
    Research interests

    • Northern Andes tectono-magmatic history and metallogeny
    • Economic Geology
    • Mineral Exploration

    Publications, Peer Reviewed

    Bissig, T., Leal-Mejía, H., Stevens, R., and Hart, C.J.R. (2017). High Sr/Y magma petrogenesis and the link to porphyry mineralization as revealed by garnet-bearing I-type granodiorite porphyries of the Middle Cauca Au-Cu belt, Colombia. Economic Geology, v. 112, p. 551 - 568.

    Publications, Non-Peer Reviewed

    Leal-Mejía, H., Robert P. Shaw, Melgarejo J.C. (2019) Spatial Migration of Subduction-related granitoid arc segments and Phanerozoic tectono-magmatic evolution in the Colombian Andes, in Fabio Cediel and Robert P.Shaw (eds.), Geology and Tectonics of Northwestern South America: The Pacific-Caribbean-Andean Junction. Frontiers in Earth Sciences series, Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-76131-2.

    Shaw, R.P., Leal-Mejía, H., Melgarejo J.C. (2019) Regional Metallogeny in the Colombian Andes: A tectono-magmatic analysis in space and time, in Fabio Cediel and Robert P.Shaw (eds.), Geology and Tectonics of Northwestern South America: The Pacific-Caribbean-Andean Junction. Frontiers in Earth Sciences series, Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-76131-2.

    Marín-Cerón, M.I., Leal-Mejía, H., Bernet, M., Mesa-García (2019) Late Cenozoic to Modern-Day Volcanism in the Northern Andes: A Geochronological, Petrographical, and Geochemical Review, in Fabio Cediel and Robert P.Shaw (eds.), Geology and Tectonics of Northwestern South America: The Pacific-Caribbean-Andean Junction. Frontiers in Earth Sciences series, Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-76131-2.

    Leal-Mejia, H., Shaw, R.P. and Melgarejo, J.C. (2011) Phanerozoic Granitoid Magmatism in Colombia and the Tectono-Magmatic Evolution of the Colombian Andes, in  Fabio Cediel (ed.) Agencia Nacional de Hidrocarburos - ANH, Petroleum Geology of Colombia, Volume 1: Regional Geology of Colombia

    Technical Reports

    Leal-Mejía, H., and Hart, C.J.R., (2018): Age and Nature of Magmatism related to the Formation of Porphyry Cu-Mo (Au) Mineralization, Pantanos Project, Chocó Belt, NW Colombia; Final technical report prepared for Minera Cobre de Colombia S.A.S., MDRU-Mineral Deposit Research Unit, The University of British Columbia, 27 p.

    Leal-Mejía, H., and Hart, C.J.R., (2017): U-Pb and Re-Os Geochronology Results for the San Matias Project, NW Colombia; Geochronology report prepared for Cordoba Minerals Corp., MDRU-Mineral Deposit Research Unit, The University of British Columbia, 7 p.

    Leal-Mejia, H. (2014) Review of the Regional Geology and Tectonic History of Colombia with emphasis in the Middle Cauca Belt, in Bissig, T. and Hart, C (eds.) MDRU Colombia Gold & Porphyry Project Year 3 Technical Report. Mineral Deposit Research Unit, The University of British Columbia.

    Leal-Mejia, H. and Bissig, T. (2014) Geochronology and Lithogeochemistry of Meso-Cenozoic Magmatic Rocks of the Middle Cauca Belt, in Bissig, T. and Hart, C (eds.) MDRU Colombia Gold & Porphyry Project Year 3 Technical Report.

    Bissig, T. and Leal-Mejia, H. (2014) Porphyry Fertility and Zircon Geochemistry: Results from El Poma and Quinchía Garnet Bearing Porphyry Suites, in Bissig, T. and Hart, C (eds.) MDRU Colombia Gold & Porphyry Project Year 3 Technical Report.

    Bissig, T., Leal-Mejia, H., Uribe, C. (2014) Landscape Evolution in the Middle Cauca Belt: Tectonic and Metallogenic Implications, in Bissig, T. and Hart, C (eds.) MDRU Colombia Gold & Porphyry Project Year 3 Technical Report.

    Leal-Mejia, H. (2013) Ages and petrochemistry of intrusives spatially related to porphyry and epithermal gold deposits in the Middle Cauca Belt: current State of knowledge, in Bissig, T. and Hart, C (eds.) MDRU Colombia Gold & Porphyry Project Year 2 Technical Report.

    Posters and Presentations

    Leal-Mejía, H., Winterburn, P. , Jenkins, S. , Hart, C.J.R. , Bissig, T. , Prieto, G., Moyano, I., Pérez, A., Mendoza, O.G., López, J., Celada, C.M., Luengas, C., Velásquez, L., Prieto, D., Jiménez, J.F., Mendoza, O.F., Rincón, A., Sepúlveda, J., Orejuela, C., Castellanos, F., Fonseca, J.C. (2018, January): Metallogenic and Geochemical Maps of Colombia: The MDRU – SGC Collaboration Agreement – A joint effort to produce high-quality country-scale maps; Poster AMEBC RoundUp2018, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

    Manco-Parra, J.A., Leal-Mejía, H., Hart, C.J.R. , Boyd, G., Espada, E. (2018, January): Late Cretaceous Cu-Au Mineralization at the El Alacran deposit, San Matias Project (SMP), Cordoba-Colombia; Poster AMEBC RoundUp2018, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

    Leal-Mejía, H., Celada C.M., Luengas, C., Velásquez, L., Prieto, D., Moyano, I., Prieto, G., López I., J.A., Sepúlveda, J. (2017, August): EL MAPA METALOGÉNICO DE COLOMBIA V. 2016 - Un avance en la compilación e integración de información reciente de los depósitos minerales del país y el conocimiento de los recursos del subsuelo; Oral presentation at the XVI Colombian Geological Congress and III Explorers Symposium, Santa Marta, Colombia.

    Leal-Mejía, H., Bissig, T., Hart, C.J.R., Shaw, R.P. (2017, August): The Late Miocene Middle Cauca Au-Cu Porphyry Belt, Colombia - Time-Space Distribution of Magmatism and Controls on Au Mineralization; Oral presentation, Session S02 – Ore-forming magmatic-hydrothermal processes along active margins, SGA Quebec 2017 XIV  Biennial Meeting – Mineral Resources to Discovery, Quebec City, Canada.

    Leal-Mejía, H. (2016, July) The Colombia Metallogenic Map v. 2016 project: an updated view of the metallogeny in Colombia. Presentation at the Colombia Geological Survey Symposium: 100 years of scientific production at the service of Colombians, Bogotá, Colombia.

    Leal-Mejía, H. (2016, March) Magmatism in Colombia and Mineral Deposits. Presentation at the MDRU – Colombia Geological Survey Workshop, Bogotá, Colombia.

    Leal-Mejía, H. (2016, March) Review of Tectonic Models for Colombia. Presentation at the MDRU – Colombia Geological Survey Workshop, Bogotá, Colombia.

    Leal-Mejía, H. (2016, March) The Colombia Metallogenic Map project. Presentation at the MDRU – Colombia Geological Survey Workshop, Bogotá, Colombia.

    Leal-Mejía, H. (2015, December) Current state of knowledge of Metallogeny in Colombia. Presentation at the MDRU – Colombia Geological Survey Technical Video-conference Meeting. Bogota (Colombia)/Vancouver, BC (Canada).

    Leal-Mejía, H. (2015, December) MDRU in Colombia: CGPP (2011-2014) and MDRU-SGC Collaboration Agreement (2015-2016). Presentation at the MDRU – Colombia Geological Survey Technical Video-conference Meeting. Bogotá (Colombia)/Vancouver, BC (Canada).

    Leal-Mejía, H., Shaw, R.P., Hart, C.J.R.. and Bissig, T. (2015, April) Jurassic pluton-related Au-Ag mineralization at Mina Uno, Mina Seca - Mina Brisa Trend, Serranía de San Lucas Au Province, Colombia. Poster presented at the MDRU 25th Anniversary Celebration – April 2015, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

    Leal-Mejía, H. (2014, November) Miocene to Plio-Pleistocene Metallogeny of Colombia. Presentation at the MDRU Colombia Gold & Porphyry Project Final Sponsor Meeting and Field Trip. Medellín, Colombia.

    Leal-Mejía, H. and Bissig, T. (2014, November) Middle Cauca Belt: Igneous geochronology and geochemistry. Presentation at the MDRU Colombia Gold & Porphyry Project Final Sponsor Meeting and Field Trip. Medellín, Colombia.

    Leal-Mejía, H., Shaw, R.P., Melgarejo, J.C. and Valencia, M. (2014, September) Jurassic Gold Metalogeny in the Colombian Andes. Presentation at the SEG2014 Conference - Building Exploration Capability for the 21st Century, Keystone (CO), USA.

    Leal-Mejía, H. (2013, November) Ages and petrochemistry of intrusives spatially related to porphyry and epithermal gold deposits in the Middle Cauca Belt: current State of knowledge. Presentation at the MDRU Colombia Gold & Porphyry Project 2nd Year Sponsor Meeting and Field Trip. Medellín, Colombia.

    Leal-Mejía, H. (2013, September) Phanerozoic acid magmatism in the Colombian Andes and its relationship with Gold Deposits genesis. Presentation at the SGA Workshop on Mineral Deposits related to Acid Magmatism, SGA Student Chapter, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.

    Leal-Mejía, H. (2013, June) Perspective on the Geologic and Mining Potential in Colombia. Presentation at the BNamericas 2nd Mining Exploration Summit. Medellín, Colombia.

    Leal-Mejía, H. (2012, September) Overview of Meso-Cenozoic porphyry & epithermal metallogeny in the Colombian Andes. Presentation at the MDRU Colombia Gold & Porphyry Project 1st Year Sponsor Meeting, Medellín, Colombia.

    Pujol, N., Schamuells, S., Melgarejo, J. C. and Leal-Mejía, H. (2012, June) Mineralogy of Au Mineralization at the Quebradona Creek, Jericó (Antioquia, Colombia). Presentation at the XXXII SPANISH SOCIETY OF MINERALOGY (SEM) MEETING – June 2012, Bilbao, Spain. Extended abstract published in Revista Macla No. 16, p. 256 – 257.

    Leal-Mejía, H., Melgarejo, J.C. and Shaw, R.P. (2011, September) Phanerozoic gold metallogeny in the Colombian Andes. Presentation at the SGA2011 – Let’s talk Ore Deposits (11th Biennial Meeting). Antofagasta, Chile.

    Leal-Mejía, H. (2011, June) Phanerozoic gold metallogeny in Colombia” Presentation at the XXX CURSO LATINOAMERICANO DE METALOGENIA UNESCO-SEG-SGA. Bogotá, Colombia.

    Shaw, R.P., Padilla, R. and Leal-Mejía, H. (2011, January) Colombia's So-Called "Middle Cauca Porphyry Belt”: towards an empirical definition. Presentation at the AME RoundUp 2011, Vancouver, Canada.

    Leal-Mejía, H., Shaw, R.P., Padilla, R. and Valencia, V.A. (2010, October) Magmatism vs. Mineralization in the Segovia-Remedios and Central Antioquia Au Districts, Colombia. Poster presented at the SEG2010 Conference - The Challenge of Finding New Mineral Resources: Global Metallogeny, Innovative Exploration, and New Discoveries. Keystone (CO), USA.

    Leal-Mejía, H., and Melgarejo, J.C. (2010, August) Mineralogy, mineral chemistry and isotope geochemistry of gold mineralization at San Martin de Loba, San Lucas Range, Colombia. Poster presented at the IMA2010 - Bonds and Bridges: Mineral Sciences and their applications (20th General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association). Budapest, Hungary.

    Leal-Mejía, H., Shaw, R.P., Padilla, R. and Valencia, V.A. (2010, August) Metalogenesis de Au asociada al Batolito Antioqueño, Colombia. Presentation at the IX Semana Técnica de Geología e ingeniería geológica. Manizales, Colombia.

    Leal-Mejía, H., Tassinari, C.C.G. and Melgarejo, J. C. (2009, September) Pb-Pb systematics on sulfides from Andean Colombian gold deposits. Presentation at the CARDIFF CARIBBEAN WORKSHOP “Circum-Caribbean and North Andean tectonomagmatic evolution - impacts on palaeoclimate and resource formation”. Cardiff (Wales), UK.

    Leal-Mejía, H. and Melgarejo, J. C. (2008, September) Ore Mineral Paragenesis of the Gramalote Gold Deposit, Colombia. Presentation at the XXVIII SPANISH SOCIETY OF MINERALOGY (SEM) MEETING. Zaragoza, Spain. Extended abstract published in Revista Macla No. 9 (September 2008), p. 139 – 140.

    Leal-Mejía, H. and Pantorrilla, A. del V. (2007, August) Textural relationships and paragenesis of gold ores associated to meta-sedimentary rocks of Pedrera Formation, Taraira Mining District, Vaupés Department, Colombia. XI COLOMBIAN GEOLOGICAL CONGRESS. Bucaramanga, Colombia.

    Leal-Mejia, H., Castañeda, M., Shaw, R. P., Melgarejo, J. C. and Sepulveda, O. I. (2006, September) Mineralogy of “Independecia” gold deposit, Titiribi Mining District, Colombia. Presentation at the XXVI SPANISH SOCIETY OF MINERALOGY (SEM) MEETING. Oviedo, Spain. Extended Abstract published at Revista Macla No. 6 (September 2006), p. 285-287.