Tom Lane Student Field Trip Award - MDD Funding Application
The Mineral Deposits Division of the Geological Association of Canada supports students interested in the study of mineral deposits and exploration with an annual field trip funding competition. These competitive awards are allocated to successful student groups who demonstrate a need for financial support to offset expenses for a field trip focused on economic geology.
Application due date: October 31, 2019
Awards available: awards up to $1500
1. Field trips must have a mineral deposits/economic geology focus (N.B., field trip itineraries should not include conferences such as PDAC);
2. The group must be affiliated with a Canadian University/Institution;
3. Preference will be given to field trips involving student members of the MDD;
4. Preference will be given to student-led field trips who can demonstrate significant student involvement in field trip planning (e.g., through their letter of support);
5. Preference will be given to Canadian field localities;
6. Preference will be given to students groups who most clearly demonstrate financial need.
Application requirements:
1. Proposal outlining or demonstrating:
- a. Purpose of trip
- b. Itinerary
- c. Application of the trip to mineral deposits/economic geology
- d. Trip leaders
- e. List of participants and their affiliations (students, industry etc.)
- f. Amount requested from the MDD and why (e.g., $300 for van rental)
2. Budget:
- a. Detailed budget of projected expenses
- b. Cost to participants
- c. Sources of funding
3. Letter of support from faculty sponsor
Should your application be successful please note:
1. The group must produce a summary report with pictures after the trip to be published in the MDD newsletter or on the website
2. The MDD logo should be printed on materials for the field trip, e.g. field guides or itineraries
Please send your complete application package to christopher.lawley@canada.ca
Post-doctoral Position, Laboratoire d’Oceìanographie Physique et Spatiale, Ifremer
We seek a physical oceanographer to join the Laboratoire d’Océanographie Physique et Spatiale, Ifremer in Brest (France). The goal of the project is to investigate the variability of the Jan Mayen Current and the Greenland gyre. The work will be based on in situ
observations mainly collected in 2015-2016 by the SHOM as part of their program 'Grand Nord’, and in particular a set of 7 moorings. Satellite data (of ocean and sea ice), hydrological data (from previous campaigns or Argo floats) available for this region, as well as model outputs will be used in addition, in order to provide a wider spatio-temporal context to the
mooring data.
Location: Laboratoire d’Océanographie Physique et Spatiale, Ifremer – Brest, France.
Contract: 18 months (Initial one-year contract, with an additional 6 month period contingent
on mutual satisfaction.)
Starting date: January 2020 or soon after
Who can apply:
A PhD in physical oceanography, meteorology, climate science, or geophysical fluid dynamics is required, with skills in observational data analysis. Knowledge in statistics, experience in programming with Matlab, Python… Experience in Polar research would be an asset. Motivated candidate, good capacity to work in a team. Ability to communicate and write in English.
Additionally, the candidate must fulfill the following criteria:
- The candidate must be within 6 years after their PhD defense.
- The candidate cannot have been awarded a previous postdoc fellowship from Ifremer.
How to apply – Please make sure that you meet the criteria listed below Application (detailed CV, letter of motivation, list of publications, name/email of at least
2 referees) and/or informal enquiries should be sent to Camille Lique (camille.lique@ifremer.fr)
Closing date: 31 October 2019
Tenure-track Faculty Position, Coastal Geology, Sedimentology, or Coastal Geohazards - Cornell University Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Cornell University’s Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (EAS) seeks to fill a tenure track faculty position in coastal geology, sedimentology, or coastal geohazards, with an emphasis on the response of coastal regions to tectonic, geodynamic, climatic, or atmospheric processes. We are particularly interested in candidates who use observational data, including but not limited to land- or shallow-marine-based field studies or remote sensing, in collaboration with experimental or computational approaches. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to, sediment transport, the geological record of storms or tsunamis, inundation responses to storm surges or rising sea levels, coastal erosion, granular flow, landslides, geomorphology, and geodynamics of coastal uplift and subsidence.
The successful candidate will interact with EAS programs in geological sciences and in atmospheric and ocean sciences, and contribute to teaching programs within EAS in geological sciences. The candidate will also have opportunities to interact with other research programs and units at Cornell including the Cornell Tech Campus on Roosevelt Island in New York City, and New York Sea Grant. The successful candidate will have access to a wide variety of campus facilities including the Paleontological Research Institute (https://www.priweb.org) and the Cornell Center for Advanced Computing (https://www.cac.cornell.edu).
Applicants must hold a doctorate in an appropriate field, have a demonstrated ability to conduct outstanding research, and show promise for attracting external research support. The successful candidate will also be a committed educator, enthusiastic about teaching and supervising student research at all levels. We anticipate filling the position at the Assistant or Associate Professor levels; salary and rank will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.
Diversity and inclusion are a part of Cornell University’s heritage. We are a recognized employer and educator valuing AA/EEO, Protected Veterans, and Individuals with Disabilities. We strongly encourage women and underrepresented minorities to apply. Cornell seeks to meet the needs of dual career couples, has a Dual Career program, and is a member of the Upstate New York Higher Education Recruitment Consortium to assist with dual career searches. Applicants should submit: a cover letter addressed to search committee chair, Dr. Katie Keranen; a curriculum vita; a research statement; a teaching statement; a statement of diversity, equity, and inclusion (https://facultydevelopment.cornell.edu/department-resources/recruitment/contribution-to-diversity/); and complete contact information for three references.
All materials must be submitted online at https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/14655. Inquiries only should be sent to keranen@cornell.edu. Review of applications will begin November 20, 2019. Full consideration will be given to applications received by November 20, 2019.
Associate Professor/Professor, Applied Geophysics, University of Toronto
The Department of Earth Sciences in the Faculty of Arts & Science at the University of Toronto invites applications for a full-time tenure stream position in the area of Applied Geophysics. The appointment will be at the rank of Associate Professor or Professor, and will commence on July 1, 2020, or shortly thereafter. The successful candidate will be appointed as the endowed Teck Chair in Exploration Geophysics for a five-year term, renewable following a favourable review.
Applicants must have earned a PhD degree in geophysics, physics, or a related area, with a demonstrated exceptional record of excellence in research and teaching. Candidates will have an established international reputation and will be expected to sustain and lead innovative and independent research at the highest international level and to maintain an outstanding, competitive, and externally funded research program. The successful candidate is expected to establish and maintain research programs that utilize and develop geophysical tools (e.g., seismic, magnetic, electrical, gravitational, and electromagnetic methods) for applications in (but not limited to) exploration and management of natural resources, environmental engineering, architecture and civil engineering. We seek candidates whose research program and teaching interests complement existing strengths of the department and the university in tectonics, seismology, rock mechanics, mineral deposits, machine learning, and high-performance computing, and enhance the long-standing tradition of excellence in pure and applied geophysics research in the Faculty of Arts & Sciences.
Candidates must provide evidence of research excellence as demonstrated by a record of sustained high-impact contributions and publications in top-ranked and field relevant journals, the submitted research statement, presentations at significant conferences, distinguished awards and accolades, and other noteworthy activities that contribute to the visibility and prominence of the discipline, as well as strong endorsements from referees of high standing.
Evidence of excellence in teaching will be provided through teaching accomplishments, the teaching dossier submitted as part of the application including a strong teaching statement, sample course syllabi, and the teaching evaluations, as well as strong letters of reference. The successful candidate will be expected to teach introductory geoscience courses and graduate and upper level undergraduate courses in fields related to their specialization, including field-based teaching of undergraduate and graduate students.
Toronto is a centre of activity for international geophysical exploration, and many companies specialising in exploration technology are located in the area. The Teck Chair will be expected to take advantage of industry and industry-focussed governmental research funding to establish and lead a vigorous programme of research and graduate study in the field of exploration geophysics. The successful candidate will be expected to enhance the Department's links with the Department of Physics and the Lassonde programme in the Faculty of Applied Sciences & Engineering.
Salary and rank will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.
All qualified candidates are invited to apply online by clicking the link below. Applicants must submit a cover letter; a current curriculum vitae; statements describing their research program and teaching philosophy (of no more than 5 pages each); and a teaching dossier to include a teaching statement, sample course syllabi and teaching evaluations.
Applicants must also arrange to have three letters of reference sent directly by the referee via email (on letterhead and signed) to geol_sec@es.utoronto.ca by the closing November 18, 2019.
Submission guidelines can be found at http://uoft.me/how-to-apply. We recommend combining attached documents into one or two files in PDF/MS Word format. If you have any questions about this position, please contact geol_sec@es.utoronto.ca.
Two Postdoctoral Research Positions in Petroleum Geochemistry, Environmental Lipidomics, and Isotope Biogeochemistry\
In 2019 Saint Mary’s University in collaboration with the University of Calgary, the Nova ScotiaDepartment of Energy, the Offshore Energy Research Association of Nova Scotia (OERA), and the University of Bremen in Germany will begin a second phase of research designed to develop and utilize bioassays of aerobic, anaerobic, and thermophilic hydrocarbon oxidizing bacteria and archaea as novel indirect hydrocarbon indicators for de-risking offshore petroleum exploration. In conjunction with this is the opening of two, two-year postdoctoral research positions. The Genome Canada and Research Nova Scotia funded project is targeting the oil and gas prone Scotian margin of Nova Scotia, Canada. An investigation of polar lipid signatures and their carbon isotope compositions from Scotian Shelf and Slope piston core sediments is now being introduced to yield better insights into the dynamics of the subsurface biosphere and carbon cycling as well as to help correlate genomic results with the composition and quality of extracted hydrocarbon shows.
Research tasks:
• Participate in upcoming cruise(s) to collect and log piston cores.
• Collect relevant sediment samples from the core library at Bedford Institute of Oceanography,
the Canada Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board core library, and the University of Calgary.
• Formalize wet chemistry procedures for the extraction and separation of bacterial and archaeal
IPLs and PLs with authentic standards and matrix-matched reference materials.
• Identify and quantify the various IPLs and PLs within collected sediment samples.
• Isolate individual lipids and their hydrocarbon skeletons for compound specific isotope analyses.
• Relate these data to existing, geochemical, genomic assay and petroleum hydrocarbon data.
• Assess whether distributions of IPLs and PLs provides evidence for the presence of seep oils and
biodegraded petroleum products.
Applicant Qualifications:
Applicants are required to have a PhD degree in geological science, chemistry, environmental science, or
related field areas at the time of employment. Candidates with the following qualifications are
encouraged to apply:
• Passionate interest in doing research and a background in organic geochemistry, biogeochemistry, organic chemistry or microbial biochemistry;
• Proficient scientific writing skills and high motivation to produce publishable results;
• Very good command of spoken and written English.
Expression of interest including CV, academic transcript and the names of three references should be
sent to Prof. G. Todd Ventura (todd.ventura@smu.ca).
Application closing date: 16th November, 2019 (or until filled).
Starting date: 15th January, 2020
Contract Faculty - Earth and Environmental Sciences, Douglas College
The Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences of Douglas College invites applications for contract instructors for sections of Earth and Environmental Sciences (EAES) courses in Winter 2020 and subsequent semesters as needed. Courses are taught with an emphasis on Environmental Science or on Earth Science (Geology). Please visit our website for more information on the range of courses offered: https://www.douglascollege.ca/programs-courses/catalogue/courses/EAES.
You will instruct students, facilitate learning and evaluate student progress in College courses. You will plan, organize and manage learning activities and resources, provide academic advice to learners and maintain quality learner-centered instruction.
The minimum qualifications for this position are:
1. MSc. in the Geological Sciences or equivalent degree in science, environmental science, or applied science;
2. Teaching experience at college or university level;
3. Interest in geological science and environmental science;
4. Ability to work co-operatively as part of the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences and to contribute positively to the college community;
5. Experience in the mineral industry or the environmental industry is an asset.
Applicants will be considered for this position based upon their experience, qualifications and availability. Applicants must be capable and willing to work in the lecture room, laboratory, and rugged outdoor geologic field school environment.
For additional program information, please refer to the Douglas College Earth and Environmental Science website.