Born and raised in Kwa-Zulu Natal South Africa, on the shores of the Indian Ocean, I was torn between a love for the mountains and all things aquatic before an opportunity to participate in an Antarctic voyage opened my eyes to pelagic ecosystems. So began a life in ocean science that has taken me across the Southern Ocean, tropical South Pacific, Mediterranean, North Pacific and Arctic, and brought an incredible richness in experiences, colleagues met and friends made, and infinite ongoing learning. Today, as an ecosystem oceanographer and together with the wonderful members of the Pelagic Ecosystems Lab, I research the structure and function of pelagic marine ecosystems, and their connectivity to adjacent ocean, land and climatic systems. Much of our research is conducted through the lens of marine food webs, paying close attention to unravelling the complex connections between lower trophic levels, emergent properties of food web nutrition, and connecting across the length of the food chain from viruses to killer whales. Through developing an understanding of how food webs work, including both their internal and external connectivity, we aim to advance a mechanistic understanding of ecosystem response to climate change and other anthropogenic impacts, and a framework for ocean solutions.
Research Areas
- Environmental Science
- Oceanography
SCIE 113 – First-Year Seminar in Science
EOSC 270 – Marine Ecosystems in the Anthropocene
EOSC 473/573 – Methods in Oceanography
EOSC 575 – The Biology and Ecology of Marine Zooplankton
FISH 520 – Fisheries Conservation, Governance, and Evaluation
Assistant Professor - University of British Columbia (2016-Ongoing)
Research Associate - University of British Columbia (2014 - 2016)
Marie Curie Research Fellow - University de Luminy (2012-2014)
Research Associate - University of British Columbia (2009 - 2011)
Post-doctoral fellow – University of British Columbia (2005 – 2009)
PhD - University of Tasmania, Australia (2001 – 2005)
MSc - Rhodes University, South Africa (1998 – 2000)
BSc Honours - Rhodes University, South Africa (1997 – 1998)
BSc - Rhodes University, South Africa (1994 – 1997)
Troina GC, Pakhomov EA, Weitkamp L, Somov A, Hunt BPV (2024) The Hunger Games: Stable Isotopes Indicate Winter Inter-Guild Competition for Resources by Marine Meso-Predators in the Sub-Arctic North Pacific. Ecology and Evolution 14:e70535.
Hunt BPV, Alin S, Bidlack A, Diefenderfer HL, Jackson JM, Kellogg CTE, Kiffney P, St. Pierre KA, Carmack E, Floyd WC, Hood E, Horner-Devine AR, Levings C, Vargas CA (2024) Advancing an integrated understanding of land–ocean connections in shaping the marine ecosystems of coastal temperate rainforest ecoregions. Limnology and Oceanography;
Jacquemot L, Hunt BPV, Li S, Schulze AD, Deeg CM, Sutherland BJG, Tabata A, Lovejoy C, Milleret KM (2024) Mapping Biodiversity Coast-to-Coast-to-Coast Across Canada’s Three Oceans Using eDNA Metabarcoding. Environmental DNA 6, e70028.
Frommel AY, Ghanizadeh-Kazerouni E, Dichiera A, Hunt BPV, Brauner CJ (2024) Effects of ocean warming with stable and fluctuating ocean acidification on seawater transition in Chinook salmon smolts. Science of The Total Environment, 177185 (2024).
Pramlall S, Jackson JM, Marchese C, Suchy KD, Hunt BPV, Costa M (2024) Mapping phenoregions and phytoplankton seasonality in Northeast Pacific marine coastal ecosystems via a satellite-based approach. Progress in Oceanography 228:103336.
Konik M, Peña AM, Hirawake T, Hunt BPV, Suseelan Vishnu P, Eisner LB, Bracher, Xi H, Marchese C, Costa M (2024) Bioregionalization of the subarctic Pacific based on phytoplankton phenology and composition. Progress in Oceanography 228:103315.
Rehill T, Millard-Martin B, Lemay M, Sheridan K, Mueller A, Morien E, Clemente-Carvalho RBG, Hunt BPV, Sunday JM (2024) Detection differences between eDNA and mid-water trawls are driven by fish biomass and habitat preferences. Environmental DNA 6:e586;
Douglas TJ, Coops NC, Drever MC, Hunt BPV, Martin TG (2024) Linking microphytobenthos distribution and mudflat geomorphology under varying sedimentary regimes using unoccupied aerial vehicle (UAV)-acquired multispectral reflectance and photogrammetry. Science of the Total Environment,
McMullen K, Calle P, Alavarado-Cadena O, Kowal M, Espinoza E, Tirape A, Hérnán Vargas F, Hunt BPV, Pakhomov EA, Alava JJ (2024) Ecotoxicological assessment of microplastics and cellulose particles in the Galápagos Islands and Galápagos penguin food web. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 46,
Pata PR, Galbraith M, Young K, Margolin A, Perry RI, Hunt BPV (2024) Data-driven determination of zooplankton bioregions and robustness analysis. Methods X 12
Lerner JE, Hunt BPV (2024) Stable Isotopes Delineate Regional Pelagic Food Web Structure in British Columbia’s Coastal Ocean. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 81(4): 368-386.
McLaskey AK, Forster I, Hunt BPV (2024) Distinct trophic ecologies of zooplankton size classes are maintained throughout the seasonal cycle. Oecologia.
Pata PR, Hunt BPV (2023) Harmonizing marine zooplankton trait data towards a mechanistic understanding of ecosystem functioning. Limnology and Oceanography,
Garzke J, Forster I, Graham C, Costalago D, Hunt BPV (2023) Future climate change-related decreases in food quality may affect juvenile Chinook salmon growth and survival. Marine Environmental Research 191, 106171
James SE, Pakhomov EA, Johnson BT, Hunt BPV (2023) Migration timing affects the foraging ecology of Fraser River sockeye salmon stocks in coastal waters of British Columbia, Canada. Marine Ecology Progress Series 719:93-108.
Chang T, Hunt BPV, Hirai J, Suttle CA (2023) Divergent RNA viruses infecting sea lice, major ectoparasites of fish. PLOS Pathogens 19:e1011386.
Benoit NP, Robinson KM, Kellogg CTE, Lemay MA, Hunt BPV (2023) Using qPCR of environmental DNA (eDNA) to estimate the biomass of juvenile Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.). Environmental DNA, 00, 1– 14.
Schaub J, McLaskey AK, Forster I, Hunt BPV (2023) Size-based changes in trophic ecology and nutritional quality of moon jellyfish (Aurelia labiata). Ecosphere 14 (3),
Deeg CM, Li S, Esenkulova S, Hunt BPV, Schulze AD, Miller KM (2023) Environmental DNA survey of the Winter Salmonosphere in the Gulf of Alaska. Environmental DNA,
Lerner JE, Hunt BPV (2023) Seasonal variation in the lipid content of Fraser River Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and its implications for Southern Resident Killer Whale (Orcinus orca) prey quality. Scientific Reports 13:2675;
Savage RL, Maud JL, Kellogg CTE, Hunt BPV, Tai V (2023) Symbiont diversity in the eukaryotic microbiomes of marine crustacean zooplankton. Journal of Plankton Research;
Garzke J, Forster I, Godwin S, Johnson B, Krkosek M, Mahara N, Pakhomov E, Rogers L, Hunt BPV (2022) Dynamic coastal pelagic habitat drives rapid changes in growth and condition of juvenile sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) during early marine migration. FACETS,
Lerner JE, Marchese C, Hunt BPV (2022) Stable isotopes reveal bottom-up omnivory drives food chain length and trophic position in eutrophic coastal ecosystems. ICES Journal of Marine Science, fsac171,
Lerner JE & Hunt BPV (2022) Experimental validation confirms a carbon stable isotope lipid normalization procedure for Pacific salmon. Marine Ecology Progress Series 698: 191-197;
Marchese C, Hunt BPV, Giannini F, Ehrler M, Costa M (2022) Bioregionalization of the coastal and open oceans of British Columbia and Southeast Alaska based on Sentinel-3A satellite-derived phytoplankton seasonality. Frontiers in Marine Science 9;
Frommel AY, Lye SLR, Brauner CJ, Hunt BPV (2022) Air exposure moderates ocean acidification effects during embryonic development of intertidally spawning fish. Scientific Reports 12:12270;
Pata PR, Galbraith M, Young K, Margolin A, Perry RI, Hunt BPV (2022) Persistent zooplankton bioregions reflect long-term consistency of community composition and oceanographic drivers in the NE Pacific. Progress in Oceanography 206: 102849;; BC_zoop_regionalization_2022
St. Pierre KA, Hunt BPV, Giesbrecht I, Tank SE, Lertzman KP, Del Bel Belluz J, Hessing-Lewis ML, Olson A, Froese T (2022) Seasonally and spatially variable organic matter contributions from watershed, macrophyte and pelagic sources to the northeast Pacific coastal ocean margin. Frontiers in Marine Science – Marine Biogeochemistry;
Kuzmenko Y, Hunt BPV, Egorova Y, Spesivy T, Johnson SC, Pakhomov EA (2022) Strontium (Sr) signal lag in otoliths of juvenile Sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) during transition from the freshwater to marine environment. Izvestiya TINRO 202 (2), 305–315; DOI: 10.26428/1606-9919-2022-202-305-315; 725-1179-1-SM
McLaskey AK, Forster I, Del Bel Belluz J, Hunt BPV (2022) A high-resolution time series of particulate matter fatty acids reveals temporal dynamics of the composition and quality available to zooplankton in a temperate coastal ocean. Progress in Oceanography 206,;
Johnston N, Murphy E, Atkinson A, Constable A, Cotte CS, Daly K, Driscoll R, Halfter S, Henschke N, Hill S, Höfer J, Hunt BPV, Kawaguchi S, Lindsay D, Meyer B, Pakhomov EA, Pinkerton M, Reiss C, Richerson K, Swadling K, Tarling G, Thorpe S, Veytia M, Ward P, Watters G, Weldrick C, Yang G, Steinberg DK (2022). Status, change and futures of zooplankton and krill in the Southern Ocean. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution,
Bateman AW, Teffer AK, Arthur Bass A, Ming T, Hunt BPV, Krkosek M, Miller KM (2022) Atlantic salmon farms are a likely source of Tenacibaculum maritimum infection in migratory Fraser River sockeye salmon. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.
Hirai J, Chen F, Itoh H, Tadokoro K, Lemay MA, Hunt BPV, Tsuda A (2022) Molecular and morphological analyses to improve taxonomic classification of Metridia lucens/pacifica in the North Pacific. Journal of Plankton Research 44: 454–463,
Mahara N, Alava JJ, Kowal M, Grant E, Boldt JL, Kwong LE, Hunt BPV (2022) Assessing size-based exposure to microplastics and ingestion pathways in zooplankton and herring in a coastal pelagic ecosystem of British Columbia, Canada. Marine Ecology Progress Series 683:139-155;
Lüskow F, Galbraith MD, Hunt BPV, Perry RI, Pakhomov EA (2022) Gelatinous and soft-bodied zooplankton in the Northeast Pacific Ocean: Phosphorus content and potential resilience to phosphorus limitation. Hydrobiologia 849, 1543–1557;
Tommasi D, Hunt BPV, Pakhomov EA (2021) Mechanisms linking variation in spring environmental conditions to changes in the phenology and abundance of Calanus marshallae and Eucalanus bungii. Progress in Oceanography 199:102698,
Egorova Y, Kuzmenko Y, Spesivy T, Hunt BPV, Pakhomov EA (2021) Analysis of Sr and Ba profiles measured by ultra-high-resolution mass spectrometry LA-ICP-MS in otoliths of juvenile anadromous sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka in the early marine life-history stage as a proxy for fresh to marine water transition. Izvestiya TINRO. 2021;201(3):669-685;
Cotté C, Berne A, Habasque J, Lebourges-Dhaussy A, Roudaut G, Espinasse B, Hunt BPV, Pakhomov EA, Henschke N, Peron C, Conchon A, Cherel Y, Koedooder C, Ariza A (2021) Macrozooplankton and micronekton diversity and associated carbon vertical patterns and fluxes under distinct productive conditions around Kerguelen islands. Journal of Marine Systems,
Tommasi DG, Hunt BPV, Pakhomov EA (2021) Differential response of distinct copepod life history types to spring environmental forcing. PeerJ9:e12238;
Dosser HV, Waterman S, Jackson JM, Hannah C, Evans W, Hunt BPV (2021) Queen Charlotte Strait to the Strait of Georgia: Evidence for a distinct and persistent regional separation based on long-term observations of nutrient concentration and physical water properties. Journal of Geophysical Research,
Schaub J, McLaskey AK, Forster I, Hunt BPV (2021) Experimentally derived estimates of turnover and modification for stable isotopes and fatty acids in scyphozoan jellyfish. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 545, 151631;
Jackson JM, Johannessen S, Del Bel Belluz J, Hunt BPV, Hannah CG (2021) Identification of a seasonal subsurface oxygen minimum in Rivers Inlet, British Columbia. Estuaries and Coasts;
St. John Glew K, Espinasse B, Hunt BPV, Pakhomov EA, Bury SJ, Pinkerton MH, Nodder SD, Gutierrez-Rodriguez A, Safi K, Brown JCS, Graham L, Dunbar RB, Mucciarone DA, Magozzi S, Somes CJ, Trueman C (2021) Isoscape models of the Southern Ocean: predicting spatial and temporal variability in carbon and nitrogen isotope compositions of particulate organic matter. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, n/a:e2020GB006901,
Hunt BPV, Espinasse B, Pakhomov EA, Cherel Y, Cotté C, Delegrange A, Henschke N (2021). Pelagic food web structure in high nutrient low chlorophyll (HNLC) and naturally iron fertilized waters in the Kerguelen Islands region, Southern Ocean. Journal of Marine Systems:103625.
Henschke N, Cherel Y, Cotté C, Espinasse B, Hunt BPV, Pakhomov EA (2021) Size and stage specific patterns in Salpa thompsoni vertical migration. Journal of Marine Systems:103587;
Hunt BPV, Swadling KM (2021) Macrozooplankton and micronekton community structure and diel vertical migration in the Heard Island Region, Central Kerguelen Plateau. Journal of Marine Systems 221:103575;
St. Pierre KA, Hunt BPV, Tank SE, Giesbrecht I, Korver MC, Floyd WC, Oliver AA, Lertzman KP (2021) Rain-fed streams dilute inorganic nutrients but subsidise organic matter-associated nutrients in coastal waters of the northeast Pacific Ocean. Biogeosciences, 18, 3029–3052;
Giesbrecht IJW, Floyd WC, Tank SE, Lertzman KP, Hunt BPV, Korver MC, Oliver AA, Brunsting R, Sanborn P, Gonzalez Arriola SG, Frazer GW, St. Pierre KA, Hateley S, McPhail J, Owen C, Butler S, Fedje B, Myers E, Quayle L, Haughton E, Desmarais I, White R, Levy-Booth DJ, Kellogg CTE, Jackson JM, Mohn WW, Hallam SJ, Del Bel Belluz J. The Kwakshua Watersheds Observatory, Central Coast of British Columbia, Canada (2021) Hydrological Processes;
David CL, Schaafsma FL, van Franeker JA, Pakhomov EA, Hunt BPV, Lange BA, Castellani G, Brandt A, Flores H (2021) Sea-ice habitat minimizes grazing impact and predation risk for larval Antarctic krill. Polar Biology,
Lüskow F, Galbraith MD, Hunt BPV, Perry RI, Pakhomov EA (2021) Gelatinous and soft-bodied zooplankton in the Northeast Pacific Ocean: organic, elemental, and energy contents. Marine Ecology Progress Series 665:19-35;
Lerner JE, Forster I, Hunt BPV (2021) Experimentally Derived Trophic Enrichment and Discrimination Factors for Chinook Salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry;
Rechisky EL, Porter AD, Johnston SD, Stevenson CF, Hinch SG, Hunt BPV, Welch DW (2021), Exposure Time of Wild, Juvenile Sockeye Salmon to Open‐Net‐Pen Atlantic Salmon Farms in British Columbia, Canada. North Am J Fish Manage.
Graham C, Pakhomov EA and Hunt BPV (2021) Meta-Analysis of Salmon Trophic Ecology Reveals Spatial and Interspecies Dynamics Across the North Pacific Ocean. Front. Mar. Sci. 8:618884.
Bidlack AL, Bisbing SM, Buma BJ, Diefenderfer HL, Fellman JB, Floyd WC, Giesbrecht I, Lally A, Lertzman KP, Perakis SS, Butman DE, D’Amore DV, Fleming SW, Hood EW, Hunt BPV, Kiffney PM, McNicol G, Menounos B, Tank SE (2021) Climate-Mediated Changes to Linked Terrestrial and Marine Ecosystems across the Northeast Pacific Coastal Temperate Rainforest Margin. BioScience, biaa171,
Giannini F, Hunt BPV, Jacoby D, Costa M (2021) Performance of OLCI Sentinel-3A satellite in the Northeast Pacific coastal waters. Remote Sensing of Environment 256: 112317;
Mahara N, Pakhomov EA, Dosser HV, Hunt BPV (2021) How zooplankton communities are shaped in a complex and dynamic coastal system with strong tidal influence. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 249:107103;
Henschke N, Blain S, Cherel Y, Cotte C, Espinasse B, Hunt BPV, Pakhomov EA (2021) Population demographics and growth rate of Salpa thompsoni on the Kerguelen Plateau. Journal of Marine Systems 214:103489,
Seitz KM, Atlas WI, Millard-Martin B, Reid J, Heavyside J, Hunt BPV, Moore JW (2020) Size-spectra analysis in the estuary: assessing fish nursery function across a habitat mosaic. Ecosphere.
Espinasse B, Hunt BPV, Finney BP, Fryer JK, Bugaev AV, Pakhomov EA (2020) Stock specific high-seas distribution of maturing sockeye salmon in the North Pacific. Ecology and Evolution,
Egger M, Nijhof R, Quiros L, Leone G, Royer S-J, McWhirter AC, Kantakov GA, Radchenko VI, Pakhomov EA, Hunt BPV, Lebreton L (2020) spatially variable scarcity of floating microplastics in the eastern North Pacific Ocean. Environmental Research Letters 15,
Graham C, Pakhomov EA, Hunt BPV (2020) A salmon diet database for the North Pacific Ocean. Scientific Data, ; blog post.
Brookson CB, Krkošek M, Hunt BPV, Johnson B, Rogers LA, Godwin SC (2020) Differential infestation of juvenile Pacific salmon by parasitic sea lice in British Columbia, Canada. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences,, Data Record.
Frommel AY, Carless J, Hunt BPV, Brauner CJ (2020) Physiological responses of wild juvenile salmon to naturally occurring ocean acidification during their ocean migration. Conservation Physiology 8,
St. Pierre KA, Oliver AA, Tank SE, Hunt BPV, Giesbrecht G, Kellogg CTE, Jackson JM, Lertzman KP, Floyd WC, Korver MC (2020) Terrestrial exports of dissolved and particulate organic carbon affect nearshore ecosystems of the Pacific coastal temperate rainforest. Limnology and Oceanography;; Video abstract:
Costalago D, Forster I, Nemcek N, Neville C, Perry RI, Young K, Hunt BPV (2020) Seasonal and spatial dynamics of the planktonic trophic biomarkers in the Strait of Georgia (northeast Pacific) and implications for fish. Scientific Reports 10, 8517;
Guiry E, Royle TCA, Matson RG, Ward H, Weir T, Waber N, Brown TJ, Hunt BPV, Price MHH, Finney BP, Kaeriyama M, Qin Y, Yang DY, Szpak P (2020) Differentiating salmonid migratory ecotypes through stable isotope analysis of collagen: Archaeological and ecological applications. PLoS ONE 15: e0232180,
Guiry EJ, Hunt BPV (2020) Integrating fish scale and bone isotopic compositions for ‘deep time’ retrospective studies. Marine Environmental Research 160:
James SE, Pakhomov EA, Mahara N, Hunt BPV (2020) Running the trophic gauntlet: Empirical support for reduced foraging success in juvenile salmon in tidally mixed coastal waters. Fisheries Oceanography.
Li M, Weis D, Smith KE, Shiel AC, Smith WD, Hunt BPV, Torchinsky A, Pakhomov EA (2020) Assessing lead sources in fishes of the northeast Pacific Ocean. Anthropocene,
Somov AA, Hleborodov AS, Slabinskii AM, Hunt BPV, Pakhomov EA (2019) Feeding of Pacific salmonids in the Gulf of Alaska in February-March 2019. Bulletin of Pacific Salmon Research in the Far East, No. 14, p. 185-198 (in Russian).
Espinasse B, Hunt BPV, Batten SD, Pakhomov EA (2019) Defining isoscapes in the Northeast Pacific as an index of ocean productivity. Global Ecology and Biogeography.
Espinasse B, Pakhomov EA, Hunt BPV, Bury SJ (2019) Latitudinal gradient consistency in carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes of particulate organic matter in the Southern Ocean. Marine Ecology Progress Series 631: 19-30;
Bednarsek N, Feely RA, Howes EL, Hunt BPV, Kessouri F, León P, Lischka S, Maas AE, McLaughlin K (2019) Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Towards Synthesis of Thresholds of Ocean Acidification Impacts on Calcifying Pteropods and Interactions with Warming. Frontiers in Marine Science,
Mahara N, Pakhomov EA, Jackson JM, Hunt BPV (2019) Seasonal zooplankton development in a temperate semi-enclosed basin: two years with different spring bloom timing. Journal of Plankton Research 41: 309–328;
Pakhomov EA, Henschke N, Hunt BPV, Stowasser G, Cherel Y (2019) Utility of salps as a baseline proxy for food web studies. Journal of Plankton Research 41: 3–11.
Pakhomov EA, Podeswa Y, Hunt BPV, Kwong LE (2018) Vertical distribution and active carbon transport by pelagic decapods in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre. ICES Journal of Marine Science, doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsy134. [article]
Espinasse B, Hunt BPV, Doson Coll Y, Pakhomov EA (2018) Investigating high seas foraging conditions for salmon in the North Pacific: insights from a 100 year scale archive for Rivers Inlet sockeye salmon. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences,
Carlotti F, Pagano M, Guilloux L, Donoso K, Valdés V, Hunt BPV (2018) Mesozooplankton structure and functioning in the western tropical South Pacific along the 20° parallel south during the OUTPACE survey (February–April 2015), Biogeosciences, 15, 7273-7297,
Iacarella JC, Adamczyk E, Bowen D, Chalifour L, Eger A, Heath W, Helms S, Hessing-Lewis M, Hunt BPV, MacDuffee M, MacInnis A, O’Connor MI, Robinson CLK, Yakimishyn J, Baum JK (2018) Anthropogenic disturbance homogenizes seagrass fish communities. Global Change Biology 24: 1904-1918,
Schaub J, Hunt BPV, Pakhomov EA, Holmes K, Lu Y, Quayle L (2018) Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV’s) to Measure Jellyfish Aggregations. Marine Ecology Progress Series 591: 29-36, [video]; [press release #1;press release #2]
Meyer B, Freier U, Grimm V, Groeneveld J, Hunt BPV, Kerwath S, King R, Klaas C, Pakhomov EA, Meiners KM, Melbourne-Thomas J, Murphy EJ, Thorpe SE, Stammerjohn S, Wolf-Gladrow D, Auerswald L, Götz A, Halbach L, Jarman S, Kawaguchi S, Krumpen T, Nehrke G, Ricker R, Sumner M, Teschke M, Trebilco R, Yilmaz NI, 2017. The winter pack-ice zone provides a sheltered but food-poor habitat for larval Antarctic krill. Nature Ecology & Evolution 1: 1853–1861, doi:10.1038/s41559-017-0368-3. [online view here] [behind the paper]
Hunt BPV, Carlotti F, Donoso K, Pagano M , D’Ortenzio F, Taillandier V, Conan P (2017) Trophic pathways of phytoplankton size classes through the zooplankton food-web over the spring transition period in the north-west Mediterranean Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research Oceans, 122, doi:10.1002/2016JC012658.
Finke J, Hunt BPV, Winter C, Carmack E, Suttle C (2017) Nutrients and Other Environmental Factors Influence Virus Abundances across Oxic and Hypoxic Marine Environments. Viruses, 9, 152, doi:10.3390/v9060152.
Pakhomov EA & Hunt BPV (2017) Trans-Atlantic variability in ecology of the pelagic tunicate Salpa thompsoni near the Antarctic Polar Front. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 138, 126-140.
Houssard P, Lorrain A, Tremblay-Boyer L, Allain V, Graham BS, Menkes CE, Pethybridge H, Couturier L, Point D, Leroy B, Receveur A, Hunt BPV, Vourey E, Bonnet S, Rodier M, Raimbault P, Feunteun E, Kuhnert PM, Munaron J-M, Lebreton B, Otake T, Letourneur Y (2017) Tuna trophic position relates to foraging depth across the Western and Central Pacific Ocean, Progress in Oceanography 154: 49-63.
Guan L, Dower JF, McKinnel SM, Pepin P, Pakhomov EA, Hunt BPV (2017) Interannual variability in the abundance and composition of spring larval fish assemblages in the Strait of Georgia (British Columbia, Canada) from 2007 to 2010. Fisheries Oceanography,
Wang K, Hunt BPV, Liang C, Pauly D, Pakhomov EA (2017) Reassessment of the life cycle of the pteropod Limacina helicina from a high resolution interannual time series in the temperate north pacific. ICES Journal of Marine Science,
Donoso K, Pagano M, Berline L, Hunt BPV, Carlotti F (2017) Zooplankton community response to the winter 2013 deep convection process in the NW Mediterranean Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research (Oceans). DOI:10.1002/2016JC012176
Puigcorbé V, Roca-Martí M, Masqué P, Benitez-Nelson CR, Rutgers v d, Loeff M, Laglera LM, Bracher A, Cheah W, Strass VH, Hoppema M, Santos-Echeandía J, Hunt BPV, Pakhomov EA, Klaas C (2016) Particulate organic carbon export across the Antarctic Circumpolar Current at 10°E: Differences between north and south of the Antarctic Polar Front. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography.
Iversen MH, Pakhomov EA, Hunt BPV, Klaas C, van der Jagta H, Wolf-Gladrow D (2016) Sinkers or floaters? Contribution from salp pellets to the export flux during a large bloom event in the Southern Ocean. Deep-Sea Research II: Topical Studies in Oceanography.
Hunt BPV, Bonnet S, Berthelot H, Conroy BJ, Foster RA, Pagano M (2016) Contribution and pathways of diazotroph-derived nitrogen to zooplankton during the VAHINE mesocosm experiment in the oligotrophic New Caledonia lagoon, Biogeosciences, 13, 3131-3145, doi:10.5194/bg-13-3131-2016.
Schaafsma FL, David C, Pakhomov EA, Hunt BPV, Lange BA, Flores H, Franeker JA (2016). Size and stage composition of age class 0 Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) in the ice-water interface layer during winter/early spring. Polar Biology, doi:10.1007/s00300-015-1877-7.
Guan L, Dower JF, McKinnell SM, Pepin P, Pakhomov EA, Hunt BPV (2015) Spring larval fish assemblages in the Strait of Georgia (British Columbia, Canada): the early 1980s and late 2000s. Progress in Oceanography 138: 45-57.
Wolfe AM, Allen SE, Hodal M, Pawlowicz R, Hunt BPV, Tommasi D (2015) Impact of advection loss due to wind and estuarine circulation on the timing of the spring phytoplankton bloom in a fjord. ICES Journal of Marine Science. doi: 10.1093/icesjms/fsv151.
Evans K, Young JW, Nicol S, Kolodya D, Allain V, Bell J, Brown JN, Ganachaud A, Hobday AJ, Hunt BPV, Innes J, Sen Gupta A, van Sebille E, Kloser R, Patterson T, Singh A (2015) Optimising fisheries management in relation to tuna catches in the western central Pacific Ocean: A review of research priorities and opportunities. Marine Policy 59: 94–104.
Henschke N, Everett JD, Suthers IM, Smith JA, Hunt BPV, Doblin MA, Taylor MA (2015) Zooplankton trophic niches respond to different water types of the western Tasman Sea: a stable isotope analysis. Deep-Sea Research I 104: 1-8
Kruse S, Pakhomov EA, Hunt BPV, Chikaraishi Y, Ogawa N, Bathmann U (2015) Uncovering the trophic relationship between Themisto gaudichaudii and Salpa thompsoni in the Antarctic Polar Frontal Zone. Marine Ecology Progress Series 529: 63-74.
Smeti H, Pagano M, Menkes C, de Boissieu F, Lebourges-Dhaussy A, Hunt BPV, Allain V, Rodier M, Kestenare E, Sammari C (2015) Spatial and temporal variability of zooplankton off New Caledonia (Southwestern Pacific) from acoustics and net measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research Oceans 120: 2676-2700.
Hunt BPV, Allain V, Lorrain A, Menkes C, Rodier M, Graham B, Pagano M, Carlotti F (2015) A coupled stable isotope-size spectrum approach to understanding pelagic food-web dynamics: a case study from the southwest sub-tropical Pacific. Deep-Sea Research II 113: 208-224.
Young JW, Hunt BPV, Cook T, Llopiz J, Hazen E, Lorrain A, Olson RJ, Allain V, Arrizabalaga H, Menkes C, Nicols S, Lehodey P, Kloser R (2015) The trophodynamics of top marine predators: advances and challenges. Deep-Sea Research II 113: 170-187.
Menkes C, Allain V, Rodier M, Gallois F, Lebourges‐Dhaussy A, Hunt BPV, Smeti H, Pagano M, Josse E, Daroux A, Lehodey P, Senina I, Kestenare E, Lorrain A, Nicol S (2015) Seasonal Oceanography from Physics to Micronekton in the South-West Pacific. Deep-Sea Research II 113: 125-144.
Lorrain L, Graham BS, Popp BN, Allain V, Olson RJ, Hunt BPV, Potier M, Fry B, Galván-Magaña F, Menkes C, Kaehler S, Menard F (2015) Nitrogen isotopic baseline measurements and implications for foraging habitat and trophic position estimates of yellowfin tuna in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Deep-Sea Research II 113: 188-198.
Stocks AP, Pakhomov EA, Hunt BPV (2014) A simple method to assess the marine environment residence duration of juvenile sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) using laser ablation. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 71: 1437-1446, 10.1139/cjfas-2014-0073
Hunt BPV, Nelson RJ, Williams WJ, Young K, Brown KA, McLauchlin FA, Carmack EC, Vagle S (2014) Zooplankton community structure and dynamics in the Arctic Canada Basin during a period of intense environmental change (2004 to 2009). Journal of Geophysical Research (Oceans) 119: 2518–2538, doi:10.1002/2013JC009156.
Brown KA, McLaughlin F, Tortell PD, Varela D, Yamamoto-Kawai M, Hunt BPV, Francois R (2014) Determination of Particulate Organic Carbon Sources to the Surface Mixed Layer of the Canada Basin, Arctic Ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research Special Issue (Canada’s Three Oceans Project, A Canada’s International Polar Year Initiative), 119, doi:10.1002/2013JC009197.
Tommasi DAG, Hunt BPV, Allen SE, Routledge R, Pakhomov EA (2014) Variability in the vertical distribution and advective transport of eight mesozooplankton taxa in spring in Rivers Inlet, British Columbia, Canada. Journal of Plankton Research 36 (3): 743-756. doi: 10.1093/plankt/fbu004
Pommerleau C, Nelson RJ, Hunt BPV, Sastri A, Williams WJ (2014) Spatial patterns in zooplankton communities and stable isotope ratios (δ13C and δ15N) in relation to oceanographic conditions in the sub-Arctic Pacific and Western Arctic regions during the summer of 2008. Journal of Plankton research, doi:10.1093/plankt/fbt129
Nelson RJ, Ashjian C, Bluhm B, Conlan J, Gradinger R, Grebmeier J, Hill V, Hopcroft R, Hunt BPV, Joo H, Kirchman D, Kosobokova K, Lee S, Li W, Lovejoy C, Poulin M, Sherr E, Young K (2014) Biodiversity and Biogeography of the Lower Trophic taxa of the Pacific Arctic Region – Sensitivities to Climate Change. In: J.M. Grebmeier and W. Maslowski (eds.), The Pacific Arctic Region: Ecosystem Status and Trends in a Rapidly Changing Environment, Springer Science & Business Media Dordrecht 2014
Flores H, Hunt BPV, Kruse S, Pakhomov EA, Siegel V, van Franeker JA, Strass V, Van de Putte AP, Meestersa EHG, Bathmann U (2014) Seasonal changes in the vertical distribution and community structure of Antarctic macrozooplankton and micronekton. Deep Sea Research I 84C, pp. 127-141, DOI: 10.1016/j.dsr.2013.11.001
Treasure AM, Moloney CL, Bester MN, McQuaid CD, Findlay KP, Best PB, Cowan DA, de Bruyn NPJ, Dorrington RA, Fagereng A, Froneman PW, Grantham GH, Hunt BPV, Meiklejohn KI, Pakhomov EA, Roychoudhury AR, Ryan PG, Smith VR, Chown SL, Ansorge IJ (2013) South African research in the Southern Ocean: New opportunities but serious challenges. South African Journal of Science 109 (3/4): 1-4. DOI: 10.1590/sajs.2013/a009.
Li L, Mackas D, Hunt B, Schweigert J, Pakhomov E, Perry RI, Galbraith M, Pitcher TJ (2013) Zooplankton communities in the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia, track large-scale climate forcing over the Pacific Ocean. Progress in Oceanography 115: 90-102
Tommasi DAG, Hunt BPV, Pakhomov EA, Mackas DL (2013) Mesozooplankton Community Seasonal Succession and Its Drivers: Insights from a British Columbia, Canada, Fjord. Journal of Marine Systems, DOI information: 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2013.01.005
Tommasi DAG, Routledge R., Hunt BPV, Pakhomov EA (2013) The seasonal development of the zooplankton community in a British Columbia (Canada) fjord during two years with different spring bloom timing. Marine Biology Research 9 (2): 129-144
Darnis G, Tremblay J-E, Robert D, Pomerleau C, Link H, Archambault P, Nelson RJ, Varela DE, Geoffroy M, Sastri AR, Lovejoy C, Ferguson SH, Hunt BPV, Fortier L (2012) Current state and changing trends in Canadian Arctic marine ecosystems (2012) Climatic Change: DOI: 10.1007/s10584-012-0483-8
Atkinson A, Ward P, Hunt BPV, Pakhomov EA, Hosie GW (2012) Zooplankton in Southern Ocean food web models: a critique of available data. CCAMLR Science19: 171-218.
Dubischar CD, Pakhomov EA, von Harbou L, Hunt BPV, Bathmann UV (2011) Salps in the Lazarev Sea, Southern Ocean: II. Biochemical composition. Marine Biology, DOI 10.1007/s00227-011-1785-5
Williams R., Hunt BPV, Davenport SR, Lamb TD (2011) Population structure, feeding biology and predation impact of midwater fishes in predator feeding areas around Heard and McDonald Islands, Southern Indian Ocean. In Duhamel G, Welsford D (eds) The Kerguelen Plateau: marine ecosystem and fisheries. Paris, Société Française d’Ichtyologie.
Gurney LJ, Pakhomov EA, Hunt BPV (2011) Life-support system of the Prince Edward Archipelago: overview of local and advected resources. In Duhamel G, Welsford D (eds) The Kerguelen Plateau: marine ecosystem and fisheries. Paris, Société Française d’Ichtyologie.
Hunt BPV, Pakhomov EA, Williams R (2011) Comparative analysis of 1980’s and 2004 macrozooplankton composition and distribution in the vicinity of Kerguelen and Heard Islands: seasonal cycles and oceanographic forcing of long-term change. In Duhamel G, Welsford D (eds) The Kerguelen Plateau: marine ecosystem and fisheries. Paris, Société Française d’Ichtyologie, 79–92.
von Harbou L, Dubischar CD, Pakhomov EA, Hunt BPV, Hagen W, Bathmann UV (2011) Salps in the Lazarev Sea, Southern Ocean: I. Feeding dynamics. Marine Biology 158: 2009-2026
Hunt BPV, Pakhomov EA, Siegel V, Strass V, Cisewski B, Bathmann U (2011) The seasonal cycle of the Lazarev Sea macrozooplankton community and a potential shift to top down trophic control in winter. Deep-Sea Research II 58 (Southern Ocean GLOBEC special issue): 1662-1676
Pakhomov EA, Dubischar CD, Hunt BPV, Strass V, Cisewski B, Siegel V, von Harbou L, Gurney L, Kitchener J, Bathmann U (2011) Pelagic tunicates in the Lazarev Sea, Southern Ocean. Deep-Sea Research II 58 (Southern Ocean GLOBEC special issue): 1677-1689
Pakhomov EA, Hall J, Williams M, Hunt BPV, Stevens, C. (2010) Biology of Salpa thompsoni in waters adjacent to the Ross Sea, Southern Ocean, during austral summer 2008. Polar Biology DOI: 10.1007/s00300-010-0878-9
McLeod DJ, Hosie GW, Kitchener JA, Takahashi KT, Hunt BPV (2010) Zooplankton Atlas of the Southern Ocean: The SCAR SO-CPR Survey (1991–2008). Polar Science 4: 353-385
Hunt BPV, Strugnell J, Bednarsek N, Linse K, Nelson RJ, Pakhomov E, Seibel B, Steinke D, Warzberg L (2010) Poles Apart: The Bipolar Pteropod Species Limacina helicina Is Genetically Distinct Between the Arctic and Antarctic Oceans. PLoS One 5;
Hunt BPV, Pakhomov EA, Hosie GW, Siegel V, Ward P and Bernard K (2008) Pteropods in Southern Ocean ecosystems. Progress in Oceanography 78: 193-221
Hunt BPV and Hosie GW (2008) Southern Ocean biogeography and taxonomic resolution: What’s in the name? Marine Biology 155: 191-203
Hunt BPV, Gurney LJ and Pakhomov EA (2008) Time-series analysis of hydrological and biological variability on the Prince Edward Island (Southern Ocean) shelf. Polar Biology 31: 893-904
Hunt BPV, Pakhomov EA and Trotsenko (2007) The macrozooplankton of the Cosmonaut Sea, east Antarctica (30oE to 60oE), 1987 to 1990. Deep-Sea Research I 54: 1042-1069
Hunt BPV and Hosie GW (2006) Continuous Plankton Recorder flow rates revisited: clogging, ship speed, and flowmeter design. Journal of Plankton Research28: 847-855
Hunt BPV and Hosie GW (2006) Zooplankton community succession in the Southern Ocean south of Tasmania, Australia. Part I: The Seasonal Ice Zone. Deep-Sea Research I 53:1182-1202
Hunt BPV and Hosie GW (2006) Zooplankton community succession in the Southern Ocean south of Tasmania, Australia. Part II: The Sub-Antarctic and Polar Frontal Zones. Deep-Sea Research I 53: 1203-1223
Hunt BPV and Hosie GW (2005) Zonal Structure of Zooplankton Communities in the Southern Ocean south of Australia: results from a 2150 kilometer Continuous Plankton Recorder transect. Deep-Sea Research I (52): 1241-1271
Hunt BPV and Hosie GW (2003) The Continuous Plankton Recorder in the Southern Ocean: a comparative analysis of communities sampled by the CPR and vertical net hauls along 140oE. Journal of Plankton Research 12: 1561-1579
Hunt BPV and Pakhomov EA (2003) Mesozooplankton interactions with the shallow topography of a Southern Ocean island archipelago. Journal of Plankton Research 25: 885-904
Hunt BPV, Pakhomov EA, McQuaid CD (2002) Community structure of mesozooplankton in the Antarctic Polar frontal Zone in the vicinity of the Prince Edward Islands (Southern Ocean): small-scale distribution patterns in relation to physical parameters. Deep-Sea Research II 49: 3307-3325
Froneman PW, Pakhomov EA, Gurney LJ, Hunt BPV (2002) Predation impact of carnivorous macrozooplankton zooplankton in the vicinity of the Prince Edward Island archipelago (Southern Ocean) in austral autumn 1998. Deep-Sea Research II 49: 3243-3254
Hunt BPV, Pakhomov EA, McQuaid CD (2001) Short-term and inter-annual variation in the oceanographic environment and zooplankton community in the vicinity of a sub-Antarctic archipelago. Marine Biology 138: 369-381
Pakhomov EA, Hunt BPV, Gurney LJ (2000) The fifth cruise of the Marion Island Oceanographic Survey (MIOS-V), April to May 2000. South African Journal of Science 96: 1-3
Pakhomov EA, Ansorge IJ, McQuaid CD, Kohrs S, Waldron H, Hunt B, Gurney L, Kaehler S, Lawrie S, Held C, Machu E (1999) The fourth cruise of the Marion Island Oceanographic Survey (MIOS 4), April to May 1999. South African Journal of Science 95: 420-422.
Technical reports
Pakhomov, E.A, C. Deeg, S. Esenkulova, G. Foley, Hunt BPV, A. Ivanov, H.K. Jung, G. Kantakov, A. Kanzeparova, A. Khleborodov, C. Neville, V. Radchenko, I. Shurpa, A. Slabinsky, A. Somov, S. Urawa, A. Vazhova, P.S. Vishnu, C. Waters, L. Weitkamp, M. Zuev, and R. Beamish. 2019. Summary of preliminary findings of the International Gulf of Alaska expedition onboard the R/V Professor Kaganovskiy during February 16–March 18, 2019. NPAFC Doc. 1858. 25 pp. Canada, Japan, Korea, Russia, and USA (Available at
Johnson, B.T., J.C.L. Gan, S.C. Godwin, M. Krkosek, and Hunt BPV. 2019. Juvenile salmon migration observations in the Discovery Islands and Johnstone Strait in British Columbia, Canada in 2018. NPAFC Doc. 1838. 25 pp. Hakai Institute, Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries and Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, University of British Columbia, Earth to Ocean Research Group, Simon Fraser University, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto, and Salmon Coast Field Station (Available at
Irvine, J.R., S. Akenhead, T. Beacham, C.M. Deeg, S.C.H. Grant, K.D. Hyatt, C. Holt, Hunt BPV, B.T. Johnson, J. King, K.M. Miller, and C. Neville. 2019. Update on Canadian research relevant to the 2016–2020 NPAFC Science Plan. NPAFC Doc. 1841. 6 pp. Fisheries and Oceans Canada, University of British Columbia, and Hakai Institute (Available at
Hunt BPV, B.T. Johnson, S.C. Godwin, M. Krkosek, E.A. Pakhomov, and L. Rogers. 2018. The Hakai Institute Juvenile Salmon Program: early life history of sockeye, pink and chum salmon in British Columbia, Canada. NPAFC Doc. 1788. 14 pp. Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries and Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, University of British Columbia, Hakai Institute, Earth to Ocean Research Group, Simon Fraser University, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto, and Salmon Coast Field Station (Available at
Irvine, J.R., T. Beacham, J. King, C. Neville, K. Dunmall, S.C.H. Grant, and Hunt BPV (2018) Canadian research planned for 2018/19 relevant to the 2016–2020 NPAFC Science Plan. NPAFC Doc. 1791. 3 pp. Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries and Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, University of British Columbia, and Hakai Institute (Available at
Johnson, B.T., J.C.L. Gan, C.V. Janusson, and Hunt BPV. 2018. Juvenile salmon migration dynamics in the Discovery Islands and Johnstone Strait; 2015–2017. NPAFC Doc. 1790. 10 pp. Hakai Institute, Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries and Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, University of British Columbia (Available at
Hunt BPV, Jackson JM, Del Bel Belluz J, Barrette J (2018) Hakai oceanography program: british columbia central coast time series (2012-2017). In: Chandler, P.C., King, S.A., and Boldt, J. (Eds.). State of the physical, biological and selected fishery resources of Pacific Canadian marine ecosystems in 2018. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 3266: viii + 245 p., pp. 33-37
Jackson JM, Dosser D, Hunt BPV (2018) Rivers Inlet water properties in 2017 compared to a 1951 to 2017 time series. In: Chandler, P.C., King, S.A., and Boldt, J. (Eds.). State of the physical, biological and selected fishery resources of Pacific Canadian marine ecosystems in 2018. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 3266: viii + 245 p., pp. 142-145
Hunt BPV, Jennifer M. Jackson, Kang Wang, Justin del bel Beluz (2017) Hakai oceanography program: British Columbia central coast time series (2012-2016). In: Chandler, P.C., King, S.A., and Boldt, J. (Eds.). State of the physical, biological and selected fishery resources of Pacific Canadian marine ecosystems in 2016. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 3225: 243 + vi p.
Giesbrecht IJW, Korver M, Floyd B, Hunt BPV, Lertzman K (2017) Weather driven dynamics of pluvial watersheds on the central coast of British Columbia (Calvert Island) from 2013 to 2016. In: Chandler, P.C., King, S.A., and Boldt, J. (Eds.). State of the physical, biological and selected fishery resources of Pacific Canadian marine ecosystems in 2016. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 3225: 243 + vi p.
Halverson M, Jackson J, Richards C, Melling H, Brunsting R, Dempsey M, Gatien G, Hamilton A, Hunt, BPV, Jacob W, Zimmerman S (2017) Guidelines for processing RBR CTD profiles. Can. Tech. Rep. Hydrogr. Ocean Sci. 314: iv + 38 p.
Hunt BPV, Jennifer M. Jackson, Alex A. Hare, Kang Wang. Hakai Oceanography program: Central Coast and northern Strait of Georgia time series. In: Chandler, P.C., King, S.A., and Perry, R.I. (Eds.). 2016. State of the physical, biological and selected fishery resources of Pacific Canadian marine ecosystems in 2015. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 3179: viii + 230 p.
Hunt BPV, Jennifer Jackson, Kang Wang (2015) Hakai oceanography program: Central Coast and Strait of Georgia time series. In: Chandler, P.C., King, S.A., and Perry, R.I. (Eds.). 2015. State of the physical, biological and selected fishery resources of Pacific Canadian marine ecosystems in 2014. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 3131: vi + 211 p.
Hunt BPV, Pakhomov EA, Teschke M, King R, Cantzler G, Halbach L, Bose A, Krieger M (2014) Multi-net 24 hour stations. Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung 674
Hunt BPV, Pakhomov E (2014) Pelagic food web structure in the Antarctic winter. Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung 674
Pakhomov EA, Hunt BPV (2014) Macrozooplankton and micronekton dynamics during the Antarctic winter. Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung 674
Havermans C, Pakhomov E, Hunt BPV (2013) DNA barcoding and phylogeography of meso- and bathypelagic amphipods. Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung 661: sp. 1-2.
Hoppe C, Hassler C, Norman L, Trimborn S, Laglera L, Hunt BPV, Pakhomov E (2013) Impact of grazers on iron bioavailability. Reports on Polar and Marine research. erichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung 661: 47-48.
Pakhomov E, Hunt BPV (2013)Salpa thompsoni biology: density, population structure and grazing. Reports on Polar and Marine research. Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung 661: 60-65
Hunt BPV, Pakhomov E, Heike Simon (2013) Zooplankton and Particulate Organic Matter (POM): community, size structure and Stable isotope composition. Reports on Polar and Marine research. Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung 661: 66-69.
Atkinson A, Ward P, Hunt BPV, Pakhomov EA, Hosie GW (2008) Zooplankton in Southern Ocean food web models: a critique of available data. Working Group Paper, Document CCAMLR-IWC-WS-08/12, CCAMLR, Hobart, Tasmania, 59 pp.
Hunt BPV and Gurney LJ (2007) Biology of pelagic Tunicates in the Lazarev Sea. Reports on Polar and Marine research. Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung 568: 58-63
Hunt BPV (2006) The Southern Ocean Continuous Plankton Recorder Survey. CARN newsletter 22: 1-4