Earth’s extremes in the past, present, and future: The June/July 2021 heatwave in BC

Oct 28 2021 4:00PM
ESB 5104-06


Speaker: Greg West (BC Hydro), Kate Weinberger (UBC Public Health), Chris Rodell (EOAS), Christina Draeger (EOAS), Rachel White (EOAS)
Hosted by: Rachel White

An interdisciplinary panel of scientists presents an overview of the record-breaking heatwave of June/July 2021 and the impacts on BC. We cover: the synoptic conditions and weather forecasting of the event (Greg West, BC Hydro); the role of large-scale dynamics and climate change (Rachel White, EOAS); and the impacts of the event on forest fires (Chris Rodell, EOAS), glaciers (Christina Draeger, EOAS) and human health (Kate Weinberger, UBC School of Population and Public Health). 



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