
Aurora is our weekly newsletter aimed at faculty, staff, and students of the department.



Employment Opportunities

Post-Doctoral Position in Climate Modelling and Analysis, University of Waterloo, Ontario

The climate modelling and analysis group based in the department of Geography and Environmental Management at the University of Waterloo, Canada invites applications for a full-time (1.0 FTE), 12-month, fixed-term Post-Doctoral Fellow (PDF) research position in modelling of snow-land-climate interactions and their response to climate change. For more details about our research group see

The PDF will be engaged in two projects. The first involves the implementation and analysis of a suite of global land surface model simulations using the Community Land Model (CLM) to assess the impact of snow process parameterizations on climate. The second project involves the analysis of the CMIPx suite of model output to characterize projected land surface hydrological responses to climate change and their impact on the frequency and intensity of future drought in Canada. The position is partially supported by CanSISE (, a Canada-wide network of researchers from academia and government, engaged in climate modelling efforts related to quantifying sea ice and snow evolution. The position will involve collaboration internally within the research group at Waterloo, and externally with colleagues in CanSISE, at Environment and Climate Change Canada (, and at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (

Essential requirements: the PDF must have (or be about to obtain) a Ph.D. in atmospheric science, physics, chemistry, applied mathematics, or a related field. Experience analysing and visualising large climate/geophysical datasets, preferably in netCDF format, using a scientific programming language such as Python, IDL, Matlab, or NCL in a Linux computing environment. The PDF will be a highly effective oral and written communicator, and be able to work as part of a research team. 
Desirable requirements: Experience running simulations with global or regional models of the atmosphere and/or land surface would be a distinct advantage, particularly with any of the NCAR Community Earth System Model (CESM) suite. Knowledge of advanced multivariate statistical methods, and/or statistical learning techniques such as support vector regression would also be an asset.

The position has an anticipated start date of September 5, 2017, or as soon as possible after that date. The initial appointment will be for one year, with the possibility of renewal based on performance.  A review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled. To apply, please send a single document in PDF format containing a cover letter summarizing your research interests and career goals, current CV, and contact information for three references to Prof Chris Fletcher (  We regret that only applicants being called for interview will be contacted.


Assistant Professorship in Natural Hazards, Department of Earth Sciences, SFU

The Department of Earth Sciences at SFU invites applications for a tenure track Assistant Professorship in Natural Hazards commencing as early as September 2018.  A PhD is required, and post-doctoral research, teaching or industry experience is desirable.  Qualified candidates will be considered for a Tier 2 Canada Research Chair.  The research activities of the successful candidate will complement the existing natural hazards research interests within the Department, while contributing to the expertise of the Department as a whole.  Candidates with the expertise in remote sensing, risk assessment and mitigation, field-based observation and/or laboratory-based studies examining  natural hazards, in particular, geological hazards, are encouraged to apply.

For more information and how to apply, please see here.


Various Post-Doctoral Positions

CSIRO Postdoc Fellowship – Biogeochemistry of Coastal Environments. Applications Close: August 21 Read more.


CSIRO Postdoc Fellowship – Microbial ecology of coastal environments. Applications close: August 21Read more.


6 x CSIRO Postdoc Fellowships – Centre for Southern Hemisphere Ocean Research. Applications open until filled. Read more.


Carbon Budget Scientist and 2 x Marine Physicist. Applications close: August 20Read more.

Assistant Prof in Physical Climate Science (tenure track). Application reviews commence October 1Read more.