Supporting equity-deserving groups - Managing workload and burnout as a member of an equity-deserving group working in JEDII

Aug 11 2022 2:00 - 3:30PM

The minority tax is real. Many people from equity-deserving groups engaging in JEDII may need to manage hostile environments, apathetic leaders, unrealistic work-loads and expectations. This can lead to cynicism, impatience and a sense of hopelessness in this work. Within this context, it is critical for equity-deserving groups to learn strategies that will help them remain motivated, share the burden and retain their passion for inclusion. In this session, we will create a space for people from equity-deserving groups to share tips and resources with each other on how to manage work-load and burnout when engaging in JEDII work.

In previous sessions we have discussed strategies to implement systems-level changes through job descriptions or performance review approaches; however, this session will focus more on simple tips and tricks that may help people thrive in their JEDII work within the current system. We hope to invite a group of panelists or guests who are engaged in this work and have some strategies that can help folks who are entering this work more recently.

Key questions addressed in this session:

  • What is burnout within the context of JEDII work and what are the symptoms of burnout?
  • What are practices big and small that people have implemented to support well-being and workload when engaging in JEDII work?

To register for any of the JEDII STEM 2022 Summer Series sessions please follow the link here.
More details about the Series can be found here: