineral deposits and exploration with an annual field trip funding competition. These competitive awards are allocated to successful student groups who demonstrate a need for financial support to offset expenses for a field trip focused on economic geology.

Application due date: October 31, 2019

Awards available: awards up to $1500

Aurora Volume 23 Number 43

Programs and Events

GeoConvention 2020 May 11-13  - Call for Sessions is Open

Once every ten years, the CSPG, CSEG and CWLS partner with GAC, MAC and IAH to bring together a fully integrated geoscience program. GeoConvention 2020 is your once-in-a-decade opportunity to learn and knowledge share with a wide variety of earth science professionals. Join us May 11-13 in Calgary, Alberta Canada for this truly unique opportunity.

Aurora Volume 23 Number 42

Employment Opportunities

Structural Geology and Applied Geophysics graduate student projects (MSc and PhD) in the School of Geography and Earth Sciences, McMaster University, Canada

The structural geology and tectonics group in the School of Geography and Earth Sciences, McMaster University is seeking applications from skilled and motivated students to work on the projects outlined below. We would like to invite all qualified applicants to get in touch to discuss graduate student opportunities in the group.

Aurora Volume 23 Number 41

Employment Opportunities

Postdoctoral Researcher in Environmental Physics, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany

at the Institute for Environmental Sciences at the Campus Landau/Pfalz, Germany. The position will be associated with the Environmental Physics Group ( at the Campus Landau (Prof. Dr. Andreas Lorke,). It is limited to a period of six years and subject to the German law on fixed-term contracts in science.