

Programs and Events

GAC-MAC-IAH 2019 Joint Meeting Call for Abstracts

Deadline: January 28, 2019

Beautiful historic Québec City hosts GAC®-MAC-IAH/CNC 2019, and there’s no better event to showcase your research!

Time is running out so submit your Abstract without delay to take part in this outstanding conference, May 12-15.

For full details, check our flyer, or direct your web browser to https://gacmac-quebec2019.ca/

Québec 2019: Where geosciences converge!

David Suzuki Fellowships

Do you know a scholar who is interested in finding solutions to environmental challenges? If so, here’s an exciting opportunity: David Suzuki Fellowships! 

This year’s research theme is innovation and impact. We’re looking for scholars to share their brightest, most effective and creative ideas to solve our greatest environmental challenges. Research themes should be related to the work of the David Suzuki Foundation. 

Fellowships of $30,000 to $50,000 (commensurate with education level attained and experience) plus research and travel budget are available to:

  • Master’s or PhD graduates (any discipline) or Indigenous candidates (First Nations, Inuit or Métis) with a bachelor’s degree and/or significant related lived experience in connection with community
  • Preference will be given to candidates who are bilingual in French 

David Suzuki Fellows will spend a year with one foot in academia and the other in learning strategies to get their research the attention it deserves. They’ll make complex issues easy to understand and help motivate people to take action, with mentorship from DSF senior staff and David Suzuki!

If you know someone who wants to make a world of difference, please help spread the word. Thank you! 

Harpreet Johal
Senior Specialist, Fellowships

P.S. Applications are now open and the deadline to submit your innovative research idea is February 1.


Employment Opportunities

Tenure-Track Faculty Position in Spatial Technologies and Data Science for Environmental Applications

The Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences (EES), in the Faculty of Science at the University of Windsor, invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position at the rank of Assistant Professor, in Geographic Information Science (GISc) and Remote Sensing (RS), and their environmental applications, commencing July 1, 2019. This position is subject to final budgetary approval.

EES is seeking a candidate with energy and vision that will: a) contribute to the development of new and relevant spatial technology and data science courses, b) instruct undergraduate and graduate students in spatial/data technologies and their application to environmental systems and problems; c) contribute to a new GISc certificate that is currently being developed, d) contribute to the development of a new freshwater sustainability professional M.Sc. program; and e) create a vigorous, externally-funded research program focused on environmental applications of GISc/RS.

The ideal candidate will also be able to demonstrate proficiency in one or more of the following areas: a) spatial technologies (e.g., GPS, UAVs), b) GIS/RS software (proprietary and open source), c) database development and usage of DBMS, d) creation of spatial applications using multiple programming languages, and e) integrating data within spatial portal frameworks for decision-making purposes. Experience in undergraduate and graduate supervision is desirable and field application of a variety of spatial technologies would be an asset.

Application Requirements

  • a letter of application, including a statement of citizenship/immigration status;
  • a detailed, current curriculum vitae;
  • samples of scholarly writing, including (if applicable) clear indications of your contribution to any jointly authoredpieces;
  • a teaching dossier or teaching portfolio showing a potential for or evidence of teaching effectiveness and excellence.  This may include sample instructional syllabi/outlines, teaching evaluations, and a statement of teaching philosophy and interests. (resources and templates for completing a teaching dossier can be found at http://www.uwindsor.ca/ctl/390/teaching-and-learning-resources
  • graduate transcripts; and
  • three (3) current letters of reference forwarded directly by the referees to the Head of EES at the address or emaillisted below.

Only those applicants selected for interview will be contacted. The short-listed candidates may be invited to provide further information in support of their applications. To ensure full consideration, complete an online application (http://www.uwindsor.ca/facultypositions), and ensure letters of reference are submitted by the deadline date of March 1, 2019. Applications may be considered after the deadline date; however, acceptance of late submissions is at the discretion of the appointments committee.

Questions and Reference Letters to be sent to:

Dr. Joel E. Gagnon, Associate Professor and Head, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences,
Faculty of Science, University of Windsor, 401 Sunset Avenue, Windsor, ON N9B 3P4
Phone: (519) 253-3000 x 3010, Email: jgagnon@uwindsor.ca

Assistant Professor, Marine Chemist, University of Rhode Island

The Graduate School of Oceanography (GSO) at the University of Rhode Island invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor within the broad specialization of marine chemistry. The position will be an academic year appointment with an expected start date of September 1, 2019. We seek applications from researchers who specialize in any aspect of marine chemistry or chemical oceanography. The new hire will enter the vibrant research community at URI and the many neighboring academic institutions within New England. Opportunities exist to participate in the active sea-going community of GSO, the East Coast Oceanographic Consortium, and the Ocean Exploration Trust, to utilize platforms such as R/V Endeavor, E/V Nautilus and the newly awarded Regional-Class Research Vessel. Physical facilities include the Marine Science Research Facility, Brown Center for Computation and Visualization, Rhode Island Genomics & Sequencing Center, and the NSF Coastal Ecology Assessment Innovation and Modeling Program for Narragansett Bay. In general, we invite individuals with a strong commitment to research, to excellent teaching and mentorship at the undergraduate and graduate levels.

The successful applicant is expected to develop an externally funded research program. The candidate will contribute to teach graduate and undergraduate classes, to contribute to the graduate programs (M.S. and Ph.D.) through advising and research committee participation.

For more information and how to apply, please see here.

PhD Position in Reactive Transport Modeling

The research foundation “Forum Bergbau und Wasser” (FBW) offers a multidisciplinary PhD position in the field of reactive transport modelling of mine water. The FBW carries out research work in connection with mine water rebound in abandoned coal mines and investigates the chemical and hydrogeological aspects of controlled mine floodings.

The PhD position is expected to explore and simulate the reactive transport within cave-ins and mine cavities during and after the flooding process. The field of activities is at the interface of numerical modelling, hydrochemical analyses and laboratory experiments. In particular, these are:

• extension of quantitative numerical models with reactive transport processes (Feflow, piChem, etc.)
• determination of dissolution/precipitation kinetics and relevant time scales
• characterization of particle sedimentation/remobilisation and modelling of sorption dynamics
• assistance and numerical backup for column and batch experiments in the laboratory

The research will be carried out in the Hydrogeological Lab at The University Salzburg in close collaboration with the Applied Geology/Hydrogeology section of the University Greifswald (Prof. Schafmeister). The candidate will be employed at University Salzburg (Prof. Hilberg), however she/he will be enrolled as PhD student at University of Greifswald.

The position is fully-funded until December 2021 and is designed as a project staff position. The position will be filled once the release of funds is approved. Payment will be according to the salary scheme of the University of Salzburg (group B1) based on a 40 hours week.
We welcome talented and motivated students with interests in numerical modelling and hydrochemistry to apply for the 3-year studentship. Funding includes monthly salary and funds for research stays abroad, travel costs and for the participation at international conferences. The work will be supported with state-of-the-art modelling software and an innovative laboratory facility for the execution of column experiments. Both universities offer graduate programs for diverse skills courses and training.

The candidate should have an outstanding MSc degree in one of the following disciplines: Chemistry, Geology, Earth Sciences, Environmental Studies or similar. In addition, you should have or be experienced in

• working with reactive transport modelling tools (PHREEQC, piChem)
• the description and analysis of hydrochemical reaction kinetics
• the ability to work independently and to conduct laboratory experiments
• excellent skills in English (written and spoken)
• the willingness to travel to partner universities and conferences
• high level of capacity for teamwork, self-responsibility and motivation for scientific work

Please send your complete application documents (CV, letter of motivation and list of publications) in one pdf file (max size 5 MB) to sylke.hilberg@sbg.ac.at. Submission deadline is February 28th 2019. The position should be filled by April 1st 2019.