Vision, Goals & Committee

We strive to cultivate a community committed to equity, diversity and inclusion for all students, faculty and staff.


To cultivate a community committed to equity, diversity and inclusion for all students, faculty and staff.

Equity, Diversity & Inclusion in EOAS

The Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Committee leads initiatives and provides resources and support to faculty, staff and students in the Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences (EOAS) that foster inclusivity and promote equity and diversity. 

We recognize that Earth Sciences is the least diverse field in STEM. In order to address this, we know that systematic structural changes need to be built into department activities, including within classrooms and seminars (online or in-person), policies, events, hiring, and marketing initiatives, so that the ideas and demographics within our place of work are more reflective of the general population. 

Key Goals of the EDI Committee: 

  1. To ensure policies, processes, events, and curriculum are equitable for and inclusive of all department members.
  2. To support marketing, recruitment, and retention initiatives that enhance diversity through teaching and research. 
  3. To guarantee welcoming classrooms, labs and social spaces for all students, faculty, and staff.

EOAS Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Committee:

Sarah Bean Sherman (Chair) -

Ali Ameli (Member) -

Gregory Dipple (Member) -

Daniel Gowryluk (Member) -

Katherine Raymond (Member) -

Kirsten Hodge (Member) -

Rachel White (Member) -

Sophia Leiter (Member) -

Summer Caton (Member) -