Mining to save the planet

Nov 12 2020 11:00AM
ESB 5104-06


Speaker: Shaun Barker
Hosted by: Philippe Tortell

Mining to save the planet


Shaun Barker, Mineral Deposit Research Unit (MDRU), University of British Columbia

The global effort to transition from fossil fuels to “green” energy technologies (wind, solar, geothermal) to help mitigate the potential impacts of climate change is well underway. However, there are significant challenges associated with this transition, particularly related to the supply of the mineral resources required to manufacture these new energy sources. Do we have enough lithium for electric cars? Can’t we just stop mining by encouraging more recycling? In this talk I will overview our current usage and requirement for mineral resources, address misconceptions about our ability to supply the resources required, and discuss how society view the mining sector and the challenges that this presents to industry, to society and to Earth Sciences.