Archean Seawater Chemistry Constrained through the Lens of Carbonate Diagenesis

Feb 9 2023 4:00PM
ESB 5104-06


Speaker: Anne-Sofie Ahm

We will have a "social half-hour" at 3:30 pm, refreshment will be provided. (cookies, desserts, fruit platter, coffee etc.)

All are welcome. This talk should be of broad appeal. 

Zoom Info:
Meeting ID: 883 9862 0914
Passcode: 400896

As an Earth Historian, I am interested in how we can use the chemistry of rocks to gain insight into the surface conditions of Earth in the past. The chemistry of marine carbonate sediments has been used to reconstruct the evolution of global biogeochemical cycles for a wide range of elements throughout the entirety of Earth history. However, one of the main limitations in using this geochemical archive is the susceptibility of carbonate sediments to diagenesis, as unlithified sediments are transformed into the rocks we can study in the geological record. Using multiple isotope systems and numerical models of diagenesis, my research seeks to extract the primary chemical information from ancient carbonate sediments by better understanding the diagenetic processes. I am particularly interested in the co-evolution of climate and life during fundamental transitional periods in Earth history such as the Great Oxidation Event, Neoproterozoic Snowball Earth events, the Cambrian explosion of animal life, and the end-Ordovician mass extinction.
