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Aurora Volume 23 Number 37


Mineralogical Association of Canada's 2019 Berry Medallist: Professor Lee A. Groat

From Past President Andrew McDonald - Our association is built on the unselfish deeds of many unsung volunteers. While it is impossible to recognize the efforts of all, we are fortunate enough to be able to do so for some of our exceptional volunteers, through the Mineralogical Association of Canada’s Berry Medal.

Aurora Volume 23 Number 36

Employment Opportunities

Two PhD opportunities in Paleoceanography at NORCE Norwegian Research Centre in Bergen, Norway

Two PhD positions are available at the Norwegian Research Centre (NORCE) within the cross-disciplinary research project "A Genetic View into Past Sea Ice Variability in the Arctic (AGENSI)", funded through an ERC Consolidator Grant.

Aurora Volume 23 Number 34

Employment Opportunities

Vancouver Summer Program (VSP) - International Student Assistant

Job Description:

Under the supervision of the Department of Chemistry Outreach and Communications Assistant, the International Student Assistant will be responsible for providing classroom support and helping plan and implement social and cultural activities for visiting international students enrolled in the Department of Chemistry (Faculty of Science) Vancouver Summer Program.

Vancouver Summer Program Description:

Aurora Volume 23 Number 32

Employment Opportunities

Director, MineralsEd, Vancouver BC

MineralsEd is an educational organization operating in British Columbia that is dedicated to encouraging and supporting Earth science, mineral resources and mining education in schools. Established in 1991 as a teacher-industry partnership program, its focus is to support teachers in their development of classroom materials and to deliver workshops, field trips and other mineral-relevant learning opportunities for teachers and students.