
We thank our alumni, friends, industry and research partners for their generous financial support. EOAS relies on strategic endowments to meet current challenges and position itself for opportunities ahead.

Specific Purpose Endowments and Funds

Pacific Museum of Earth Fund

Your contribution to the Pacific Museum of Earth provides a means for the museum to grow and evolve for years to come. From educational outreach programs to new exhibit research, design, and construction, your support helps fund a variety of museum projects all aimed at providing the best possible learning experience and fuelling a lifelong appreciation and interest in science for all of our visitors.

Donate to the PME Fund

Intellectual Prospecting Fund

Donations to this fund are used to support students in their pursuit of a career in Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Science. This fund helps subsidize student travel to present papers at conferences, non-course field trips and for other activities to enrich the life of the Department.

Donate to the Intellectual Prospecting Fund

Mineral Deposit Resource Unit Endowment

The objective of MDRU is to assist members by increasing the understanding of mineral deposits and methods that are used for their discovery. Income from this endowment supports the research activities of the Units.

Donate to the MDRU Fund

Geological Field School Student Opportunity Fund

UBC Geology students will be at the forefront of the most critical issues we face, such as climate change, the effects of urbanization, mineral resources, natural hazards, and the ongoing geoscience education of society. The Geological Field School Student Opportunities Fund is raising funds to ensure talented, dedicated students are receiving the best education possible. Funds support ongoing costs to attend Geological Field School, including travel, meals and course materials. Your help will ensure our students maintain their essential role in shaping how we live and steward the planet.

Donate to the GFS Fund

Endowed Chairs

Norman Keevil Chair in Mineral Exploration – Maya Kopylova

The chair was funded by a donation from Teck Corporation and by a matching grant from the Province of British Columbia. The objective is to stimulate research in mineral exploration and transfer the resulting technology to industry.

Cominco Chair in Minerals and the Environment – Ulrich Mayer

This chair was founded by gifts from Cominco Limited matched by the Province of British Columbia. The objective is to conduct necessary research in the study of land use practices and the extraction of non-renewable resources, including metals, crude oil, natural gas, coal, fertilizers and building aggregate.

Chair in the Ocean Environment and its Living Resources – Evgeny Pakhomov

This chair was made possible by contributions from various generous donors and the Province of British Columbia. The objective of this chair is to address an issue of major environmental concern in the health of the ocean and its relevance to marine ecosystems, and in particular to fisheries

Learn more about giving

Please contact the Science Development Office to learn more about donating.