GeoConvention 2020 May 11-13 - Call for Sessions is Open
Once every ten years, the CSPG, CSEG and CWLS partner with GAC, MAC and IAH to bring together a fully integrated geoscience program. GeoConvention 2020 is your once-in-a-decade opportunity to learn and knowledge share with a wide variety of earth science professionals. Join us May 11-13 in Calgary, Alberta Canada for this truly unique opportunity.
If there is a session, workshop/short course or field trip that you would like to host at GeoConvention 2020, we want to hear from you! Please submit your idea via the link below.
Session proposals will be accepted through October 1, 2019.
Submit your Session Proposal here!
Tenure-track Faculty Position, College of Arts and Science, University of Saskatchewan
The College of Arts and Science invites applications from outstanding emerging or established Indigenous scholars for a fulltime, tenure-track position at any rank in any scholarly discipline represented in the College of Arts and Science. Discipline and research areas are open.
Applications will be accepted from those who self-identify as Indigenous and have a terminal degree in their discipline (or are in the last year of a program leading to such a degree). We are seeking Indigenous candidates who have demonstrated an ability or potential to engage in research, scholarly or artistic work, to be effective classroom teachers and graduate student mentors, and can contribute to our mission of Indigenization and reconciliation directly (for example, through your research, teaching, role modelling, community engagement and/or leadership).
Applications must include:
- a cover letter indicating the preferred department of appointment and summarizing the
salient aspects of the application;
- a statement of self-identification, as described above;
- a detailed curriculum vitae;
- a statement outlining a proposed program of research, scholarly and/or artistic work;
- a statement of teaching interests and philosophy and evidence of teaching success (this
may include evaluations of courses taught and observations regarding those
- three confidential letters of reference (sent directly from referees)
Interested candidates must submit their applications via email to:
Dr. Valerie J. Korinek, Vice-Dean Faculty Relations, College of Arts & Science
9 Campus Drive
University of Saskatchewan
Saskatoon, SK S7N 5A5
Telephone: (306) 966-5990
Email: indigenousfaculty.recruitment@usask.ca
Assistant Professor, Geology - Marine and Coastal Science, Western Washington University
The Geology Department and the MACS program at WWU invite applications for two tenure-track, assistant professor positions with specialties in one of three fields: Coastal Geomorphology/Coastal Geohazards, Paleoceanography /Paleoclimatology, or Marine Geology. These positions will begin Sept 16, 2020. As members of the group of initial faculty hires into the MACS program, the successful applicant will foster an interdisciplinary approach to teaching and research in geology and marine science. We seek individuals who are enthusiastic about teaching and who will establish a vigorous research program, and are particularly interested in those who will combine field, experimental, and/or modeling approaches in their research program, and who will involve undergraduate and Masters-level students in their research.
Position Responsibilities:
- Teach Physical Geology (Geol 211) and Geological Oceanography (Geol 340)
- Teach advanced courses in faculty specialty
- Teach interdisciplinary marine science courses potentially including the 1st and 2nd year seminar series, Marine Science and Society, Marine Geological Processes, a research capstone, and/or an elective in the applicant’s area of expertise.
- Contribute to the development of the curriculum for both Geology and MACS, fostering a culture of collaboration between departments in research and teaching.
- Participate in service activities for both the Geology Department and the MACS program.
- Fulfill teaching and mentoring responsibilities in ways that provide equitable and inclusive learning environments for all students
- Establish an active research program that can be sustained at a primarily undergraduate institution
- Mentor undergraduate and graduate (Master’s) students’ research projects
- Seek extramural research funding
For more information and how to apply, please see here.
Outreach Coordinator, Department of Earth & Planetary Science, McGill
The Outreach Administrator will be responsible for organizing and managing the Department of Earth & Planetary Science’s outreach activities to generate awareness of and interest in Earth Sciences, increase undergraduate recruitment, and enhance visibility of academic activities. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to, undergraduate student recruitment, developing an outreach strategy for the unit, managing the department’s communications and online presence, overseeing promotional activities, coordinating events, and undertaking special projects pertaining to the activities of the unit.
Duties and Responsabilities:
- Assist with the planning, development and implementation of an outreach strategy for Earth and Planetary Sciences (EPS) to reach Montreal-area CEGEPS and/or Secondary Schools, with the goal of raising the visibility of choosing a degree program in Earth and Planetary Sciences. Collaborate with other outreach programs in the Faculty of Science (e.g., Redpath Museum, Chemistry, Physics, etc.).
- Organize, manage, and evaluate EPS outreach events by assessing needs, determining appropriate logistical arrangements, liaising and negotiating with suppliers/service providers, arranging for event publicity and promotion, conducting post-event evaluations, compiling data and preparing reports to inform future planning.
- Write and present materials (e.g. presentations, documentation, etc) to support the outreach and recruitment activities of the unit.
- Assist the unit in the development, planning and implementation of its overall internal and external communications and branding strategy. Liaise with the Faculty’s Communications Strategist to produce internal and external McGill communications, ensuring consistency of messaging (EPS, mission and objectives) across all platforms.
- Work closely with EPS academic staff and with the Communications Strategist on public media, stories and requests, identifying in-house experts, and developing key messages and story pitches.
- Responsible for the maintenance of content on the departmental website. Monitor web analytics/metrics and make recommendations based on findings.
- Manage social media content for student engagement, recruitment and alumni engagement. Keep EPS presence current with digital platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other emerging and future social media platforms).
- Assist with the planning, development and implementation of a student recruitment strategy, including initiatives and the organization of activities to help meet enrollment goals as well as attract students to the EPS and ESS programs.
- Prepare and administer event budgets, ensuring costs are within budget (e.g. The Wares Distinguished Speaker Series).
- Perform other related duties as required.
For more information and how to apply, please see here.
EDUCE Teaching Assistantships 2019-2020
The Experiential Data Science for Undergraduate Cross-disciplinary Education (EDUCE) initiative is seeking up to 3 undergraduate and/or graduate teaching assistants (TAs) for the 2019-20 academic
year. Appointments are to be half (6 hrs/wk) or full-time (12 hrs/wk) for 1 or 2 terms, depending on applicant availability.
EDUCE develops and implements data science modules in basic analyses, statistical principles, and microbiome data into existing courses in the Department of Microbiology & Immunology (MICB) as well as co-curriculars like open office hours and workshops. Unlike traditional TAs, EDUCE TAs are responsible for content modules, not for a specific course. Thus, EDUCE TAs contribute to:
• Undergraduate curriculum development and delivery of modules in data science
• Workshop development and delivery (in collaboration with ECOSCOPE and ASDa)
• Educational research and assessment of the EDUCE program
• EDUCE program management including the website and GitHub
We are currently looking for motivated TAs for the 2019-20 academic year, particularly those interested in a 2 term appointment. We encourage applicants from a variety of backgrounds in our efforts to assemble a team with varied expertise in areas like microbiology, bioinformatics, statistics, computer science, or mathematics. Interest in improving undergraduate education and/or pursuing a teaching-focused career is appreciated. Experience in R, python, or Git is preferred.
For full consideration, interested candidates should upload the following materials to the application
form at http://bit.ly/2019EDUCE_TA by September 7, 2019.
• cover letter (including their expertise in data science and interest in teaching)
• CV or resume
Geomatics Geoscientist, BC Geological Survey Branch, Victoria BC
Closing date: 11 pm Pacific Time, September 30, 2019
The Mines Competitiveness and Authorizations Division is responsible for developing and regulating the thriving, globally competitive, safe, and environmentally responsible exploration and mining sector, significantly benefitting all British Columbians.
The British Columbia Geological Survey (BCGS) links government, the minerals industry, and communities to the province’s geology and mineral resources. The BCGS generates, disseminates, and archives British Columbia’s geoscience data to stimulate investment and provide knowledge to society’s decision makers for responsible land and resource management. The BCGS is a leader in public government geoscience, providing geological and geomorphological information to all through traditional reports, maps, and databases, which can be freely accessed online.
The Geomatics Geoscientist is part of a team responsible for the development, operation, maintenance, and enhancement of the BCGS geoscience databases and applications. This position has a focus on validating data and integrating geological maps to province-wide digital geology. It also focusses on providing expert advice to, and engaging with, government, industry, communities, and the public.
For more information and how to apply, please see here.
Research Assistant/ Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Konstanz
The Environmental Physics Group at the Limnological Institute of the University of Konstanz, Germany. Salary will be according to the German public service salary scale E 13 TV-L (100 %). The position will start in January 2020 and is limited to a maximum period of five years. In principle, this position can be divided into two part-time positions.
The applicant will establish his/her own research program which strengthens and complements existing expertise and research activities of the Environmental Physics Group. We investigate the implications of physical processes for the functioning of aquatic ecosystems, transport and mixing processes, greenhouse gases, and the interplay between abiotic conditions and the development of organisms, populations and communities in lakes and reservoirs. The research is based on field measurements, mesocosm experiments and numerical modelling (https://www.limnologie.uni-konstanz.de/peeters/).
We seek a highly motivated and cooperative scientist who actively contributes to research, publications, acquisition of funding, supervision of students and teaching. The tasks include laboratory and field activities on lakes and reservoirs. The teaching load during the semester is 4 hours per week. The applicant must hold a university degree and should have successfully completed a doctoral thesis on a topic relevant to the research of the Environmental Physics Group. Additional experiences in research and teaching are an advantage.
Applications should include a letter of motivation with a statement on research interests, a curriculum vitae including copies of certificates, and a letter of recommendation for the announced position from a referee.
Persons with disabilities are explicitly encouraged to apply. They will be given preference if appropriately qualified (contact + 49 7531 88–4016).
As an equal opportunity employer, we strive to increase the number of women working in research and teaching. We also support working couples through our dual career programme (https://www.uni-konstanz.de/en/equalopportunities/family/dual-career/).
Please send your application quoting the job offer no 2019/199 as a single pdf document by email to frank.peeters@uni-konstanz.de. Applications arriving before 30 September 2019 will be given priority. Late applications may be considered, if the position is still vacant.
For further information please contact Prof. Frank Peeters (frank.peeters@uni-konstanz.de).