Dr. Gabriel Bertolini is a postdoctoral research fellow in the Department of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences at the University of British Columbia. He completed his Ph.D. in Geosciences from the University of Aberdeen and Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul in 2020, with a research focus on sand generation and dispersal in ancient sedimentary systems. Dr. Bertolini specializes in utilizing geochemical, geochronological, and petrology tools in detrital minerals, employing multivariate statistics to investigate sedimentary processes. Prior to his current role, Dr. Bertolini held positions as a postdoctoral fellow and lecturer at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul from 2021 to 2023. In 2024, he served as a research fellow at Unisinos, applying machine learning tools to model sedimentary basins. His research interests includes sedimentary provenance, fluvial-aeolian deposition, volcano-sedimentary interactions, and the stratigraphy of intracratonic basins. Additionally, he has expertise in data analysis and software development, utilizing R and Python for geosciences applications. Dr. Bertolini's research has led him to investigate various basins across South America, South Africa, China, and Europe.
Bertolini, G., Scherer, C.M.S., Marques, J., Reis, A.D., Hartley, A., Jerram, D., Howell, J., Maraschin, J.M., Basei, M.A.S. and Paim, J., 2024. Atlantic will tear us apart: sand provenance correlation of Early Cretaceous aeolian strata from the conjugate margins of Africa and South America. Preprint available at
Bertolini, G.; Hartley, A. J.; Marques, J. C.; Paim, J.C.S. “Controls on grain size distribution in an ancient sand sea”. Sedimentology.
Scherer, C.M.S., Reis, A.D., Horn, B.L.D., Bertolini, G.; Lavina, E.L.C; Kifumbi, C. “The stratigraphic puzzle of the Permo-Mesozoic Southwestern Gondwana: The Paraná Basin record in geotectonic and palaeoclimatic context”. Earth-Science Reviews. (2023). Earth-Science Reviews, 104397.
Bertolini, G., Scherer, C.M.S., Marques, J.C.1, Reis, A.R., Hartley. A.J., Jerram, D., Ferronato, J.P.F., Basei, M.A.S., Santos, J.M.M., Paim, J.C., Howell, J. “Atlantic will tear us apart: sand provenance correlation of Early Cretaceous aeolian strata from the conjugate margins of Africa and South America” (In prep)
Yu, X.; Wang, C.; Bertolini, G.; Wang, J. “Late Cretaceous glaciations in a hyper-arid plateau desert of the South China Coastal Mountains” (In review)
Yu, X.; Wang, C.; Bertolini, G.; Wang, J., Liu, C. “Stratigraphy of cyclic aeolian–fluvial interaction within fault-dominated basin: Late Cretaceous Chaling Basin, South China”. (In review)
Bertolini, G., J. C. Marques, A. J. Hartley, M. A. S. Basei, J. C. Frantz, and P. R. Santos. "Determining sediment provenance history in a Gondwanan erg: Botucatu formation, Northern Paraná Basin, Brazil." Sedimentary Geology 417 (2021): 105883.
Bertolini, G., A. J. Hartley, J. C. Marques, D. Healy, and J. C. Frantz. "The effects of basaltic lava flows on the petrophysical properties and diagenesis of interbedded aeolian sandstones: an example from the Cretaceous Paraná Basin, Brazil." Petroleum Geoscience 27, no. 2 (2021).
Bertolini, G., Marques, J.C., Hartley, A.J., Da‐Rosa, A.A., Scherer, C.M., Basei, M.A. and Frantz, J.C. (2020) “Controls on Early Cretaceous desert sediment provenance in south‐west Gondwana, Botucatu Formation (Brazil and Uruguay)”, Sedimentology, 67(5), pp.2672-2690.
Padilha, N. L.; Bertolini, G., Marques, J. C.; Goes, A. M.; Nogueira, A. C. R.; Medeiros, R. S. P.; Andrade, L. S.; Sodre, A. A. N.; Canarim, D. M.; Souza, P. A.; Scomazzon, A. K.; Oliveira, E. J.; Santos, J. M. M. Zircão, o Guardião do Tempo: Datação U-Pb aplicada a provêniencia sedimentar- revisão metodológica e utilidade no projeto Biocronorte. Revista da Academia de Ciências do Piauí, v. 3, p. 157, 2022.
Yu, X.; Wang, C.; Bertolini, G.; Liu, C.; Wang, J. Damp- to dry aeolian systems: Sedimentology, climate forcing, and aeolian accumulation in the Late Cretaceous Liyou Basin, South China. Sedimentary Geology, v. 426, p. 1, 2021.
Dias, J.R.P.D., Bertolini, G., Marques, J.C., Frantz, J.C., Friedrich, B.M., Paim, J.C.S. “Prospective analysis of mafic-ultramafic bodies through airborne geophysics: Jacurici Valey/Bahia study case” REVISTA DE GEOCIÊNCIAS DO NORDESTE, v. 7, p. 271-281, 2021.
Dias, J.R.P.D., Marques, J.C., Bertolini, G., Frantz, J.C., Friedrich, B.M., Paim, J.C.S. “Regional high-grade metamorphic peaks imprint in zircons from mafic-ultramafic Jacurici Complex, São Francisco Craton, Brazil”. Brazilian Journal of Geology, v. 52, 2022.
Araújo, V.L.., Marques, J.C., Bertolini, G., Frantz, J.C. “U-Pb zircon xenocrysts dating as a Proxy to assess volcanic assimilation and the underlying crust, Cretaceous Jaguarão Formation, Rs-Brazil”. Brazilian Journal of Geology, v. 52, 2022
Bertolini et al. (2023) “The auto- and allogenic forces in grain-size spatial distribution within large-scale ancient erg” (Talk) 36th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology – Dubrovnik-Croatia.
Bertolini et al. (2019) “Detrital Zircon Provenance Variations within a Large Cretaceous Aeolian System, Botucatu Fm.-Brazil” (Poster) Goldschmidt 2019 – Barcelona - Spain.
Bertolini et al. (2019) “Paleodesert provenance variation in the Botucatu Formation, Central Brazil.” (Talk) 34th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology – Rome-Italy.
Bertolini et al. (2018) “Analysis of detrital zircon U-Pb ages from the Cretaceous Botucatu desert using statistical techniques” (Poster) 11o Simpósio Sul-americano de Geologia Isotópica (SSAGI) Cochabamba-Bolivia.
Bertolini et al. (2018) “Tracking sediment pathways in a paleodesert, Cretaceous Botucatu Formation, northern Region, Cental Brazil” (Talk) 57th British sedimentological research group Annual General Meeting (BSRG 2018) Edinburgh, UK.
Bertolini et al. (2017) “Regional variations in the provenance of desert sedimentary systems: An example from the Paraná Basin, Brazil.” (Poster) AGU Fall meeting 2017S San Francisco-USA.
Bertolini et al. (2017) “Variações na proveniência da Formação Botucatu, Região Sul da Bacia do Paraná” (Talk) 49o Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia - Rio de Janeiro-Brazil.