Geological Sciences

Dynamic processes and materials of the solid Earth

  The UBC calendar page for Geological Sciences has formal degree specialization details.


Geologists are multi-disciplinary scientists who apply physical, chemical and geological fundamentals to solve today’s problems of resource stewardship, water management, hazard forecasting and mitigation, environmental monitoring and maintenance – in short, all things associated with the physical Earth. Vancouver resides in a landscape forged by active geological processes. What better place to study geology than in EOAS, the largest and most diverse department of its kind in Canada, and to live and work with a beautiful geological laboratory literally at your doorstep. The scope of geological sciences is expressed by Wikipedia’s Earth Sciences Portal or Geology page.

For career opportunities – see our Career Pathways page.

Degrees Offered

Guidelines for current students

BSc Major Geology

BSc Honours Geological Sciences

Read and fill in the Course Template document (below) for the Winter session in which you FIRST enter Honours. Book an appointment to see your Honours advisor to solve problems or discuss your questions about the Honours Specialization. (In any email correspondence with an advisor, please put your name and student number in the subject line. Thank you.)

BSc Combined Honours Geology and Another Subject

Please see your Honours advisor with questions regarding the Combined Honours Specialization

EGBC Course Requirements

For geoscience self-evaluation checklists for Engineers & Geoscientists British Columbia (EGBC), see:

Faculty and Teaching

Over 20 of our professors have research interests spanning nearly all geologic subfields. We have a particularly strong focus on mineral deposit geology and geochemistry. The Mineral Deposit Research Unit (MDRU) maintains strong ties with industry partners based here in the mining capital of North America; some 1,200 mineral exploration companies are based in BC. The Pacific Centre for Isotopic and Geochemical Research (PCIGR) hosts the premier equipment and personnel for geologic analytical work.

Our department leads the charge of reshaping undergraduate education at UBC through the Carl Weiman Science Education Initiative. Most of our courses have been restructured with progressive, student-focused pedagogical practices that ensure you get the most out of your education.

Student Experiences

Students gain scientific skills and perspectives on geological issues that are applicable in wide range of occupations or studies. Students will benefit particularly from our …

  • interdisciplinary courses, faculty, and research
  • a balance of industry, public sector and academic perspectives
  • attention to students, including small classes and a vibrant student community
  • strong relationships with geoscience, resource sector, and government organizations
  • a departmental commitment to ongoing support of course-development


Courses involve hands-on labs, equipment and computing facilities related to geology, geochemistry and isotope studies, field studies and many more. Examples of the many facilities at EOAS include:

  • A new, modern field station in British Columbia’s Okanagan Valley for housing researchers and students and supporting their studies and research,
  • World-class equipment, expertise and capabilities in geochemical research and isotope studies
  • Laboratory facilities to support geological and mineralogical studies
  • Several active student clubs with dedicated space for undergraduates
  • The Pacific Museum of Earth with a large collection of minerals, fossils and rocks,
  • Extensive computing capacity for numerical modeling and mapping work.
  • Extensive lab capabilities for studying static and dynamic properties of all types of Earth materials.
  • Geoscience Education Research Lab