John Durham Peters - Episodes in the Media History of the Weather
John Durham Peters
Maria Rosa Menocal Professor of English and of Film and Media Studies, Yale University
"Episodes in the Media History of the Weather"
Friday, 16 November, 14:00 in MacMillan 166
The history of human interaction with weather is also a history of cultural techniques and media technologies. Dramatists and divines have sought meaning from atmospheric events. Reading the skies is one paradigm case of human-nature interaction, and studying weather can stand in as part for whole as an inquiry into the environments humans have made or unmade. The history of modern weather is the history of the militarization of the sky and oceans, and is co-extensive with the history of modern telecommunications and computation. Weather, that eternal elusive object whose meaning we cannot leave alone, brings us close to the nature of time, and thus is an preeminent topic for media studies.
EMA of BC - Environmental Innovators Award - Academic Poster Competition
The Environmental Managers Association of BC (EMAofBC) is proud to announce submissions for its Academic Poster Competition are open as part of its annual workshop on March 7th, 2019.
We invite students of BC post-secondary institutions currently enrolled in an environmentally-related technology, undergraduate, graduate or legal program to submit a poster based on their original academic research for consideration of the Environmental Innovator’s Award. A total of $1500 will be awarded to students of the top three posters!
Eight (8) posters will be selected for display during the 2018 EMA of BC workshop. Students of the selected posters are asked to attend the workshop to engage with participants. Up to two (2) students per selected poster will be given FREE attendance to the workshop. This is a great opportunity to network with industry professionals and explore your career path.
Judges will determine and announce the top three (3) posters at the workshop. Students of the top posters will be awarded the following:
· First Place: $750
· Second Place: $500
· Third Place: $250
Abstract Submission
Students must submit a 250 word abstract (2 page maximum), clearly articulating the relevance of the research to BC's environmental industry, its originality, and its potential significance via email to posters@emaofbc.com.
• Abstract Submissions Deadline: November 30th, 2018
• Notification of Acceptance: December 22nd, 2018
• Final Poster Submission: February 6th, 2019
• Workshop at Simon Fraser University Harbour Centre: March 7th, 2019
Questions about the competition may be sent to posters@emaofbc.com.
2019 PDAC-SEG SMC: Call for Abstracts
We are pleased to announce that the 10th annual PDAC-SEG Student Minerals Colloquium will be taking place at this year's PDAC on Tuesday, March 5th. The Colloquium will include more than 85 poster presentations highlighting current research on mineral deposits and related studies by students across North America.
All students (BSc, MSc, PhD) working on projects with a link to mineral deposits (e.g. mapping, mineralogy, geochemistry, geophysics, environmental, hydrogeology, etc.) are encouraged to participate. Instructions to submit abstracts are attached, the deadline is January 13th 2019. Further information about the event can be found at https://merc.laurentian.ca/seg-smc
Employment Opportunities
Tenure-Track Position, Environmental Science - Chemistry, Memorial University of Newfoundland
The School of Science and the Environment (Grenfell Campus) at Memorial University invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position at the rank of Assistant Professor in the area of Environmental Analytical Chemistry commencing August 2019, or as soon as possible thereafter.
The successful applicant will hold a Ph.D. in analytical chemistry, environmental science, geochemistry, or a related field. Duties will include teaching a range of courses, supervising student research, and undertaking an active, funded research program. An interdisciplinary research background and experience with collaborative research involving industrial or government partners is desirable. Teaching responsibilities have an undergraduate focus and include courses in analytical chemistry (e.g., ENVS 3210 and 3211; applicant should be familiar with relevant instrumentation), a fourth-year course in the applicant’s area of specialization (e.g., ENVS 4230 – Aquatic Chemistry), and contributions to relevant introductory and upper year courses in support of the Environmental Science program (http://www.grenfell.mun.ca/academics-and-research/Pages/school-of-science-and-the-environment/programs/Environmental-Science.aspx).
Previous teaching experience would be an asset. Opportunities exist to incorporate senior undergraduate students within research projects. Supervision of graduate students within an active, externally funded research program is encouraged. The Boreal Ecosystem Research Facility (http://www.grenfell.mun.ca/campus-services/Pages/campuses/boreal-ecosystem-research-facility.aspx) is one venue that facilitates such ventures at Grenfell, and access to other MSc and PhD programs and collaborators are available through the St. John's Campus of Memorial University.
The deadline to receive applications is 4 January 2019.
Candidates should forward an electronic application indicating the position to which the application is being made in the subject line with the correct reference number. Applications should include (a) curriculum vitae; (b) a brief (maximum 10 pages) teaching dossier demonstrating teaching approaches and effectiveness; (c) a statement of research interests and a research proposal in the form of that required for an NSERC Discovery Grant (i.e., 5 pages maximum); and (d) the names and complete contact information of three referees.
All applications should be forwarded via email to:
Dr. Michele Piercey-Normore, Dean, School of Science and the Environment, Grenfell campus, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Corner Brook, Newfoundland, Canada A2H 5G4
By email: mpiercey-normore@grenfell.mun.ca /or ssedean@grenfell.mun.ca