Director, MineralsEd, Vancouver BC
MineralsEd is an educational organization operating in British Columbia that is dedicated to encouraging and supporting Earth science, mineral resources and mining education in schools. Established in 1991 as a teacher-industry partnership program, its focus is to support teachers in their development of classroom materials and to deliver workshops, field trips and other mineral-relevant learning opportunities for teachers and students. Its goal is to foster a well-informed public through school education, based on accurate and balanced minerals information, and to stimulate young peoples’ interest in minerals industry careers. MineralsEd is a non-partisan, charitable organization. Further information can be found on mineralsed.ca.
Location: The MineralsEd office is located at 900-808 West Hastings Street in downtown Vancouver.
The Director oversees all aspects of MineralsEd, providing guidance to the Coordinator and seconded Partner-Teachers as required. The position has dual strategic and operational components, requiring the Director to be active in all levels of the business. A hands-on approach and a willingness to get involved with the day to day tasks will be key to success. Responsibilities include strategic planning, budget preparation, financial reviews, program development, coordination and participation, management of key personnel and community engagement.
- Shape the company’s overall business strategy
- Develop strategic plan and assess organization performance in relation to the plan
- Conduct research and data analysis to inform business decisions
Financial & Reporting
- Development of annual budget
- Prepare and present a quarterly report of activities to the Board of Trustees
- Review financial statements and present to the Board of Trustees
- Ensure accurate financial records including general ledger and coding accuracy
- Preparation of invoices for all honorariums and expenses for partner-teachers
- In collaboration with the accountant, prepare for the annual audit of financial statements
For more information and how to apply, please contact info@MineralsEd.ca
12 PhD Positions in Aquatic-Terrestrial Coupling, Landau, Institute for Environmental Sciences, University Koblenz–Landau, Campus Landau, Germany
12 doctoral research positions (PhD students) for 3 years from 1 October 2019 (gross salary approx. 30 k € p.a.; 13 TV-L 65%).
The 12 PhD researchers will work within small teams, yet together as an entire group on aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. They will conduct experiments in unique aquatic-terrestrial mesocosm facilities combined with laboratory and field research, or develop and apply process-based environmental models. Most PhD projects will combine at least two of these approaches. Methods include molecular diagnostic tools (e.g. metabarcoding), food-web analysis (e.g. stable isotope analyses), advanced methods in soil physics and chemistry (e.g. NMR relaxometry, Lattice Boltzmann methods), trace chemical analytics (e.g. triple quad LC-MS/MS), greenhouse gases (GC-MS) or food-web and meta-ecosystem modelling. An individualized course program will complement the research work. The positions are temporary in line with the applicable German Law (WissZeitVG).
Successful candidates will hold a diploma or MSc in a relevant topic such as environmental sciences, ecology, biogeochemistry, physics, environmental modelling or similar. Fluent English talking and writing skills as well as solid background e.g. in analytical techniques, statistical approaches or experimental environmental sciences are required. A strong motivation to work in teams, to publish research articles, and to finish a PhD thesis within three years is needed.
It is the policy of the University Koblenz-Landau to increase the percentage of female PhD candidates. If equally qualified, preference will be given to female applicants. Disabled candidates are given priority, if equally qualified.
Please send your applications (1 pdf file, max 10 MB), specifying for which PhD position you apply, with a 1-page letter of motivation, a reference letter from a mentor, degree certificates, a CV and a list of publications/presentations until 17 May 2019 via email to bewerbung@uni-koblenz-landau.de. Please make sure to mention your name and the reference number 49/2019 in the subject line of the email. Potential candidates shall be prepared to participate in a three-day workshop in Landau between 9 and 11 July 2019. For further details on the announced positions and on the application procedure please see www.systemlink.uni-landau.de or contact the speaker of SystemLink Prof. Dr. Ralf Schulz (schulz@uni-landau.de).
Programs and Events
GAC®-MAC-IAH/CNC 2019 Joint Meeting - Quebec City - Registration - Early Bird Deadline: April 14, 2019
Beautiful historic Quebec City hosts GAC®-MAC-IAH/CNC 2019 from May 12 to 15. This is the top geoscience conference in Canada, where scientists from around the world gather to share their ideas and research.
The Early Bird Registration will end on April 14, 2019. Regular registration rates will be in effect from April 15, 2019 to the last day of the conference.
Take part in fascinating Field Trips, intriguing Short Courses, enlightening Scientific Sessions, and fun-filled Social Events. You may also register for a Short Course or Field trip only.
Have a look at the preliminary detailed program: this will definitely convince you to attend the meeting if you have not registered yet! A full searchable version of the final program, including abstracts of the oral and poster presentations, will be available soon. Watch our website for updates.
A reminder that GAC, MAC and IAH members in good standing will be eligible for the discounted member rate.
If you have any questions, please contact the Meeting organisers at gacagm@mun.ca
For full details, visit our website