David Suzuki Fellowships
Do you know a scholar who is interested in finding solutions to environmental challenges?
If so, here’s an exciting opportunity: David Suzuki Fellowships!
This year’s research theme is innovation and impact. We’re looking for scholars to share their brightest, most effective and creative ideas to solve our greatest environmental challenges. Research themes should be related to the work of the David Suzuki Foundation.
Fellowships of $30,000 to $50,000 (commensurate with education level attained and experience) plus research and travel budget are available to:
- Master’s or PhD graduates (any discipline) or Indigenous candidates (First Nations, Inuit or Métis) with a bachelor’s degree and/or significant related lived experience in connection with community
- Preference will be given to candidates who are bilingual in French
David Suzuki Fellows will spend a year with one foot in academia and the other in learning strategies to get their research the attention it deserves. They’ll make complex issues easy to understand and help motivate people to take action, with mentorship from DSF senior staff and David Suzuki!
Postdoctoral Fellow Position, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Toronto
The Department of Earth Sciences at the University of Toronto invites applications for the Roger E. Deane Postdoctoral Fellowship, a highly competitive fellowship in any field of Earth Science. The department is interested in supporting innovative research and outstanding young geoscientists to work in collaboration with one or more faculty members. Applicants are expected to contact potential hosts in advance to discuss areas of common interest and to develop proposal ideas.
The Deane Postdoctoral Fellowship has an annual salary of CAD$55,000 and is awarded for a one-year period, with an anticipated extension for a second year.
Application Instructions:
A complete application includes: a curriculum vitae, three references sent by referees directly to geol_sec@es.utoronto.ca (subject line: Deane Postdoctoral Fellowship), an innovative research proposal written by the applicant (2 pages maximum excluding references), and a cover letter with the potential host’s name clearly stated (1 page max).
The selection committee will evaluate research proposals for original thinking and to determine a candidate’s ability to develop a research project that can be accomplished in the department.
Deadline: Applications are due March 8, 2019. Decisions will be made mid-May 2019.
EXPECTED START DATE: September 1, 2019
Postdoctoral Fellow Position, Earth and Planetary Sciences, McGill University
The Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences at McGill University invites applications for the Wares Postdoctoral Fellowships from outstanding early career Earth Scientists. Fellows will work on cutting-edge research projects in collaboration with one or more faculty member within the broad range of disciplines covered by the Department. The Postdoctoral Fellowship are for two years and offer a competitive salary ($50,000 per year plus benefits), a research stipend ($10,000), and a maximum relocation allowance of $2,500.
Applications must include a cover letter, a curriculum vitae including a list of publications, a two page research proposal, an endorsement letter from the faculty sponsor(s), and two letters of reference. The deadline for receipt of application materials is February 15th 2019 and the anticipated start date for the fellowship September 1st 2019 (negotiable).
The department webpage provides full details of the award (https://www.mcgill.ca/eps/).
PhD Studentship: Mapping Change in New Zealand's Oceans Using Deep Sea Corals
We wish to announce an exciting PhD studentship to be held jointly at Victoria University of Wellington (VUW) and the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA), in affiliation with the Australian National University (ANU).
This research seeks to study the changing oceans around New Zealand, from pre-anthropogenic to modern times, using deep sea corals as a natural archive of ocean circulation and productivity.
New Zealand is bathed by the waters of the vast South Pacific Gyre, resulting in a strong gradient in ocean conditions. Nutrient-depleted subtropical waters from the North mix with nutrient-rich subpolar waters from the South stimulating vast phytoplankton blooms that sustain a rich fishery. However, these waters are changing: an acceleration of the gyre is driving regional climate change and impacting marine primary productivity. This project will combine novel geochemical analysis of long-lived deep-sea corals from locations all around New Zealand with state-of-the-art ocean modelling to map New Zealand’s changing ocean dynamics from pre-industrial to modern times.
We seek a student with skills in geochemistry and numerical analysis, and a background in oceanography or earth sciences. The student will gain experience in a range of cutting-edge geoanalytical techniques and working with global climate/ocean biogeochemical models. The studentship will support a stipend, fees and all research costs, including travel to Australia to train in radiocarbon analysis, and overseas conferences and workshops.
Applicants should apply to Dan Sinclair (dan.sinclair@vuw.ac.nz), sending a cover letter that includes a statement of research experience/interests, contact details of 3 academic referees, a curriculum vitae and a copy of current academic transcript (certified transcripts will be requested of short-listed candidates). Candidates attending the upcoming AGU Fall Meeting will have an opportunity to meet with Dan after his session (PP23B: Tuesday 11th December 13:40) or at his poster (PP33C-1738: Wednesday 12th December). Review of applications will begin early January 2019, with interviews scheduled for the last week of January. To be guaranteed consideration, applications should be received by Monday January 14th.
For more information, in the 1st instance contact Dan Sinclair (dan.sinclair@vuw.ac.nz).
Junior and Intermediate Coastal Engineer, Golder
Golder has a new opportunity for a Junior Coastal Engineer to join our Environmental Remediation & Water team on a full-time basis based inVancouver. As a Junior Coastal Engineer, you will be expected to step into a technical support role for coastal engineering projects in BC, across Canada and internationally. You will join a growing Water Resources & Coastal Engineering Team based in Vancouver, Victoria, Calgary and Mississauga that services projects in Oil & Gas, Mining, Transportation, Power and Government sectors.
To find out more information and how to apply, please see here.
Golder has a new opportunity for an Intermediate Coastal Engineer to join our Environmental Remediation & Water team on a full-time basis based in Vancouver. As an Intermediate Coastal Engineer, you will be expected to step into a technical specialist role for coastal engineering projects in BC, across Canada and internationally. You will join a growing Water Resources & Coastal Engineering Team based in Vancouver, Victoria, Calgary, and Mississauga that services projects in Oil & Gas, Mining, Transportation, Power and Government sectors.
To find our more information and how to apply, please see here.
Staff Associate Position, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University
The Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory seeks a full-time Staff Associate to oversee day-to-day operation of the organic geochemistry laboratory. Oversee general operation and maintenance of the facility, including ordering supplies, billing lab users, and handling EH&S compliance with oversight from laboratory PIs. Operate and conduct maintenance and troubleshooting of laboratory equipment/instrumentation including but not limited to an Accelerated Solvent Extractor, gas chromatographs, mass selective detector and other lab equipment and facilities. Provide training and oversight of laboratory users such as students, research assistants, postdocs, and visiting scientists in laboratory methods and instrument use. Oversee and conduct sample analyses for lab users’ research projects, including method development, sample management, chemical analysis, oversight of research assistants’ work, and data reporting.
Candidates should have a Bachelor’s degree in geology, chemistry or a closely related discipline and four years of experience with organic geochemistry, laboratory protocols, and related instrumentation required or a Master’s degree in geology, chemistry or a closely related discipline and two years of experience with organic geochemistry, laboratory protocols, and related instrumentation. Must be detail oriented and have strong organizational skills. Must be independent and self-reliant and have excellent written and verbal communication skills; English skills required.
Appointments are made on a fiscal year basis and are eligible for renewal each July 1, contingent upon performance and funding.
Search will remain open for at least 30 days after the ad appears and will continue until the position is filled.
For more information, please see here.
Postdoctoral Fellow Position in Marine Microbiology and Genomics
A research team that includes faculty members within the Marine Sciences Department at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Marchetti and Septer Labs) is seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral fellow to join our group. The post-doc will be expected to work as part of a team on an NSF-funded project investigating the role and importance of proteorhodopsin in diatoms from polar and temperate regions. The project will combine molecular, biochemical and physiological measurements in laboratory cultures and natural diatom communities. A Ph.D. in marine sciences, molecular biology, biochemistry, microbiology, or a related field is preferred. Desired skills include proficiency in the following techniques: cloning into expression vectors, protein expression and purification, protein biochemistry (protein gels/western blots), fluorescence microscopy (specifically immunofluorescence) and/or the ability to analyze large sequence datasets such as those for transcriptomics. Funding for a post-doctoral fellow is available for two years with the option of renewal, pending funding availability.
Applicants should submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, statements of research interests, and the names/contact information (including email addresses) of three references via the following link: http://unc.peopleadmin.com/postings/152470. Questions may be directed to Dr. Adrian Marchetti (amarchetti@unc.edu).
Three Permanent Academic Positions, Earth Science and Engineering, Imperial College London
Situated in the heart of South Kensington’s museum district, the Department of Earth Science and Engineering at Imperial College London employs ~45 academic staff members and ~85 postdoctoral research scientists supported by a team of 26 professional and technical staff. Our academics and researchers are at the cutting edge of discovering how Earth and planetary systems work and how natural resources and energy can be sustainably extracted and utilized, using a combination of pure and applied research. We are a multidisciplinary and diverse community that promotes inclusive and collaborative work. We have strong ties with colleagues across Imperial College London and have a track record of working closely with our neighbours at the Natural History Museum who offer complementary expertise, access to unique sample collections, impressive analytical facilities and outreach opportunities. We collaborate with colleagues both nationally and internationally.
Our research is wide-ranging and is performed across three sections: Earth & Planets, Petroleum Geoscience and Engineering and Computational Geoscience and Engineering. Our teaching involves Undergraduate-level courses in Geology, Geophysics and Petroleum Geoscience and Masters-level courses in Petroleum Geoscience, Petroleum Engineering and Metals and Energy Finance. We continue to develop our teaching portfolio and have recently added a new MSc course in Applied Computational Science and Engineering and a new undergraduate degree scheme in Earth & Planetary Science.
Duties and responsibilities
We invite applications for three permanent positions to join our friendly and dynamic department. We are looking for colleagues in any area that complements and enriches our existing activities. You will be committed to performing original research, looking to develop an international reputation for the quality of your research, open to growing your research interests, and intending to write research funding bids and engage in opportunities to do so with your colleagues in the department and across Imperial College London. You should be excited to join our dedicated teaching programmes at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, engage with our curious and talented students, and help your colleagues within the department and across Imperial College London with administrative activities, thereby contributing to our excellent national and international reputation.
We will help you to develop, build, nurture and inspire your research group, to become an international leader in your field, and to provide the best possible educational experience to our students. You may be a Postdoc, Research Fellow, or already hold a Lectureship or Senior Lectureship or an equivalent position (Assistant Professor) at an academic institution or industrial organisation.
Essential requirements
For appointment to Lecturer, in addition to relevant post-doctoral experience, applicants will possess a doctorate in Earth Science, Engineering or a related discipline, a number of high-quality publications in refereed journals, and evidence of the skills and qualities required for winning research funding.
For appointment to Senior Lecturer, candidates will have a growing internationally-recognised research record in Earth Science, Engineering or a related discipline. In addition, candidates will have contributed to undergraduate and/or postgraduate teaching, have a track record of participation in successful postgraduate student supervision, and a history of attracting research funding.
Further information
To apply, please visit our website: https://www.imperial.ac.uk/jobs/. You will find this vacancy by searching either the position title or job number: ENG00595. Within your submission please ensure you include:
- a completed application form
- a full CV (including a list of publications) that covers any aspects of your career not covered by the application form
- a statement of your research plans over the next 5 years (2 pages maximum)
- a brief statement of your teaching interests (1-page maximum)
We are looking for colleagues who are available to start on or after 1 March 2019.
For academic enquires please feel free to contact the Head of Department, Mark Sephton, via email: m.a.sephton@imperial.ac.uk.
Should you have any queries about the formal side of the application process, please contact Katie Rycraft, Resource and Research Administrator via email: k.rycraft@imperial.ac.uk.
For technical issues when applying online, please contact: recruitment@imperial.ac.uk
Closing date: January 11, 2019.
Assistant Professor, Department of Atmospheric Science, University of Maryland
The Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science at the University of Maryland, College Park invites applications for a tenure track position at the Assistant Professor level. We seek a candidate who will develop an active, externally funded research effort that will complement existing areas of expertise within our Department, teach at both the graduate and undergraduate levels, and is able to make use of the unique resources provided by the Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center, the state of Maryland, as well as the rest of the greater Washington DC region. Research areas of interest include, but are not limited to biogeochemical cycles, Chesapeake Bay, modeling the interaction between human and natural systems, the oceans and polar science.
Applicants should submit the following: (1) one-page cover letter describing their interest in the position; (2) curriculum vitae; (3) teaching statement; (4) research statement; (5) diversity and inclusion statement; (6) the names and contact information of three persons who can provide letters of recommendation. Position will remain open until filled and best consideration will be given to applications submitted by 12/31/2018.
The Department of Atmospheric & Oceanic Science especially encourages applications from women, underrepresented minorities and those who can contribute to a climate of inclusivity. Candidates who have experience working with a diverse range of faculty, students and groups are encouraged to identify their experiences in these areas.
To Apply: http://ejobs.umd.edu/postings/64554