Advances in Computational Hydrology

Nov 15 2019 12:30PM
ESB 5108, Earth Sciences Building 2207 Main Mall


Speaker: Dr. Martyn Clark
University of Saskatchewan
Hosted by: Ali Ameli

As part of the Global Water Futures project, the computational hydrology group at the University of Saskatchewan's Coldwater Lab builds tools to simulate and predict hydrological processes. We span spatial scales from hillslopes to continents and time scales from seconds to centuries. Some of our example contributions include ensemble forcing data for large-domain hydrological models, multi-scale hydrologic models, continental-domain network routing models, ensemble methods for data assimilation, and process-based methods for model benchmarking and model evaluation. Much of our model development work is targeted toward applications in streamflow forecasting, water security assessments, and improving the representation of hydrological processes in Earth System models