Meet Dr. Brenda D'Acunha - Ecohydrologist and Biogeochemist

Oct 14 2022
Dr. Brenda D'Acunha

Brenda was born and raised in Lima, Peru, and has a Chemistry degree from the Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru. She also has a MSc and PhD in Geological Sciences from the University of British Columbia. Her PhD research focused on comparing water and carbon fluxes from different biomes (Amazon, Cerrado and Pantanal) and land uses (natural, agriculture, pasture) in Mato Grosso, which is a Brazilian state that has experienced extensive deforestation and land use and land cover change to produce different commodities such as soybean and cattle. Brenda is also a mentor and co-director of the research experience for Peruvian undergraduates (REPU) program, which is a non-profit organization that sets-up 3-month research internships for Peruvian undergraduate students in different institutions around the world. In her spare time, Brenda also enjoys reading mystery novels, hiking and watching movies.