Project Title:
Fluid inclusions in octahedral diamonds
Project Description:
The project examines fluid and mineral inclusions hosted by octahedrally-grown, gem-quality diamonds from different cratons (the Siberian, Slave, Kaapvaal, Amazonian and West African). I will use microthermometry and Raman spectroscopy to determine compositions of captured mantle fluids.
Research Area:
Diamond, Geochemistry, Rare Earth Elements, Economic Geology
Teaching Assistant:
EOSC 321 Igneous Petrology (2024 W1)
EOSC 323 Structural Geology (2024 W1)
EOSC 221 Introdutory Petrology (2024 W2)
EOSC 223 Field Techniques (2024 W2)
I completed my Bachelor's degree in Earth System Science at the Chinese University of Hong Kong with a minor in Statistics in 2021. I was a graduate geoscientist at Electronic and Geophysical Services - EGS (Asia) Limited in 2021-2022. I obtained my master's degree in Earth nad Planetary Sciences at McGill University in 2025.
My previous research involves in the genesis of Rare Earth Elements (REE) in Iron-Oxide-Apatite (IOA) type deposit. I proposed a sulphate-complex aqueous system controlling the REE mineralization at the Kwyjibo deposit, Québec, Canada. The methodologies include fluid inclusion study, Raman spectroscopy, Cathodoluminescence, isotopes analyses and optical petrography.
Fung, G., Williams-Jones A.E., Martineau D. (in preparation). Hydrothermal rare earth element (REE)-enrichment in an iron-oxide-apatite (IOA)-type deposit at Kwyjibo, Québec, Canada.
Fung, G.S.Y., Tam, T.P.Y. (2021). Comparative investigation of geomorphology by aerial photograph interpretation (API), digital aerial photograph interpretation (DAPI) and airborne light detection and ranging (LiDAR) survey: a case study in the former Ma On Shan Open-pit iron mine. In 42nd Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, ACRS 2021, p. 1129 -1138. Asian Association on Remote Sensing.