Postdoctoral Researcher in Environmental Physics, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany
at the Institute for Environmental Sciences at the Campus Landau/Pfalz, Germany. The position will be associated with the Environmental Physics Group (http://www.uphysik.uni-landau.de/) at the Campus Landau (Prof. Dr. Andreas Lorke,). It is limited to a period of six years and subject to the German law on fixed-term contracts in science.
Research of the Environmental Physics group focuses on environmental fluid mechanics and physical limnology. We investigate how fluid flow in aquatic systems is generated, how it interacts with organisms, transports material and affects biogeochemical cycling. The successful applicant will establish an independent research program, which complements or strengthens existing expertise and research activities. We seek a highly motivated individual who can make active contributions to research, publication, acquisition of external funding, supervision of students and teaching (the teaching load during the semester is 8 hours per week). Fostering the applicant’s academic qualification towards meeting the general requirements for appointment to a professorship is part of her/his professional duties. As a member of the Environmental Physics group and the Institute for Environmental Sciences, the successful candidate will have access to state-of-the-art field and laboratory infrastructure and to a global collaboration network.
University degree (M. Sc. or M. Eng.) and completed PhD on a topic with links to environmental fluid mechanics. Applicants should have an excellent research performance, as documented by publications.
Applications should include a letter of motivation, a complete curriculum vitae including copies of certificates and a letter of recommendation for the announced position from a referee. Please send your application, quoting the reference number 70/2019 via email in a single pdf document to bewerbung@uni-koblenz-landau.de. Applications arriving before 1 August 2019 will be given priority. Late applications might be considered, if the position is still vacant.
PhD Position in Environmental Science, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany
at the Institute for Environmental Sciences at the Campus Landau/Pfalz, Germany. The position will be associated with the Environmental Physics Group (http://www.uphysik.uni-landau.de/) at the Campus Landau (Prof. Dr. Andreas Lorke,). It is limited to a period of three years and subject to the German law on fixed-term contracts in science.
The formation and rise of gas bubbles, ranging in size from micrometers to centimeters, constitutes an important, yet poorly understood, transport pathway for gases as well as for dissolved and particulate matter in aquatic ecosystems. The project aims at investigating the processes that control the abundance and characteristics of gas bubbles in freshwater ecosystems and their role in biogeochemical cycling and contaminant transport. The processes will be studied in extensive field measurements in lakes and rivers in Germany. The study is part of a collaborative research project with the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, where a companion PhD study will be conducted.
Applications should include a letter of motivation, a complete curriculum vitae including copies of certificates and a letter of recommendation for the announced position from a referee. Please send your application, quoting the reference number 69/2019 via email in a single pdf document to bewerbung@uni-koblenz-landau.de. Applications arriving before 1 August 2019 will be given priority. Late applications might be considered, if the postion is still vacant.
Programs and Events
EARTH SCIENCE FOR SOCIETY: Call for Project Proposal (IGCP), Deadline 15 October 2019
UNESCO is the only United Nations organization with a mandate to support research and capacity in geology and geophysics, and the International Geoscience Programme is our flagship.
Our mission includes promoting sustainable use of natural resources, advancing new initiatives related to geo-diversity and geo-heritage and geohazards risk mitigation, we facilitate international scientific cooperation in the geosciences.
- Efficient, safe and sustainable earth resources exploration and extraction,
- Innovative renewable energy production and CO2 mitigation,
- Better understand and predict climate change and geohazards.
The programme emphasizes women and young and early career scientists who are especially encouraged to submit project proposals.
IGCP 2019 Special Topics defined by the Council :
- Mining geosciences and sustainability
- Efficient and sustainable extractive industry technologies and stimulation methods
- Geology for the Sustainable and Safe Scale-up of Renewable Energy Production
- Big data, Cloud Computing and Artificial Intelligence in Geosciences
- Geohazards nearby metropolitan areas
- Global warming CO2 emission mitigation using new methods (such as Carbon Storage and Sequestration)
- Sustainable small and volcanic islands: water, energy, resource management
- Geoheritage for sustainable development
- Geoscience and the Anthropocene
2019 project proposal call is open and please disseminate this call with your networks: deadline 15 October 2019