

Employment Opportunities

Marketing Assistants, Quantec Geoscience

Quantec Geoscience requires some part time marketing help at an upcoming Exploration Trade show.

The Vancouver Resource Investment Conference happens in Vancouver, BC held on January 20th, 2019. It is a source of information for investment trends and ideas, covering all aspects of the natural resource industry. 

Each year, the VRIC hosts over 60 keynote speakers and 350 exhibiting companies.

Quantec needs some help getting some contact information from these exploration companies at the show. We are looking for 1 or 2 students to attend the show on Sunday Jan 20th.  Typically, exhibitors are engaging with students at the booths, feel free to ask for a job.

Job Duties

  • Collect as many  business cards from exhibiting mining and exploration companies (approximately 350 companies).
  • Key cards to collect: President, VP Exploration and Geologists.

Knowledge, Skills & Abilities

  • University student registered in (Geophysics, Geology and/or Earth Sciences).

Pay will be $150.00 stipend for the day plus entrance fee to show. Entrance registration as Quantec Guest at the Roundup.

Payable upon delivery of cards. (Quantec representatives will be at the Roundup the following week)

For company background, please visit our website: quantecgeo.com.  If interested in applying or would like more information, please direct emails to Ben St-Onge (bstonge@quantecgeoscience.com)

GeoEvironmental Engineering Assistant Professor, Queen's University

The Department of Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering at Queen’s University invites applications for a Tenure-track faculty position at the rank of Assistant Professor with specialization in GeoEnvironmental Engineering, with a preferred starting date of July 1, 2019.

Candidates must hold a completed PhD or equivalent degree in Geological or Environmental Engineering, or a closely related field. Relevant industrial or other non-academic experience is an asset. Registration as a Professional Engineer in Canada, or eligibility to acquire registration is a requirement for this position. Registration as a P.Geo. is considered an asset. The main criteria for selection are research and teaching excellence.

The Department’s top priorities include: providing opportunities for junior faculty to develop a strong teaching and research profile and maintaining an environment where all faculty can thrive. Support for course development and delivery is provided by the Department and the Queen’s Centre for Teaching and Learning.Support for junior faculty to develop strong research programs includes a Research Initiation Grant, grant writing workshops and review services, funding support for graduate students through the Queen’s Graduate Award program, and oneto-one mentorship from senior faculty members.

The successful candidate will provide evidence of high quality scholarly output that demonstrates potential for independent research leading to peer-assessed publications and the securing of external research funding, active engagement with industry or other partnerships, and the supervision of graduate students. Willingness to work as part of a broader research team is considered an asset, which may include numerical analysis, physical modelling and experimentation, and field studies to solve Geological Engineering problems. The successful candidate will also demonstrate an awareness of and willingness to collaborate in interdisciplinary research projects and to apply their expertise to emerging opportunities.

A complete application consists of:
• a cover letter (including one of the two statements regarding Canadian citizenship / permanent resident status specified in the previous paragraph);
• a current Curriculum Vitae (including a list of publications);
• a statement of research interests;
• a statement of teaching interests and experience (including teaching outlines and evaluations if available); and,
• Three letters of reference to be sent directly to Dr. Jean Hutchinson, Search Committee Chair at GSGEpositions@queensu.ca.

The deadline for applications is February 22, 2019. Applicants are encouraged to send all documents in their application packages electronically as PDFs to
GSGEpositions@queensu.ca, although hard copy applications may be submitted to:

Mr. Paul Bass
Department Manager
The Department of Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering
Miller Hall/ Bruce Wing
36 Union Street Queen’s University
Kingston, Ontario

Geodynamics Tenure-Track Professor, Queen's University

The Department of Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering at Queen’s University invites applications for a Tenure-track faculty position at the rank of Assistant Professor with specialization in Geodynamics, with a preferred starting date of July 1, 2019.

The successful candidate will develop a research program focussing on fundamental physical and petrological processes related to thermal and mass transfer within the deep earth and with the associated manifestation of these processes on the Earth's lithosphere. The research program may include temporal and spatial modelling of complex geologic phenomena such as continental rifting, seafloor spreading, subduction and mountain building, and in particular the coupling of solid Earth processes and surface processes involving the atmosphere and the hydrosphere. Expertise in the applications to natural hazards and resources will be considered an asset.

The successful candidate will be expected to employ one or more methods including but not limited to fieldwork, metamorphic petrology, geochronology, remote sensing observations, analytical and/or numerical methods, and integrate this research within the Department’s world-class analytical laboratories including the Queen’s Tectonics Research Laboratory (QTRL), the Queen’s Facility for Isotope Research (QFIR), and the Queen’s Geomechanics Group (QGG). In keeping with the departmental strength in field learning, a willingness to undertake field research and teaching will be considered an asset.

A complete application consists of:
• a cover letter (including one of the two statements regarding Canadian citizenship / permanent resident status specified in the previous paragraph);
• a current Curriculum Vitae (including a list of publications);
• a statement of research interests;
• a statement of teaching interests and experience (including teaching outlines and evaluations if available); and,
• Three letters of reference to be sent directly to Dr. Laurent Godin, Chair of the Appointments Committee, GSGEpositions@queensu.ca.

The deadline for applications is February 15, 2019. Applicants are encouraged to send all documents in their application packages electronically as PDFs to
GSGEpositions@queensu.ca , although hard copy applications may be submitted to:

Mr. Paul Bass
Department Manager
The Department of Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering
Miller Hall/ Bruce Wing
36 Union Street
Queen’s University
Kingston, Ontario

Postdoctoral Position in Climate/Hydroclimate, UNBC

British Columbia’s northern Rocky Mountains form the headwaters of the Peace River, a large (~300,000 km2) tributary to the Slave and Mackenzie rivers, and a critical waterway for the production of hydroelectricity by the provincial utility BC Hydro. Since the construction of the W.A.C. Bennett dam and the development of the 74 km3 Williston Reservoir in the late 1960s, the upper Peace River watershed’s hydrology and climate have been substantially modified. This study will employ long-term climate and hydrometric records to assess recent changes in hydroclimate in the upper Peace River watershed (upstream of the W.A.C. Bennett dam). The long-term climate datasets may include observations-based (e.g. NRCANMET or PNWNAMET) datasets, reanalysis products (e.g. NARR) and/or climate model output, in addition to station-based time series while hydrometric records will be extracted from the Water Survey of Canada. An intercomparison of the climate datasets will be undertaken to assess their reliance in representing conditions across the upper Peace River watershed. Trends in air temperature and precipitation will then be used to assess drivers of streamflow changes in the waterways draining into the Williston Reservoir.

We invite applications for a postdoctoral fellow having a comprehensive knowledge of cold regions climate and hydrology, atmospheric datasets, and who has excellent computational, programming and communication skills. Applicants must hold a Ph.D. in the atmospheric sciences or related fields, and preference will be given those with experience handling large climate datasets. The applicant may also participate in field work related to the deployment of weather stations in the vicinity of the Williston Reservoir and the northern Rockies, as well as in outreach activities at Tsay Keh Dene Nation and other communities within the upper Peace River watershed. Applicants must be able to work independently and have the ability to prepare papers for peer-reviewed journals. The successful candidate will be based at the University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC), and will also work in the offices of Chu Cho Environmental Consultants, both in Prince George, British Columbia, Canada. The successful candidate will receive one year of financial support starting in April 2019 with the possibility of a one year renewal if progress is satisfactory and depending on the availability of funds.

Interested applicants should contact Dr. Peter Jackson at (peterj@unbc.ca<mailto:peterj@unbc.ca>), Dr. Stephen Déry at sdery@unbc.ca<mailto:sdery@unbc.ca>, or Dr. Brian Menounos at (Menounos@unbc.ca<mailto:Menounos@unbc.ca>) <mailto:> with a cover letter highlighting research interests and experience relevant to this position, an up-to-date curriculum vitae, unofficial transcripts, and the names of at least two potential references. The application deadline is 1 February, 2019.

Tenure-Track Professor, Geological Engineering, University of Nevada (Reno)

The Department of Geological Sciences and Engineering (DGSE) invites applications for a tenure-track Associate or Assistant Professorship in Geological Engineering (GE). We offer BS, MS, and PhD degrees in Geology, Geophysics, Hydrogeology (interdisciplinary graduate program), and Geological Engineering (Geo-engineering PhD). Applicants must have a PhD and demonstrate commitment to both undergraduate and graduate instruction in the GE program as well as development of an externally-funded program of research in their specialty. Preference will be given to candidates who have at least one degree in Geological, Civil, or Environmental Engineering, with a specialization that strengthens our GE program. The undergraduate degree program in GE is ABET-accredited and the position requires assisting in the ongoing accreditation process and in continued development of the educational objectives of the GE program. The position also requires the ability to teach courses within the GE curriculum which demonstrate the relationship between geology and engineering. The applicant’s resume should reflect the ability to fit into a quality GE program within a department that combines the geosciences and engineering. Although not required of applicants, successful completion of the Fundamentals of Engineering exam or professional engineering registration will be advantageous.

Additional information is available in the job posting, and applications must be submitted online, https://nshe.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/UNR-external,  reference R0113744.  Please include an application letter briefly addressing how your research and teaching experience meets the criteria set forth above.  A CV, Statement of Research Interests, Teaching Philosophy, and contact details for at least three references are required.