
    Courses Taught

    Teaching and Learning in EOAS (EOSC 516) x 3

    Community Project in Environmental Science (ENVR 400) x 1

    Geochemistry (EOSC 333) x 3

    Marine Biodiversity (EOSC 270) x 1

    Mineralogy (EOSC 220) x 1

    Guest Lectures

    Isotope Geology (EOSC 523)

    Teaching and Learning in EOAS (EOSC 516)

    Geochemistry (EOSC 333)

    Systems Approaches to Regional Sustainability (ISCI 360)

    Mineralogy (EOSC 220)

    Natural Disasters (EOSC 114)


    • PhD (Candidate) in Geological Sciences: University of British Columbia. Supervisors: Drs. Dominique Weis and Evgeny Pakhomov; Sept 2020-present
    • BA in Geology and Environmental Science: Hope College, Holland, MI, US


    • EOAS Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award (2024)
    • Killam Graduate Teaching Assistant Award (2024) 
    • Egil H LORNTZSEN Scholarship (2024)
    • Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences Dept. Award (2023)
    • Four-Year Fellowship, UBC (2020-2024)
    • International Student Award (2020 - present) 
    • President’s Academic Excellence Award (2020 - present) 
    • Mitacs Research Training Award (2020)
    • Sigma Xi Research Award, Hope College (2018)
    • Sustainability Research Distinction, Hope College (2017, 2018)
    • BioREU Travel Grant (2017)
    • Student Travel Grant Geological Society of America (2016)

    Peer-Reviewed Publications

    Hoppstock-Mattson, B., Weis, D., Maton, J., Hublet, G. and Mattielli, N., 2025. Local honey reflects environmental changes in metal concentrations and lead isotope ratios during COVID-19 restrictions in Brussels, Belgium, and Vancouver, Canada. Science of The Total Environment, 959, p.178077.

    Conference Presentations and Posters

    J. E. Chase, D. Weis, B. Hoppstock-Mattson, V. W. – M. Lai, 2024, September. Methods development for reproducible metal biomonitoring analyses in fish. In 2024 Geological Society of America Conference. (Presentation and abstract). 

    Weis, D., Hoppstock-Mattson, B. and Chase, J.E., 2023, July. How clean is our city? Let our biomonitors (honey, salmon,...) tell us. In Goldschmidt 2023 Conference. (Presentation and abstract).

    Hoppstock-Mattson, B., Maton, J., Weis, D., Smith, K.E. and Mattielli, N., 2022, July. A Tale of Two Cities: Comparison of metals and Pb isotopes in honey from Vancouver, Canada, and Brussels, Belgium, during the COVID-19 lockdown. In 2022 Goldschmidt Conference. (Poster, lightening talk, abstract).

    Chase, J.E., Hoppstock-Mattson, B. and Weis, D., 2022, July. How do you like your fish? Methods development for the analysis of lead isotopes and trace metal concentrations in Pacific Salmon. In 2022 Goldschmidt Conference. (Poster).

    B. Hoppstock-Mattson and D. Weis, 2022. Honey as a biomonitor for metal distribution in the environment. In 2022 Etymology Society of America Joint Annual Meeting (Invited presentation).

    B. Mattson, A. Shiel, P. Neitlich. Identifying sources of heavy metals in moss along a mining hall road in NW Alaska using Pb isotopes and concentrations of In and Bi, 2017. In 2017 Geological Society of America Conference (Poster and abstract).

    Brophy, E., Mattson, B. and Stock, M. 2016. Characterization of sub-micron suspended load in a shallow aquifer. In 2016 Geological Society of America Conference (Presentation and abstract).