
    My main research interests are anatomy and evolution of the porphyry copper deposits particularly distal and deep features and their application in vectoring towards mineralization. I have also interest in developing new exploration techniques for exploring ore deposits in covered terrains and understand the supergene processes and mineralogy.    

    Current Research:  

    • Porphyry indicator minerals (PIMS):  PIMS project aims to contribute to exploration decision-making in much the same way that diamond exploration benefited from knowledge of accessory minerals and G10 garnets. This project characterizes the presence, abundance, relative proportions and compositions of PIMS, such as apatite, rutile, garnet, magnetite etc., from surficial materials to provide vectors toward covered porphyry copper deposits.     
    • Porphyry vectoring techniques in advanced argillic altered rocks of British Columbia. This project characterizes alteration mineral assemblages across advanced argillic alteration in several locations in BC. The types and distributions of clays and quartz are characterized by SWIR, XRD and cathodoluminescence studies. Whole rock lithogeochemical studies are used to show relative proportions of elemental loss or gains as indictors of alteration temperature and intensity. These detailed, well-constrained mineralogical and geochemical data will be used to establish toolkits and protocols that can be used for exploring for porphyry deposits in areas with advanced argillic alteration.

    Completed Projects:

    • Assessing BC porphyry fertility using zircons (2016-2019): Principle investigator to develop an exploration tool using zircon geochemistry and texture to assess fertility of the British Columbia’s plutons for hosting porphyry copper deposits using high resolution analytical techniques including U/Pb geochronology paired with laser-ablation trace element analyses of zircon. Supported by Geoscience BC.
    • Alteration footprint and vectoring for porphyry Cu type mineralization at Chivas gold prospect, Thorn property, northern British Columbia (2018): This project evaluated available maps and data, re-logged 6 drill holes, and mapped alteration and vein types backed by SWIR TerraSpec analyses to provide vectoring for potential porphyry copper mineralization at depth. Brixton Metals, Vancouver.
    • Footprints of Sar Cheshmeh porphyry copper district, Iran (2017-2019): This project mapped footprints of the Sar Cheshmeh porphyry copper deposit in the district (15 × 15 km) and provided vectoring tools to enhance exploration decision-making for porphyry copper deposits in the prosperous regions in Iran. The work characterized the distal alteration and mineralization footprints based on field mapping, systematic sampling and backed by geochemical and mineralogical laboratory analysis. Supported by NICICO and in collaboration with Azad University of Kerman.
    • An exploration framework for porphyry to epithermal transitions in the Toodoggone mineral district, British Columbia (2016-2018): Principle investigator to develop a new exploration context to enhance appraisal and exploration of BC porphyry and epithermal systems in the Toodoggone region of northeastern BC. The work was based on field mapping, alteration and geochemical characterization of the known gold prospects to show potential for related porphyry copper type mineralization at depth. Supported by Geoscience BC.
    • Mineralogical characteristics of porphyry fertile plutons: Guichon Creek, Takomkane and Granite Mountain batholiths, BC (2014-2017): Principle investigator to identify field, mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of porphyry fertile plutons of British Columbia. Field and laboratory works aimed to characterize physical and chemical features in common accessory minerals, e.g., apatite, titanite, etc., that show evidence of magmatic fertility in order to construct a toolkit to provide a predictive decision-making framework to assess fertility in rocks, stream sediment and till heavy mineral concentrate. Supported by Geoscience BC.​
    • Hostrock characteristics and control on mineralization at Copper Mountain mine, southern BC (2014-2015): Led a study to characterize, classify and map the hostrocks on the basis of petrography, geochemistry, chronology and relationship to mineralization, included MSc. student from University of Durham (Edward Cromwell).
    • Western Tethyan metallogeny project (2012-2015): A collaborator to the project looking at an area from Iran to Serbia. I was responsible to study metallogeny of porphyry copper and gold deposits in Iran based on characterizing various deposit types, lithogeochemistry and geochronology. Sponsored by 15 exploration and mining companies including NICICO from Iran.
    • Pyramid, porphyry copper deposit, Alaska (2012): Geology and alteration mapping based on a drill log study to characterize the alteration and mineralization footprint for exploration targeting. Antofagasta Minerals.
    • Geochronology & magmatic evolution of the Woodjam porphyry Cu-Au camp, central BC (2011-2014): This project included, field mapping, petrography and geochemistry and TIMS dating of various hostrocks and also supervising a M.Sc. student (Irene del Real) to characterize hostrocks and alteration assemblages.
    • Fluid inclusion study of Iscaycruz District, Peru: Paleo-geothermal field and exploration implications (2011): A collaboration with a project run by Abraham Escalante to study carbonate replacement deposits in Iscaycruz district Peru. Fluid inclusion results were used to show vector towards potential porphyry mineralization.
    • Porphyry Indicator Minerals (PIMS): A new exploration tool for covered deposits in south-central British Columbia (2009-2011 and 2012-2015): Principal investigator of two consecutive projects to study resistate indicator minerals in porphyry copper deposits and their application in exploring covered terrains in a similar manner as to kimberlite indicator minerals. This project included supervising a M.Sc. student (Antonio Celis) to work on selected alkalic porphyry deposits in BC. Sponsored by Geoscience BC.
    • Fluid inclusion study of the Lucy, Cerro Santiago & Pedernalillo Veins, Mexico (2011): Fluid inclusion study of 22 samples from drill core and from three different vein systems, at Lucy, Cerro Santiago and Pedernalillo to identify the paleo-geothermal field and location of the upflow zones of the hydrothermal system to vector towards mineralization. Hecla Mining
    • Footprints of porphyry copper deposits (2010-2011): A collaborator to study footprints of porphyry copper deposits and co-supervise graduate M.Sc. students at Highland Valley (Tatiana Alva) and Red Chris (Jessia Norris) porphyry deposits, BC.
    • Framework of the El Galeno and Hilorico Cu-Au-Mo system, northern Perú (2008-2009): Established geological setting of the El Galeno porphyry and Hilorico epithermal deposits by preparing geological maps and cross-sections, mapping alteration and vein assemblages, geochronology of hostrock and alteration events and classifying various clay assemblages using SWIR. Sponsored by Lumina Copper SAC.
    • Footprints of lode gold mineralization at Red Lake Gold Mines, Ontario (2006-2008): Alteration and mineral spectral mapping and trace element geochemistry data established criteria to vector towards ore zones and direct drilling programs at both mine and district scales. Supervised a Ph.D. student (Elizabeth Stock) to study mineral chemistry of alteration and metamorphic assemblages. Sponsored by Goldcorp and NSERC.

    EOSC 546 - Advanced Field Skills

    I am an economic geologist with interest in porphyry copper and allied hydrothermal deposits. I received my B.Sc. in geology from Mashhad University, Iran, and M.Sc. (MinEx) and Ph.D. (2003) from Queen’s University, Canada. My Ph.D. research work was on hypogene and supergene evolution of the Cerro Colorado Cu-Mo porphyry deposit in Chile. Following an assistant professorship at the University of Tehran, Iran, I joined MDRU in 2006 as a research associate. Since then, I have been involved in several projects and supervising graduate students largely to map alteration footprints of ore deposits in various settings, e.g., at Red Lake lode gold deposit, Ontario, El Galeno Cu-Au porphyry and Hilorico Au epithermal deposits, northern Peru, Highland Valley Cu-Mo and Woodjam Cu-Au-Mo porphyry deposits, BC. More recently, I am working to develop new exploration technique to aid exploration in covered areas using porphyry indicator minerals and assess porphyry fertility of plutonic rocks. 



    Ph.D., Economic Geology, Queen’s University at Kingston, Ontario, Canada, (2003) 

    M.Sc., Mineral Exploration (MinEx), Queen's University at Kingston, Ontario, Canada, (1995)

    B.Sc., Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran, (1990)



    Research Associate, Mineral Deposit Research Unit, Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, The University of British Columbia, Canada, (2006-now)

    Assistant Professor, School of Geology, University of Tehran, Iran, (2003-2006)

    Exploration Geochemist, Geological Survey of Iran, Tehran, Iran, (1990-1993)


    Bouzari, F., Bissig, T., Hart, C.J.R. and Leal Mejía, H., submitted, Porphyry mineral systems in the central Toodoggone district, British Columbia: CIM special porphyry volume.

    Bouzari, F., Bissig, T., Hart, C.J.R., Leal-Mejía, submitted, An Exploration Framework for Porphyry to Epithermal Transitions in the Toodoggone Mineral District (94E). Geoscience BC Report 2019-X, MDRU Publication 424, 101 p.

    Bouzari, F. and Hart, C.J.R., 2019, Assessing British Columbia porphyry fertility using zircons; in Geoscience BC Summary of Activities 2018: Minerals and Mining, Geoscience BC, Report 2019-1. []



    Bouzari, F., Hart, C.J.R., Bissig, T. and Lesage, G., 2018. Mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of porphyry-fertile plutons: Guichon Creek, Takomkane and Granite Mountain Batholiths, south-central British Columbia (NTS 092i, P; 093a, b). Geoscience BC report 2018-17. MDRU publication 412 – 36p. []



    del Real, I., Bouzari, F., Rainbow, A., Bissig, T., Blackwell, J, Sherlock, R., Thompson, J.F.H., and Hart, C.J.R., 2017, Spatially and temporally associated porphyry deposits with distinct Cu/Au/Mo ratios, Woodjam district, central British Columbia: Economic Geology, v. 112, p. 1673–1717. []



    Bouzari, F., Hart, C.J.R., Bissig, T., and Barker, S., 2016, Hydrothermal alteration revealed by apatite luminescence and chemistry: A potential indicator mineral for exploring covered porphyry copper deposits: Economic Geology, v. 111, p.1397-1410. []

    Razique, A., Tosdal, R., Bouzari, F., 2016, Anatomical similarities and differences between spatially associated porphyry copper – gold deposits at the Reko Diq H14 and H15 Complex, Balochistan, Pakistan: Economic Geology, Special Publication 19, p. 259-278.

    Bouzari, F., Hart, C.J.R., Bissig, T. and Lesage, G., 2016, Mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of porphyry-fertile plutons: Guichon Creek, Takomkane and Granite Mountain batholiths, south-central British Columbia; in Geoscience BC Summary of Activities 2015, Geoscience BC, Report 2016-1, p. 17–22. []



    Bouzari, F., Hart, C.J.R. and Bissig, T., 2015, Mineralogical characteristics of porphyry-fertile plutons: Guichon Creek, Takomkane and Granite Mountain batholiths, south-central British Columbia; in Geoscience BC Summary of Activities 2014, Geoscience BC, Report 2015-1, p. 63–68. []



    Celis, M.A., Bouzari, F., Bissig, T., Hart, C.J.R. and Ferbey, T., 2014, Petrographic characteristics of porphyry indicator minerals from alkalic porphyry copper-gold deposits in south-central British Columbia (NTS 092, 093); in Geoscience BC Summary of Activities 2013, Geoscience BC, Report 2014-1, p. 53–62. []

    del Real, I., Hart, C.J.R., Bouzari, F., Blackwell, J.L., Rainbow, A. and Sherlock, R., 2014, Relationships between calcalkalic and alkalic mineralization styles at the copper-molybdenum Southeast Zone and copper-gold Deerhorn porphyry deposit, Woodjam property, central British Columbia; in Geoscience BC Summary of Activities 2013, Geoscience BC, Report 2014-1, p. 63–82. []



    Celis, M.A., Hart, C.J.R., Bouzari, F., Bissig, T. and Ferbey, T., 2013, Porphyry indicator minerals (PIMs) from alkalic porphyry copper- gold deposits in south-central British Columbia (NTS 092, 093); in Geoscience BC Summary of Activities 2012, Geoscience BC, Report 2013-1, p.37–46. []

    del Real, I., Hart, C.J.R., Bouzari, F., Blackwell, J.L., Rainbow, A., Sherlock, R. and Skinner, T., 2013, Paragenesis and alteration of the Southeast Zone and Deerhorn porphyry deposits, Woodjam property, central British Columbia (parts of 093A); in Geoscience BC Summary of Activities 2012, Geoscience BC, Report 2013-1, p. 79–90. []



    Bouzari, F., Hart, C.J.R., Barker, S. and Bissig, T., 2010, Porphyry indicator minerals (PIMs): exploration for concealed deposits in south- central British Columbia (NTS 092I/06, 093A/12, 093N/01, /14); in Geoscience BC Summary of Activities 2009, Geoscience BC, Report 2010-1, p. 25–32. []



    Bouzari, F., and Clark, A.H., 2006, Prograde evolution and geothermal affinities of a major porphyry copper deposit: The Cerro Colorado hypogene protore, I Región, Chile: Economic Geology: v. 101, p. 95-134. []

    Bouzari, F., and Clark, A.H., 2002, Anatomy, evolution and metallogenic significance of the supergene orebody at the Cerro Colorado porphyry copper deposit, I Región, Chile: Economic Geology, v. 97, p 1701-1740. []